# Meeting - 26 February 2024 [toc] ## Meeting Info This is the UK Carpentry Community space for the UK Carpentry instructors, helpers and workshop coordinators (or anyone involved in training tech to researchers in general and outside of the UK) to get to know each other better, update the commmunity about developments, discuss issues and ideas, and encourage collaboration. During these meetings, we will be conforming to [The Carpentries Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html). **Meeting schedule: meetings happen on 4th Monday each month, 16:00-17:00 UK time, BST (UTC+1) or GMT (UTC+0) depending on the time of the year** **Meeting details are shared via [local-uk mailing list](https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/local-uk) and [The Carpentries community calendar](https://carpentries.org/community/#community-events).** - [Community's HackMD workspace](https://hackmd.io/team/local-uk?nav=overview) - [Previous & upcoming meetings](https://hackmd.io/V3ReKkEESzqyCNxWJdulOw#Meeting-Notes) - [Meeting notes template](https://hackmd.io/hgl1tYhOTTqDsIDwjArE5w) - [Chairing rota](https://hackmd.io/@local-uk/rkPK1Si7F) - [Guest speaker sign-up](https://hackmd.io/@local-uk/rkkzBTLOd) **Zoom URL:** https://zoom.us/j/95360073649 ## Meeting Minutes - **Chair:** - _Make sure to email <instructor.training@carpentries.org> after the meeting with trainee instructors who joined for the community discussion as part of the checkout_ - **Timekeeper:** - **Notetaker:** ### Agenda 0. Assign notetaker & timekeeper 1. Sign in & ice-breaker 1. Review of actions 2. Announcements 3. [SSI Fellowship](https://www.software.ac.uk/programmes/fellowship-programme) - call to open in September 2024 (SSI4 funding pending) 4. [CW24](https://www.software.ac.uk/workshop/collaborations-workshop-2024-cw24) & call for workshops 4. Guest speaker + Q&A 4. Colin Sauze and Phil Reed will share their experiences on developing "Deep Learning with Python" and "AI for GLAM" lessons, respectively. 5. Instructor Training checkout questions 6. Wrap-up/AOB ### Sign-in Name/pronoun if you like/ institution / optionally put "(checkout)" if you are here for the Instructor Training checkout: 1. Mario Antonioletti (he/him), SSI/EPCC, The University of Edinburgh 2. Jannetta Steyn, Newcastle University 3. Phil Reed (he/him), University of Manchester 4. Colin Sauze, National Oceanography Centre 5. Andrew Walker, University of oxford 6. Olexandr Konovalov, University of St Andrews 7. Aleks Nenadic, SSI, Manchester 8. Oscar Seip, SSI, Manchester 9. Chris Wood, University of Edinburgh ... ### Notes #### Icebreaker What is your sign in the [lunar zodiac](https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/chinese-zodiac-signs.html)? - Aleks :dragon_face: - Phil :dog: :potable_water: - Andrew :horse: - Colin :dog: - Mario :horse: - Jannetta :tiger: - Oscar :rat: - Chris :rat: #### Announcements & Updates - September 2024, [call for SSI Fellows](https://www.software.ac.uk/programmes/fellowship-programme), closing October. Look out for webinar and emails from May. Also planning mentorship programme (mentors for fellows, eventually graduate fellows to mentors, then mentors of mentors). - "If you were planning to apply for the Fellowship Programme 2024, please contact us at info@software.ac.uk. We would be happy to have a chat to discuss eligibility and what we are looking for in prospective Fellows." - Can email Oscar with questions oscar.seip@manchester.ac.uk - Olexandr did recently an [update about Ukrainian Carpentries translations at Turing Way translation meeting](https://hackmd.io/j5EMbS6YTQOXPsh1RdxhXw#Wednesday-Jan-31-2024) - moving to a new tool (Crowdin) #### CW24 & call for workshops - SSI Collaborations workshop - [Call for workshops](https://www.software.ac.uk/news/call-cw24-mini-workshops-and-demos-and-lightning-talks-open): if you have an idea for a hack day or collaborative workshop (deadline Friday 1 March). #### Guest speaker + Q&A Colin Sauze and Phil Reed will share their experiences on developing "[Deep Learning with Python](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/deep-learning-intro/instructor/index.html)" and "[AI for GLAM](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-librarians-archivists/)" lessons, respectively. ##### Phil's AI for GLAM lesson [Link for Phil's presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wnQF_EfvwJ7sTEAM05lQKCo_LEtdYWnvaJATa2GwP1U/edit?usp=sharing) - 6 hour sprint, people from UK, US, Australia, Germany, Bangladesh, not all of who are instructors or lesson developers (but some people were educators and know about the pedagogy for effective lesson development) - 3 month planning process ahead - will submit for the official LC curriculum (as an optional lesson) ##### Colin's ""Deep learning in Python" lesson - huge topic, hard to decide what to teach - what is ML, DL and how they fit together and a bit of mathematical background - 3 different scenarios - classification problem, monitoring with web data on cities, advanced layer types - not computationaly expesive, meant to run on individual machines, showing how to do things on Google Colab - so learners couldnt see scaling problems with bigger data - real world applications, does not cover LLM but mentions them - 3x 2-3 hour sessions to teach the content - many proposals for extensions - target audience - people with no or little knowledge of DL, basic knowledge of ML, Python and Pandas - different feedback based on domain - physicists had more knowledge of maths and prople had different needs #### Instructor Training checkout questions #### Wrap-up/AOB