# Sujets 6.2 : Smiths group # Introduction Presentation psr Clement Fang - Ancien Image 2020 Serge Maitrejean - Responsable de l'innovation - Doctorat en physique Eric Garrido - Doctorat en physique nucleaire Groupe Smiths - Cote en bourse a Londres - 4 divisions - Smith detection: scanner et detection - Detection de choses illicites ou non-declarees ![](https://i.imgur.com/slPVgpB.png) En france: - Base a Vitry-sur-Seine - A peu pres 200 personnes - IA / traitement d'image... # High energy discrimination - Same principle as an X-ray - It looks like and X-ray - but with an X-ray we only have grayscale information ![](https://i.imgur.com/7S9ouXj.png) Plus un objet et dense et epais, plus il sera noir ![](https://i.imgur.com/spwENVI.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/Zu9TwHr.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/yrVneRA.png) # Work to do Improving the performance of the material discrimination project by: - Better management of the overlay problem - Creatin better quality of scans ## Overlay - 2 ojects that overlay make the material detection wrong - Find a method to segment the objects, then assign their atomic number ## Improve scan quality Create a neural network to convert acquisition from low device to high ![](https://i.imgur.com/zmJkaoq.png) ## An AI that assigns the atomic number of objects Create a color scale image with only the grayscale image ![](https://i.imgur.com/5DL4PU5.png) ## Provided - Reference method - Database - Script to help for you for your tasks