# MLRF: Lecture 05
# Agenda
1. Introduction
2. Image classification overview
3. Some classifiers - part 1
4. Classifier evaluation
# Summary of last lecture
Content-based image retrieval
- 2 strategies: keep all local descriptors for all images vs **1 descriptor per image**
- Bag of Visual Words pipeline
- Focus on encoding
Evaluation of image retrieval systems
- Precision
- Recall
- F-Measure
- mAP
Texture descriptors (on les a pas du tout vu)
- What is a texture ?
- Fast and classic approaches
- Descripteurs a l'ancienne
# Practice session 4: Take home messages
- Usually requires some **preprocessing** of the descriptors: centering, rotation/axes permutation, dimensionality reduction...
- Is based on a **quantization step** (assign descriptors to clusters)
- Is **just a histogram**, like the color histogram of sessino 2
- We can compute **more advanced statistics** to get better results (VLAD, FVs)
**Best practices:**
- Test arrays shapes and types as soon as possible
- Make a small change, test, fix, tes, validate, repeat
- Get a complete, basic pipeline ASAP and improve it until time is over
# Next practice session
Implement a simple **image classifier**:
**Will be graded**
## Steps
1. Load resources
2. Train a BoVW model
3. Split the dataset into training and validation sets
4. Compute the BoVW descriptor for each image
- We will make a small change here (sqrt + L2-norm)
6. Prepare training structures
7. Train a classifier and evaluate its performance
- Training and evaluating is easy with scikit learn
9. Display some results
10. Test on meme image
11. Compute the results on the test set and export them
# Image classification overview
## Instance recognition vs Class recognition
### Instance recognition
Re-recognize a known 2D or 3D rigid object, potentially being viewed from a novel viewpoint, against a cluttered background, and with partial occlusions
*Ex: practice session 3*
### Class recognition
Recognize any instance of a particular general class such as "cat", "car" or "bicycle"
Aka *category-level* or *generic* object recognition
More challenging
*This lecture and next practice session*
## Pipeline overview
## Our image classification pipeline
This is a **supervised** machine learning task
- We need a dataset with samples
- Images will be represented as BoVW vectors of fixed size ![](https://i.imgur.com/iGnNMb9.png)
- Targets will be encoded as integers ![](https://i.imgur.com/OV5hiUn.png)
- 0: Muffin
- 1: Chihuahua
This is a very usual data representation for a classification problem
Classifier inputs = "samples" with "features"
Classifier outputs = "labels"
Now we just need to select an appropriate method, prepare our data, run some training, test the results, adjust some parameters, compare approaches, display results, ...
# Data preparation
## NumPy formatting
## Training/validation/test separation
- **You cannot estimate the generalization performance of your predictor/estimator/classifier on its training set**
- You need to keep some samples aside for later evaluation
## Other "funny" things to do IRL
- Collect data
- Clean data
- Check data
- Clean again
- Annotate
- Check
- Compute/convert/scale features
## Feature selection
Consists in dropping some data columns
Can help later stages:
- Less data to process
- Better properties (like decorrelated features, etc.)
Which columns ?
- Hard problem in general
- Because features may be informative **as a group**
- Some simpler and helpful techniques:
- Remove features with low variances
- Dimensionality reduction techniques are not exactly feature selection, but can still have a similar effect
# Some classifiers - part 1
## Disclaimer
What follows is a very limited selection
Only classifiers suitable for image classification as we present it today
**input = feature vector**
**output = label**
Many other approaches
## What is our goal ?
Given samples (described by features) and true lables, find a good function which will correctly predict labels given new data samples
## Parametric vs Non Parametric Classifiers
### Parametric examples
Logisitic regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, naive Bayes, Perceptrion, Simple Neural Networks..
