# Module 2 - Cloud Economics and Billing # Section 1: Fundamentals of pricing ## AWS pricing model Three fundamental drivers of cost with AWS: 1. Compute * Charged per hour/second * Varies by instance type 2. Storage * Charged typically per GB 3. Data transfer * Outbound is aggregated and charged * Inbound has no charge (with some exceptions) * Charged typically per GB ## How do you pay for AWS ? ![](https://i.imgur.com/Yl2gmmt.png) ## Pay for what you use Pay only for the servuces that you consume, with no large upfront expenses ![](https://i.imgur.com/6Gup3ik.png) ## Pay less by using more Realize volume-based discounts: * **Savings** as usage increases * **Tiered pricing** for services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Book Store (Amazon EBS) or Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) $\rightarrow$ the more you use, the less you pay per GB * Multiple storage service deliver **lower** storage costs based on needs ## Pay even less as AWS Grows * AWS focuses on lowering cost of doing business * This pratice results in AWS passing savings from economies of scale to you * Since 2006, AWS has **lowered pricing 75** times (as of Septembre 2019) * Future higher-performing resources replace current resources for no extra charge ## Custom pricing * Meet varying needs through custom pricing * Available for high-colume projects with unique requirements ## AWS Free Tier Enables you to gain free hands-on experience with the AWS platform, products and services. Free for 1 year for new customers ## Services with no charge ![](https://i.imgur.com/HPotqUX.png) # Module 2: Total cost of Ownership ## On-premises versus cloud ![](https://i.imgur.com/AcvyCRO.png) ## What is Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) ? :::warning **Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)** is the financial estimate to help identify direct and indirect costs of a system. ::: Why use TCO ? * To compare the costs of running an **entire infrastructure environmnet of specific workload** on-premises versus on AWS * To budget and **build the business case** for moving to the cloud ## TCO Consideration ![](https://i.imgur.com/RCOz6ty.png) ## On-premises versus all-in-cloud You cloud cave up to **96 percent** a year by moving your infratstructure to AWS. Your 3-year total savings would be **\$159,913** ![](https://i.imgur.com/yaBYhZA.png) ## AWS Pricing Calculator Use the **AWS Pricing Calculator** to: * Estimate monthly costs * Identify opportunities to reducse monthly costs * Model your solutions before building them * Explore price points and calculations behind your estimate * Find the available instance types and contract terms that meet your needs * Name your estimate and create name **groups** of services ## Reading an estimate Your estimate is broken into: * first 12 months total * total upfront * total monthly ![](https://i.imgur.com/G5Gp3Ff.png) ## Additional benefit considerations :::info * Cloud Total Cost of Ownership: what will be spent to run the solution * Return on Investement analysis (ROI): determine the value generated while considering savings $\rightarrow$ *soft* and *hard* benefits ::: |**Hard benefits**|**Soft benefits**| |---|---| |Reduced spending on compute, storage, networking, security|Reuses of service and applications that enabl you to define (and redefine solutions) by using the same cloud service| |Reductions in hardware and softare purchases (capex)|Increased developer productivity| |Reductions in operational costs, backup, and disaster recovery|Improved customer satisfaction| |Reduction in operations personnel|Agile business processes that can quickly respond to new and emerging opportunities| ||Increase in global reach| ## Case study: Delaware North Background: * Growing global company with over 200 locations * 500 million customers: \$3 billion USD annual revenue Challenge: * Meet demand to rapidly deploy new solutions * Constantly upgrade aging equipment Criteria: * Have a broad solution to handle all workloads * Be able to modify processes to improve efficiency and lower costs * Eliminate busy work (such as patching software) * Achieve a positive return on investment (ROI) Solution: * Move their on-premises data center to AWS * Eliminated 205 servers (90%) * Moved nearly all aplications to AWS * Used 3-year Amazon ECE2 Reserved Instances ### Cost comparison ![](https://i.imgur.com/tR3rM4n.png) ### Results ![](https://i.imgur.com/IPYXSkX.png) # Section 3: Billing :::info AWS Organizations: account management service to consolidate multiple AWS accounts ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/H6MaF8a.png) * a branch can have only one parent ## Key features and benefits * Policy-base account management * Group based account management * APIs that automate account management * Consolidate billing ## Security with AWS Organizations * Control access with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) * IAM policies enable you to allow or deny access to AWS services for users, groups and roles * Service control policies (SCPs) enable you to allow or deny access to AWS services for individuals or group accounts in an organizational unit (OU) ## Organization setup ![](https://i.imgur.com/XSeXVJv.png) ## Accessing AWS Organizations * AWS Management Console * AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) tools * Software development kits (SDKs) * HTTPS Query application programming interfaces (API) # Section 4: AWS Billing and Cost Management ## AWS Billing Dashboard ![](https://i.imgur.com/mMrhukq.png) Spend summary: how much you spent last month Month-to-Date spend by service: services most used ## Tools * AWS Budgets * AWS Cost and Usage Report * AWS Cost Explorer ## Monthly bills ![](https://i.imgur.com/Yu51M1G.png) ## Cost Explorer ![](https://i.imgur.com/CZoRUhX.png) ## Forecast and track costs ![](https://i.imgur.com/b0rJ0HK.png) ## Cost and usage reporting ![](https://i.imgur.com/BSlEKa6.png) # Section 5: Technical Support Models ## AWS Support * Provide unique combination of tools and expertise: * AWS Support * AWS Support Plans * Support is provided for: * Experimenting with AWS * Production use of AWS * Business-critical use of AWS * Proactive guidance * Technical Account Manager (TAM) * Best practices: * AWS Trusted Advisor * Account assistance * AWS Support Concierge ## Support plans AWS Support offers four support plans: * **Basic Support**: Resource Center access, Service Health Dashboard, product FAQs, discussion forums, and support for health checks * **Developper Support**: Support for early development on AWS * **Business Support**: Customers that run production workloads * **Entreprise Support**: Customers that run business and mission-critical workloads ## Case Severity and response times ![](https://i.imgur.com/qFsk0Er.png) # Wrap-up # Sample exam question Which AWS service provides infrastructure security optimization recommendations ? 1. AWS Price List Application Programmin Interface (API) 2. Reserved Instances 3. AWS Trusted Advisor 4. Amazon Elastic Comput Cloud (Amazon EC2) Spot Fleet :::spoiler Answer Keyword: recommendations Answer: 3. :::