# IML : Dimensionality reduction
# Why do we care ?
We have at hand $n$ points $x1,..., xn$ lying in some N-dimensional space, $x_i \in\mathbb R^n , \forall i = 1, . . . , n,$ compactly written as a $n × N$ matrix $X$
- One row of $X$ = one sample
- One column of $X$ = a given feature value for all samples
## Example of real high-dimensional data
Real world data is very often high-dimensional
### MNIST image classification:
- Sample $x$:image with 28x28 pixels
- Data set: 60000 samples
- Dimensionality: $x \in\mathbb R^{28×28=784}$
### MUSE hyperspectral image analysis:
- Sample $x$: pixel with 3600 spectral bands
- Data set: image with 300x300 pixels
- Dimensionality: $x \in \mathbb R^{3600}$
> Pour discriminer les galaxies ~~c'est raciste ca monsieur~~
## The curse of dimensionality
High-dimensional spaces ~~suck donkey ballz~~ suffer from the *curse of dimensionality* (also called Hughes’ phenomenon)
### Sur $\mathbb R$
### Sur $\mathbb R^2$
Revenir a la meme densite d'echantillonage:
### Sur $\mathbb R^3$
Revenir a la meme densite d'echantillonage:
\frac{\nu(\mathbb S^n)}{\nu([-1;1]^n)}=\frac{\pi^{\frac{n}{2}}}{2\Gamma(\frac{n}{2}+1)}\to_{n\to+\infty}0
Points uniformly distributed in a $n$−cube of side 2 mostly fall outside of the unit sphere!
# Why is it tricky?
- We naturally cannot picture anything that is more than 3D in our mind
- Picturing something 3D in a 2D flat screen can already be misleading
- Real data naturally lives in (complex) high-dimensional space
- Real data is often strongly correlated
And somehow, we want to have a good look to our data before feeding it to some machine learning algorithm *(can I use the inherent structure of my data to pimp my machine learning performances?)*
# How ?
Dimensionality reduction: transform data set $X$ with dimensionality $N$ into a new data set $Y$ ($n \times M$ matrix) with dimensionality $M \lt N$ (hopefully $M \lt\le N$) such that as **few information as possible is lost** in the process.
$y_i$ ($i$th row of $Y$) is the low-dimensional counterpart *(the projection)* of $x_i$.
# Linear approaches
Somehow trying to find a low-dimensional subspace in which the projected data would not be too much distorted after projection.
- Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma
- Classical scaling
- *(The one and only)* Principal Component Analysis
- And much more...
## Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma
It’s not because you *can* that you *will*
Let $0\lt\varepsilon\lt1$ and let $x_1,...,x_n$ b $n$ points in $\mathbb R^N$. Then there exists a linear map $f:\mathbb R^N\to\mathbb R^M$ such that for every points $x_i$ and $x_j$
(1-\varepsilon)\Vert x_i-x_j \Vert^2\le \Vert f(x_i)-f(x_j) \Vert^2\le(1+\varepsilon)\Vert x_i-x_j \Vert^2
With $M=\frac{4\log(n)}{(\frac{\varepsilon^2}{2} − \frac{\varepsilon^3}{3}).}$
> Johnson, W. B., & Lindenstrauss, J. (1984). Extensions of Lipschitz mappings into a Hilbert space. Contemporary mathematics.
La douille: il faut trouver la matrice $M$.
## Classical scaling
Also called Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA)
> Lots of formula here, but you just need to retain the overall idea
PCoA: project data points $X$ onto $Y$ with a linear mapping $M$ such that $Y = XM$ such that all pairwise distances between points do not change too much before/after projection
If $D$ is the $n \times n$ Euclidean distance matrix with entries $d_{ij} = \Vert x_i − xj\Vert_2$ and $D^{(2)} = [d_{ij}^2]$, PCoA seeks the linear mapping $M$ that minimizes
\phi(Y)=\sum_{i,j}(d_{ij}^2-\Vert y_i-y_j\Vert^2)
with $y_i = x_iM$ and $\Vert m_i\Vert^2=1\forall i$
Solution: eigendecomposition (=diagonalisation) of the Gram matrix $K = XX^T = E\Delta E$
$K$ can be obtained by double centering $D^{(2)}:K=-\frac{1}{2}C_nD^{(2)}C_n$ with centering matrix $C_n=I_n-\frac{1}{n}ones(n,n)$
Optimal projection onto the first $M$ dimensions $Y=\Delta_M^{\frac{1}{2}}E_M^T$ with $E_M$ matrix of the $M$ largest eigenvectors of $E$.
## Principal component analysis
> Also known as the Karhunen-Loeve transform
Closely related to PCoA, but operates on the covariance matrix $X_c^T X_c$ PCA seeks the linear mapping $M$ that maximizes the projection variance $tr(M^T cov(X)M)$ with $\Vert mi\Vert^2 = 1 \forall i$.
\overbrace{x_11}^{u_1=\text{moyenne}} & \overbrace{x_12}^{u_2}\\
\vdots & \vdots\\
\end{bmatrix} \Rightarrow \text{centrage des donnees}
x_11-u_1 & x_12-u_2\\
\vdots & \vdots\\
1. Center the data $X_c = C_nX$
1.b (opt) Reduce the data
2. Compute covariance matrix $\sum=X_c^TX_c$
3. Perform eigendecomposition $(E,\Delta)$ of $\sum$
4. Project on the first $M$ principal axes $Y=XE_M$
Data after projection is uncorrelated, but has
lost some interpretability
## Major challenges related to PCA
PCA is probably the most popular and used unsupervised linear dimensionality reduction technique, but it comes with a bunch of operability questions, the 2 principles being:
1. How to automatically select the right number of dimensions to project?
- ![](https://i.imgur.com/EmehUrr.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/2Kgc8Gj.png)
2. How to project a new data point on a learned projection subspace?
- See you in lab session for the answer
# Non-linear approaches
When it is assumed that the data does not live
in an Euclidean subspace (why would it anyway?),
some more advanced techniques must be relied
- Isomap
- Locally linear embedding
- Kernel Principal Component Analysis (aka PCA on steroids)
- Multilayer autoencoders
- And much more...