> A learning model that summarizes data with a set of parameters of fixed size (independant of the number of training examples) is called a parametric model. No matter how much data you throw in nature
### Non-parametric examples
k-Neares Neighbors, Decision Trees, SVMs
> *"Non-parametric models differ from parametric models int that hte model structure is not specified a priori but is instead determined from data. The term non-parametric is not meant to imply that such models completely lack parameters but that the number and nature of the parameters are flexible and not fixed in advance"*
> Wikipedia
> *"Nonparametric methods are good when you have a lot of data and no prior knowledge"*
## Dummy classifiers
Say you have a dataset with 9 muffins and 1 chihuahua.
You have a new sample to classify.
**Which class should you bet on ?**
If your class prior probabilities $P(C_1), P(C_2),\dots$ are not equal, then you should bet on the **most frequent class!** ($g(x)=argmax_yp(y)$)
Without such information, you can just pick at random
*Waht is the expected accuracy (true predictions / total predictions) if you have N classes an pick one at random ?*
Scikit-learn offers a DummyClassifier class which helps testing such a strategy
### What's the point ?
1. Quickly build and test your complete pipeline with a mockup classifier
2. Quickly get a baseline for the performance
3. (look for obvious bias in the dataset, but you should have cleaned it before !)
## K Nearest Neighbor (kNN)
Keep all training samples
View new samples as quieries over the previously learned / indexed samples
Assign the class of the closest(s) samples
f(x) = y_i, i = argmin_j\Vert x_j-x\Vert
We can check more than one sample
### Remember thi bias/variance compromise ?
### Pros
- very simple to implement
- Capacity easily controlled with k
- Can be tuned to work on large datasets: indexing, data cleaning, etc.
- Good baseline
- Non parametric
- Lazy learner
### Cons
- In high dimension, all samples tend to be very close (for Euclidean dimension)
- Large memory consumption on large datasets
- Requires a large amount of samples and large k to get best performance
**Setting K:**
$\frac{m}{C}$: average number of training sample/class
## Other distance-based classifier
### Minimal euclidean distance
**Very basic classifier**
Distance to the mean $m_i$ of the class
It does not take into account differences
in variance for each class
Predicted class for x:
g(x) = argmin_iD_i(x)
### Minimal quadratic distance (Mahalanobis)
For each class $i$, the mean $m_i$ and covariance matrix $S_i$ are computed from the set of examples
The covariance matrix is taken into account when computing the distance from an image to the class $i$
The feature vector of the image $x$ is projected over the eigenvectors of the class
g(x) = argmin_iD_i(x)
# A quick introduction to Bayesian Decision Theory
## Example - RoboCup
## General case: maximum a posteriori (MAP)
General case: need to tale into consideration $p(y)$ and $p(x)$
- $p(x\vert y)$: class conditional density (here: histograms)
- $p(y)$: class priors, e.g. for indoor RoboCup
- $p(floor) = 0.6$, $p(goal) = 0.3$, $p(ball) = 0.1$
- $p(x)$: probability of seeing data $x$
Optimal decision rule (Bayes classifier): maximum a posteriori (MAP):
g(x) = argmax_{y\in Y}p(y\vert x)
### How to compute $p(y\vert x)$ ?
p(y\vert x) = \frac{p(x\vert y)p(y)}{p(x)}\quad\text{Bayes' rule}
If classes are equiprobables and error cost is the same, then, because $p(x)$ is constant, we get the maximum likelihood estimation:
g(x) = \underbrace{argmax_{y\in Y}p(y\vert x)}_{\text{MAP}}\simeq\underbrace{argmax_{y\in Y}p(x\vert y)}_{\text{ML}}
## Generative, discriminant and "direct" classifiers
# Generative Probabilistic Models
## Some classical Generative Probabilistic Models
Training data $X=\{x-1,\dots,x_n\}$, $Y=\{y_1,\dots,x_n\}$. $X\times Y\in\mathcal X\times\mathcal Y$
For each $y\in\mathcal Y$, build model for $p(x\vert y)$ of $X_y:=\{x_i\in X:y_i=y\}$
- Histogram: if $x$ can have only a few discrete values
- Kernel Density Estimator ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZIJ8gxo.png)
- Gaussian ![](https://i.imgur.com/KFvVTpi.png)
- Mixture of Gaussians ![](https://i.imgur.com/KDKezfM.png)
Typically, $\mathcal Y$ small (few possibles lables), $\mathcal X$ low dimensional
## Class conditional densities and posteriors
## Naive Bayes Classifiers
# Linear discriminant classifiers
## General idea for binary classification
Learn w and b
- you can compute $p(y\vert x)\simeq\hat y$
Problem: how to learn w and b ?
