# The Crypto Book - table of contents. Index for a book I'm writing. - Write out a book. - Explain how ZK-STARK”s work from the ground up (video/whiteboard). - [What is the anatomy of a STARK proof](https://hackmd.io/@liamzebedee/H1ejQCoHj) - Explain how Cairo, VM, computers etc. work. - [Megathread deepdive](https://twitter.com/liamzebedee/status/1515985033856974851): covers state machines, prover-verifiers, VM's, the cairo language, how STARK's work, arithmetization, the Cairo machine, computation compared with EVM (addition), public memory, memory holes, Cairo runner/bootloader - Explain how recursive STARK’s are so powerful. - [A dumb primer on recursive ZK proofs](https://hackmd.io/@liamzebedee/BydanTDSi) - [Loot Fog of War, private-information games, and ZK STARK’s.](https://hackmd.io/@liamzebedee/SyV8xDYSj) - What is the purpose of crypto? - crypto is inherently political - disagreements on value - NFT’s in the gaming world - [It is value that brings universes into being](https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.14318/hau3.2.012) - what is art? [the banana](https://news.artnet.com/art-world/maurizio-cattelan-banana-collector-1728009). argument about value - art is about context and skill - monalisa then and now. AI-generated art. - what is decentralization? - [hayek and decentralization](https://twitter.com/liamzebedee/status/1515893899084320769) - [vitalik](https://twitter.com/liamzebedee/status/1615213431413702658) - [sufficient decentralization](https://www.varunsrinivasan.com/2022/01/11/sufficient-decentralization-for-social-networks) - credible neutrality - vitalik - verifiable institutions - blockchains vs. databases - a runtime for coordination. - internet - marginal cost of distributing information - crypto - marginal cost of trusting people (contracts) - a worldwide property system, legal system - composability / transaction cost / theory of the firm - Explain reification / path dependence. - link to yield farming article - Explain the context of AI, memes and attention. - AI brings cost to 0, supply to infinite, price to cheap. Yet attention still scarce. - value chains for remixing. Sylve’s startup thesis. - Explain the context of blockspace and blockchains. - what is a blockchain? a sequencer, indexer, state machine, VM/runtime, microservices layer, cryptocurrency, and sybil control mechanism - distributed databases are very simple. [binary trees](https://twitter.com/liamzebedee/status/1613421802474336256) - [Measuring blockchain throughput](https://mirror.xyz/nakamofo.eth/RAS-WkFczcJdgsP_zaynFRPR27aapG79he1eFq2xNag) - What if the blockchain was just one node? Why is that different to 2 nodes? - blockchains derive their defensibility from the [prisoner’s dilemma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner's_dilemma) - Why is blockspace valuable? - Similarity to worldwide economic networks - What happens if you sent a bitcoin node through space? 51% and quantum relativity - The future of blockchains - From POW - to POS - Tendermint, Solana, etc. - to ZK STARK’s - to recursive ZK starks - to horizontal scaling - to collaboratively generated ZK starks - to interaction nets - Interesting mechanism design - the invention of yield farming - podcast with kain - Implicit vs. explicit incentives - token issuance via inflation (Aelin tokenomics) - Explain the context of cryprographic inventions: - Cryptography / being banned in the 90’s / subject to export - Bitcoin / reusable proof of work money / sybil control - Economic reuse - AMM’s / Uniswap / options trading - Stablecoins / central banking - Tornado Cash / again, bans by OFAC - IPFS / content-addressable routing / permissionless content servers - Dappnet - Unisocks / AMM’s for price discovery - Nouns / naturally emergent governance / reification loops - reification - simulacra - the theory of the lightbulb n' monkeys - Explain the patterns of value: - $1 - unit bias - aelin - bitcoin - ethereum - $aave vs $lend - defensibility - in the end, the market is just nature. - the value of something dies when the last person who thinks it is valuable died (ie. mona lisa) - markets require defence - synthetix sMKR market against whales manipulating it - oracles and frontrunners - governance tokens derive their value from risk - MKR-ETH-DAI triangle - AAVE - hobbes the social contract, monopoly on violence, and the NukeDAO concept - the network state - important readings: - [sufficient decentralisation](https://www.varunsrinivasan.com/2022/01/11/sufficient-decentralization-for-social-networks) - capture resistance - reification - ponzi schemes - yield farming - [how can it be a ponzi](https://twitter.com/liamzebedee/status/1612770991221997568), if there is no lie? the code is open-source. - Social signals - Google PageRank as the first online social signal - Eugene Wei’s “[status as a service](https://www.eugenewei.com/blog/2019/2/19/status-as-a-service)” - Poolsuite / celebrity / brand power - A study of Nouns - Sybil problem - ********************************************************everything has nonzero value******************************************************** - Bitcoin Cash, ETHPOW - blockchains are the runtime for markets - each database engineer is worth $1M - hyperstructures - every protocol’s price will go to 0 - even erc721, is a hyperstructure. - link to that tweet where someone realises how cool it is that your items display in opensea automatically. - everything will be tokenised - [speculation is a superpower](https://zine.zora.co/speculation-is-a-superpower) - the adoption curve - UX will always be valuable. Accessibility is the biggest problem. - Weird unexplained things: - the crypto “unlock” keeps coming up - hardness vs. softness of digital objects - Explain patterns in crypto: - mimetics - [rene girard](https://eriktorenberg.substack.com/p/the-world-according-to-rene-girard) - Dogecoin to Bitcoin - Sushiswap to Uniswap - Lil Nouns to Nouns - Shiba Inu to Dogecoin - [Tokens in the attention economy](https://cobie.substack.com/p/tokens-in-the-attention-economy) - Fidelity - Loot, low fidelity, higher fidelity. open worlds hypothesis - Loot, Loot Realms - Dumb is better / Accessibility - [Path dependence](https://glissblog.vercel.app/posts/how-i-found-my-new-house-thru-6-degrees).