# Sending out notification to junto crowdfunders * interested: * Tomis * Eric * Nico * Dora ## Discussion: ### Timing Make a formal announcement of Coasys and SAFT sale by end of next sprint (July 15) ### What's needed? * Change Github name and twitter from Perspect3vism to Coasys * Npm(?) * Finish copyediting of Coasys website * Finish Coasys webshop * Complete Whitepaper v1 * Review and finish edits for Litepaper * Populate crowdfunder emails + amounts into Coasys db (?) * Change ADAM Twitter handle * Ecosystems session for Coasys (?) * Getting clear on outreach strategy # Coasys website finalization * interested: * Eric * Bård * Leif 1. Final Whitepaper 2. Deactivate webshop for public access (move to either staging deploy or some hidden/gated access until launch) ## How? Populate SAFT webshop with emails from crowdfunding (Kickstarter/Indigogo CSV file). ## What exactly? 1. Just announce Coasys sale 2. Send people to webshop # Finalizing WP * interested: * Eric * Nico # Supabase GDPR * interested: * Nico * Bård * Leif # Advisors * interested: * Tomis * Eric * Nico # retreat planning * interested: * Tomis * Eric * Nico # Coasys twitter / telegram * interested: * Tomis * Eric * Nico * Dora Perspect3vism Twitter becomes Coasys account @_a_d_4_m => ? @ad4m_layer (ADAM Layer) # SoA tree * interested: * Nico * Tomis # More scrum? * interested: * Tomis (Changeup tho) * Nico *