## Isomap
> Geodesic distance rocks
Isometric feature mapping: same idea as classical scaling, but using geodesic distance instead of Euclidean distance.
1. Compute k-nearest neighbor graph of data $x_1,...,x_n$
2. Compute all pairwise geodesic distances
3. Apply classical scaling
### Exemple
Isomap applied to some images of the digit 2 in MNIST data
## Locally linear embedding
Locally linear embedding: the manifold can be locally considered Euclidean
For each point $x_i$:
1. get its k-nearest neighbors $x_j$, $j=1,...,k$
2. Get weights $w_{ij}$ that best linearly reconstruct $x_i$ with $x_j$: minimize $\sum_{i=1}^n\Vert x_i-\sum w_{ij}x_j\Vert$ ![](https://i.imgur.com/9r9RLAB.png)
- with constraints $\sum w_{ij}=1$ (closed-form solution)
4. Low-dimensional embedding $\to$ reconstruct $y_i$ with $y_j$ and same weights $w_{ij}$:
\sum_{i=1}^n\Vert y_i-\sum w_{ij}y_j\Vert
with constraints $\frac{1}{n}\sum_iy_iy_i^T$ and $\sum_iy_i=0$ (eigendecomposition of a Gram matrix)
## The kernel trick
> When one actually wants to increase the dimension
Base idea: map $n$ non linearly separable points to a (possibly infinite) space where they would be with a function $\phi$
- How should we define $\phi$ ?
- Do we really want to compute stuff in a (possibly infinite) feature space?
Mercer theorem: we do not need to know the mapping $\phi$ explicitly as long as we have a positive semi-definite kernel/Gram matrix $K=[\mathcal k(x_i,x_j)]=[<\phi(x_i),\phi(x_j)>]$
Widely used kernel functions:
- Polynomial kernel: $\mathcal k(x_i,x_j)=(x_i^Tx_j+1)^d$
- Gaussian RBF kernel: $\mathcal k(x_i,x_j)=e^{-\gamma\Vert x_i-x_j\Vert^2}$
- Sigmoid kernel: $\mathcal k(x_i,x_j)=\tanh(bx_i^Tx_j+c)$
## Kernel PCA
> PCA on steroids
The maths behind are quite hard, but the following scikit-learn recipe works fine:
1. Compute kernel matrix $k=[\mathcal k(x_i,x_j)]=[<\phi(x_i),\phi(x_j)>]$ and double-center it $K_c=C_nKC_n$
2. Eigendecomposition of $K_c$ is strongly related to this of the (intractable) covariance matrix in the feature space $\to$ get eigenvectors $V$ and corresponding eigenvalues $\Delta$ of $K_c$. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Mcio2jt.png)
3. Keep the first $M$ columns of $\sqrt{\Delta V}$ to get the coordinates of projected data points in the low $M$-dimensional space. ![](https://i.imgur.com/OkbLVXa.png)
But things get nasty when one wants to project a new data point $x$ that was not known when constructing the kernel...
## Non-linear PCA
> Also known as autoencoder
Overall idea:
1. train an autoencoder (neural network with an autoassociative architecture) to perform an identity mapping.
2. use the output of the bottleneck layer as low-dimensional code.
Bottleneck code is a non-linear combination of entries (thanks to activation functions on the encoder layers) $\to$ learned mapping is a non-linear PCA.
Principal components are generalized from straight lines to curves: the projection subspace which is described by all nonlinear components is also curved.
# Let’s recap
High-dimensional data set $X$ is a $n \times N$ matrix, with $n =$ number of samples and $N =$ dimensionality of underlying space.
- Parametric $\equiv$ explicit embedding from high-dimensional space to low-dimensional one
- For LLE: $p$ is the ratio of non-zero elements in a sparse matrix to the total number of elements
- For NL-PCA: $i$ is the number of iterations and w is the number of weights in the neural network
## t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
t-SNE is a popular method to see in 2D or 3D wtf is going on in a high-dimensional spaces.
1. Construct a probability distribution $p$ over pairs of points in the high-dim space: the more similar (the closer) the two points, the higher the probability
2. Define a second probability distribution $q$ over the points in the low-dim space, and dispatch the points such that the distance between p and q in minimized (for the KullbackLeibler divergence)
- t-SNE is excellent in visualizing the well-separated clusters, but fails to preserve the global geometry of the data.
- t-SNE depends on a perplexity parameter, which reflects the scale of search for close points.
## Independant component analysis
ICA aims to provide a solution to the so-called *cocktail party*: retrieving independent sources that got mixed-up together with unknown scaling coefficients.
Goal: estimate source $s$ **and** mixing matrix $A$ from observation $x = As$.
- Ill-posed $\Rightarrow$ enforce independence on source components
- Work on higher order statistics (PCA limits to order-2 statistics)
- Unkown source must **not** be Gaussian-distributed
Contrarily to PCA vectors, ICA vectors are not orthogonal and not ranked by importance,
but they are mutually independents.