## Logistic Regression
Linear classifier, $f$ is logistic function
\sigma(x) = \frac{1}{(1+e^{-x})} = \frac{e^x}{(1+e^x)}
- Maps all real $\to[0,1]$
Optimize $\sigma(w^Tx+b)$ to find best $w$
Trained using gradient descent (no closed form solution)
## Gradient descent
w_{t+1}=w_t-\eta\nabla L(w)
Where $\eta$ is *step size*, how far to step relative to the gradient
## From 2 classes to C classes: 2 strategies
\hat y = argmax_{i\in Y}w_ix
## Maximum Margin classification
What is the best $w$ for this dataset ?
large margin vs few mistakes on training set
## Support Vector Machin (SVM)
## Logistic Regression vs SVM
Optimization problems:
## About the regularizer
## Effect of cost parameter C (regularization, again)
# Non-linear discriminant classifiers
## Non-linear classification
What is the best linear classifier for this dataset?
None. We need something nonlinear!
2 solutions:
1. Preprocess the data (explicit embedding, kernel trick…)
2. Combine multiple linear classifiers into nonlinear classifier (boosting, neural networks…)
# Non-linear classification using linear classifiers with data preprocessing
## Data preprocessing idea
Transform the dataset to enable linear separability
## Linear separation is always possible
The original input space can always be mapped to some higher-dimensional feature space where the training set is separable.
## Explicit embedding
Compute $\phi(x)$ for all $x$ in the dataset.
Then train a linear classifier just like before
Used to be avoided because of computation issues, but it is a hot topic again.
## Kernel trick
Linear classification requires to compute only dot products $\phi(x_i),\phi(x_j)$
**The function $\phi(x)$ does not need to be explicit,** we can use a kernel function
which represents a dot product in a “hidden” feature space.
This gives a non-linear boundary in the original feature space.
## Popular kernel functions in Computer Vision
Linear kernel”: identical solution as linear SVM
“Hellinger kernel”: less sensitive to extreme value in feature vector
“Histogram intersection kernel”: very robust
“$X^2$-distance kernel”: good empirical results
“Gaussian kernel”: overall most popular kernel in Machine Learning
## Explicit embedding for the Hellinger kernel
Using simple square root properties, we have:
k(x,x’) = \phi(x)\phi(x’) = \sqrt{x} \sqrt{x'}
Tricks for next practice session: given a BoVW vector,
1. L1 normalize it (neutralizes effect of number of descriptors)
2. Take its square root (explicit Hellinger embedding)
3. L2 normalize it (more linear-classifier friendly)
# Metrics
## Confusion matrix and Accuracy
## Problems with Accuracy
All the following classifiers have a 90% accuracy
*Do all errors have the same cost?*
## Precision, recall, F-score
## Plotting a Precision/Recall for classification data
For binary classification
Instead of $\hat y = argmax_yp(y\vert x)$, take **all possible thresholds** for $p(y\vert x)$
ROC: “Receiver Operating Characteristic”
Kind of signal/noise measure under various tunings
Ligne rose: random results
## More about ROC curves:
### Adjusting the threshold
### Class overlap
# Split the dataset to assess generalization performance
## Bootstrap
Draw randomly, with replacement samples from the training set.
Enables us to estimate the variance of estimators we use in the classification rule.
## Holdout
Just keep a part of the dataset for later validation/testing
## Cross validation
### with meta parameter tuning
## StratifiedKFold (best)
## Missing things
- Cost of misclassification
- Multiclass classification evaluation
- ...