**transfer noun 680 and 682 to verbs** tldr: transfer noun XXX to elad and noun XXX to david * the verbs team navigated the social and technical aspects of the fork with aplomb * verbs have been consistent builders since prop 4 * nouns is more valuable with david and elad participating with nouns * nouns treasury holds ~285 nouns in new treasury [https://etherscan.io/tokenholdings?a=0xb1a32FC9F9D8b2cf86C068Cae13108809547ef71#assets-nft] * 187 nouns are also held by escrow contract [https://etherscan.io/address/0x44d97D22B3d37d837cE4b22773aAd9d1566055D9] this proposal transfers noun XXX to elad and noun YYY to david [noun 680 and 682 used as placeholders] ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJ5OVl0k6.png) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S19_EgCka.png) [optional section on tax true-up -- lilpanda suggests ~25-50% of floor price at time of prop in USDC be transferred to recipients, otherwise, airdrop is a large tax bill // also could be a claim process] [recipients to decide whether transfered to multi-sig or directly to address]