# IMCO: Measuring Color # Recap - CIE Illuminant D65 - Reflectance - etc. # Video time [Konica Minolta Sensing](https://youtu.be/C7etwDKApm8) # How can we measure colors ? - Spectrophotometer - Response through the entire visible spectrum - Relatively small areas (few $cm^2$) - Resolution is 1 point - "Falt surfaces" - RGB Camera - Response in 3 wavelengths (Red, Green Blue) - Large areas - High Spatial Resolution ($\lt50$MPixels) - Any kind of surfaces - Hyperspectral camera - Response throughout the entier visible spectrum (and more) - Large areas - Low Spatial Resolution ($\le2$MPixels) - Any kind of surfaces # When NOT to Measure color - Using instrument to measure color and compute differences objectively is not always needed - For example: A company has a corporate color (possible $^{TM}$) - Tour de France: Pantone 123C - Veuve Cliequot: Pantone 137C - Louboutin: Pantone 18.1663TP - Products carrying the color are sold; however they are manufactured by different providers ## Judging by visual assessment - Need consistent lightning - Need consistent viewing - Need to Check for Metamers :::success Use a light booth ! ::: - Sufficient when there are few standard samples to be matched - Sufficient when tolerance is judged visually by color experts - Requires all manufacturers to have a physical copy of the standard, and to have the same hardware - Because there are no measurements, we don't know to adjust color workflow in case we need to match a color # Measuring with Spectrophotometers ## Remember Light interaction :::info Spectrometer can measure reflectance and transmittance (specular and/or diffuse) ![](https://i.imgur.com/zBrLx4W.png) ::: ## Time for another video [What is a Spectrophotometer? ](https://youtu.be/kXsCJwBIX14) ## Light Reflection vs Material - Matte - Light is reflected in all directions equally - Semiglossy - Light is reflected in all direction but a small part is reflected orthogonal to the incident angle - Glossy - Light is reflected in all directions but a big part is reflected orthogonal to the incident angle ## Spectrophotometers: In a Nutshell - Spectral reflectance - The ratio of reflected light ($r$) to the incident light ($i$) under specific geometric conditions $$ R_{\lambda}=\frac{\phi_{\lambda}^r}{\phi_{\lambda}^i} $$ - Spectral transmittance - - The ratio of transmitted light ($t$) to the incident light ($i$) under specific geometric conditions $$ T_{\lambda} = \frac{\phi_{\lambda}^t}{\phi_{\lambda}^i} $$ - All measuring instrument need to be calibrated - using White Tile made from *Spectralon* ## Spectrophotometers: reflectances ? ![](https://i.imgur.com/NfAwvsX.png) ## Interlude: fluoresence :::warning Fluroescence can create colors we don't see ::: - Use an instrument called a Bispectrometer to measure it ![](https://i.imgur.com/05oZqBT.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/qoGVgLN.png) > Donaldson matrix obtained from a green sample emitting a more satured green light ![](https://i.imgur.com/iFaryug.png) ## Colorimeter vs Spectrophotometers - Colorimeters are used generally to calibrate screens - They mimic the way our eyes perceive color They measure reflectance in 3 wavelengths (R, G, B) They do not provide a spectral response # Spectrophotometers ## Types ![](https://i.imgur.com/H11vJu9.png) - Bidirectionnal - Non-structured and flat surfaces (paper, plastics) - Sphere ![](https://i.imgur.com/m4vKZ8B.png) - Structured and glossy surfaces (textiles, metallic) ## SPIN vs SPEX - SPIN Specular Included (gloss is accounted for) - Color is measured independent of the sample's gloss or surface texture - SPEX Specular Excluded ![](https://i.imgur.com/2VmtYrC.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/OpOF587.png) ### Specifications > Example: Automotive interior plaque (items produced using different materials) > - SPIN: looks at the material independant of surface texture > - SPEX: values which depend on gloss and surface conditions # Different spectro models ## Specifications :::warning Choose depending on what you need ::: ||X-RIte i1Pro 2|X-RITE Ci62|Barbieri LFP qb |-|-|-|-| |Measurment geometry|$45^o$ a:$0$ (ring illumination)|$di:8^o$|$45^o$c:$0$ (circumferential)| |Light source|Gas filled tungsten lamp and UV LED|Gas-filled tungsten lamp|3 point circle, 7-LED chip| ## Geometry Reflectance of a semi-glossy object - $di:8^o$ :::info A high gloss sample with the same pigmentation is visually judged darker by the eye when compared to a matte sample ::: - $\color{orange}{45^o:0}$: measure that color difference - $\color{green}{di:8^o}$ measure the same color in both cases - $\color{orange}{45^o:0^o}$ simulates normal behavior - e.g. when we read a magazine ![](https://i.imgur.com/6bvG3Cj.png) ### Aperture ||X-RIte i1Pro 2|X-RITE Ci62|Barbieri LFP qb |-|-|-|-| |Measurment aperture|$4.5mm$|$4$ or $8mm$|$2$,$6$ and $8mm$| ![](https://i.imgur.com/CHWwPDt.png) Small aperture - Measures quickly - may miss relevant info Large aperture - more accurate - measurement takes longer - needs larger sample ## Conditions ||X-RIte i1Pro 2|X-RITE Ci62|Barbieri LFP qb |-|-|-|-| |Measurment conditions|M0, M1, M2|N/A|M0, M1, M2, M3| - M0 - legacy measurement (tungsten lamp, no standardization of UV content in illuminat, UV strength changes through time) - M1 - Spectral distribution of illuminant - M2 - UV is excluded - M3 - Polarized light :::warning Measurement conditions impact the color ::: ## Spectral range ||X-RIte i1Pro 2|X-RITE Ci62|Barbieri LFP qb |-|-|-|-| |Spectral range|$380-730nm$|$700-400nm$|$380-750nm$| ## Repeatability ||X-RIte i1Pro 2|X-RITE Ci62|Barbieri LFP qb |-|-|-|-| |Short term repeatability|$0.1$ $\Delta E_{94}$|$0.05$ $\Delta E_{ab}$|$0.05$ $\Delta E_{00}$| 2 different *i1Pro 2* spectro - 10 measurements of the same object were taken for each instrument - $\Delta E$ between first and other 9 measurements were computed for each instrument ||X-RIte i1Pro 2|X-RITE Ci62|Barbieri LFP qb |-|-|-|-| |Inter-instrument agreement|Average $0.4$ $\Delta E_{94}$ Max $1.0$ $\Delta E_{94}$|Average $0.4$ $\Delta E_{ab}$ Max $1.0$ $\Delta E_{ab}$|Average $0.4$ $\Delta E_{00}$ Max $1.0$ $\Delta E_{00}$| # Transmittance Measurement - When we need transmittance ? - Light Filters - Printed Ads - Food Inspection ![](https://i.imgur.com/dimTGld.png) ## Inter-instrument agreement - Compared measurements of 16 samples used for printing ![](https://i.imgur.com/uNniTKT.png) # Recap - Many different (standardized) methods to measure Reflectance (and Transmittance) - Unfortunately, measured Reflectance/Transmittance is not unique as it depends on the instrument you sued to measure it - Type of instrument to used depends on what you want to measure, and how frequent you want to measure - Only measurements tales under the same conditions can be truly compared. Therefore, **it is necessary to note the following information in a color measurement report**: - Color instrument (geometry, aperture, measurement condition) - Illuminant/observer standards, if you give $L\times a\times b$ values # Future trends: beyond color ## Visual appearance of materials - Reflection - Transmission - Absorbance ![](https://i.imgur.com/aa9jyC1.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/auHszs1.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/JEE12Bp.jpg) ## BRDF Measurement :::info Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) gives a more complete characterization of light interaction with the surface ![](https://i.imgur.com/MDjrtDW.png) ::: :::danger We measure how light reflects in all directions ![](https://i.imgur.com/Kvkc9tO.png) ::: - BRDF allows characterizing the surface appearance at a microscopic level (used in Computer Graphics to render objects) - Measurable with Goniophotometers ![](https://i.imgur.com/M2n3Cb2.png) :::warning How to measure BRDF faster and cheaper ? ::: # Sources - [Les boules](http://rgl.epfl.ch/materials) - [Litteralement tout le cours](https://www.xrite.com/-/media/xrite/files/whitepaper_pdfs/l10-001_a_guide_to_understanding_color_communication/l10-001_understand_color_en.pdf) - [Spectrophotometer](https://www.barbierielectronic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WP07_Why-larger-measuring-aperture-counts_e_v1-1.pdf) - [Spectral measurment X-RITE](https://www.xrite.com/blog/effective-ways-measure-reflective-surfaces) # Metamerism ## What's that ? :::info metamerism is a perceived matching of colors with different (nonmatching) spectral power distributions. ::: ## Most important types - *Illuminant Metamerism* - Different spectral characteristic and - same color when viewed under one light - different color when view under another light - *Observer Metamersim* - Different spectral characterisic and - same color when viewed by one observer - different color when view by another observer ## Examples: ### Car industry ![](https://i.imgur.com/gLszXkp.png) [Source](https://coats.com/en/information-hub/Differentiating-Metamerism-and-Illuminants) ### Other ![](https://i.imgur.com/a7gmKDW.png) [Source](https://www.verivide.com/it-looked-nothing-like-that-in-the-shop-metamerism-an-explanation/) ## Metamerism vs Color Inconstancy - Color inconstancy: A single object changing color with changes in the color of the illumination - Metameric pair: Two objects having color inconstancy ## Recap - Metamerism is an effect we need to consider if a pair of objects will be viewed under more than one type of illuminant - In the printing industry, neutral (grayscale) colors are more susceptible to illuminant metamerism as a mix of inks is used - In the case of displays, illuminant metamerism is not a problem as they create their own light