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Acheivements Brief (Artists)

Any decent video game makes a thing out of levelling up…those little drum rolls and text flashing up on screen when you gain a new skill point in crafting or dual wield, get a new perk or a new skin. It motivates us and keeps us playing the game. Yes we have XP in MetaGame but we don’t always make a big or even a smol thing of it when someone levels up or does something great, apart from giving some propssometimes. XP also gives no indication of where we earned it, the milestones on our journey through The Game. Achievements aims to change that and helps us to better recognise external contributions from guest speakers, writers, artists and the like.

This is a first draft and may change over the coming days but hopefully it will help provide more info for artists new to MetaGame.

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Initially (as soon as possible) we want to design, mint & send out a small set of achievement NFTs for last season (S4), on Polygon. The designs we are wanting to start with are:
a. Player - Season 4 Player for all players of season 4
b. Patron - Season 4 Patrons
c. Champions - All guild and raid champs of S4 get an NFT. Originally, to save time this round, we thought to use the guild crests that @Gnomeski designed but there are no source files and as we have some talented and more importantly interested artists, it would be amazing to get Guild and Raid Champion badges done.
d. Ranked players/patrons: All Ranked players/patrons to get a polygon minted version of the badges Manu / parsley_3d made, that we minted on xDai (via Chievmint) for Season 1. See this post in #artists-guild for these NFTs.
e. There are more to be done but I don't want to over-stretch the folks we have or their availability.

Currently there are no themes decided for any of the achievements but it is safe to assume that for artists wanting to contribute & collaborate on achievements, it would be great if you were already familiar with the MetaGame aesthetic, our mascot Nova and her story and maybe seen some of our initial concept art. There's also the MetaManifesto and this page on the wiki.

Achievements and badges will, sometime in the next few months, be incorporated into the UI of MyMeta & MetaOS (our core products) as part of the new achievements system. Please see this page in Notion for more context. If you can't view it, let luxumbra know in Discord.

We also need POAPs designed for the upcoming MetaFest.

For artists who are active players and engaged octos, work on this raid would be claimable in #did-a-thing and if you blow our octo-brainzz with your creativity, you'll be sure to get some props in #give-props. For creative talent outside of MetaGame, we are in the process of sorting a better rewards system but there has been talk of bounties (to be confirmed).