# Module 5: Networking and Content Delivery # Section 1: Networking basics ## Networks :::info A computer network is 2 or more machine connected together ::: * A network can be partitionned into subnets * Requires a networking device (router/switch) ![](https://i.imgur.com/NImuVRm.png) ## IP addresses :::info Each machine on the network has a unique **Internet Protocol address (IP)** assigned to it ::: * Unique number assigned to a machine * Four decimal number separated by dots * Each number is 8 bits max (between 0 and 255) $\rightarrow$ total = 32 bits ### IPv4 and IPv6 addresses * IPv4 (32-bit) address: * IPv6 (128-bit) address: 2600:1f18:22ba:8c00:ba86:a05e:a5ba:00FF * Adapt to more user * Each column is 16 bits (0 to FFFF) ## Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) :::info A CIDR adress is expressed as an IP address and is the first address of the network. ::: * It's followed by a '/' character * The numer after is how many bits of the routing prefix must be steady * Express a group of addresses ![](https://i.imgur.com/lac9fP6.png) ## Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model ![](https://i.imgur.com/AP0iEee.png) # Section 2: Amazon VPC ## Amazon VPC * Private space in Amazon Cloud * Enables you to provision a **logically isolated** section of the AWS Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define * Gives you **control over your virtual networking resources** * Selection of IP address range * Creation of subnets * Configuration of route tables and network gateways * Enables you to **customize the network configuration** for your VPC * Enables you to use **multiples layers of security** * Can use IPv4 and IPv6 ## VPCs and subnets * VPCs: * **Logically isolated** from other VPCs * **Dedicated** to your AWS account * Belong to a single **AWS Region** and can span multiple Availability Zones * Subnets: * **Range of IP addresses** that divide a VPC * Belong to a single **Availability Zone** * Classified as **public** or **private** * Do not have a direct access to internet ![](https://i.imgur.com/atZysyS.png) ## IP addressing * When you create a VPC, you assign it to an IPv4 **CIDR block** (range of *private* IPv4 addresses) * You **cannot change the address raneg** after you create the VPC * The *largest* IPv4 CIDR block size is /16 * The *smallest* IPv4 CIDR block size /28 * IPv6 is also supported (with a different block size limit) * CIDR blocks of subnet **cannot overlap** ![](https://i.imgur.com/DPfpVkg.png) ## Reserved IP addresses Example: A VPC with an PIv4 CIDR block of has 65,636 total IP addresses. The VPC has four equal-sized subnets. Only 251 IP addresses are available for use by each subnet. ![](https://i.imgur.com/b0bQIIZ.png) ## Public IP address type |Public IPv4 address|Elastic IP address| |-|-| |Manually assigned through an Elastic IP address|Associated with an AWS account| |Automatically assigned through the auto-assign public IP address settings at the subnet level|Can be allocated and remapped anytime| ||Additional costs might apply ## Elastic network interface :::info An elastic network interface is a **virtual network interface** that you can * Attach to an instance * Detach from the instance and attach ot another instance to redirect network traffic ::: * Its *attributes follow* when it is reached to a new instance * Each instance in your VPC has a **default network interface** that is assigned a private IPv4 address from the IPv4 address range of your VPC ![](https://i.imgur.com/e1IaVct.png) ## Route tables and routes :::info A **route table** contains a set of rules (or routes) that **you can configure** to direct network traffic from your subnet. ::: * Each *route* specifies a destination and a target * By default, every route table contains a *local route* for communication within the VPC * Each *subnet must be associated with a route table* (at most one) ![](https://i.imgur.com/EQQb45J.png) # Section 3: VPC networking ## Internet gateway :::info An internet fateway is a scalable, redundant, and highly availble VPC, allows communication between VPC and public internet. ![](https://i.imgur.com/JxzJGQC.png) ::: Two purposes: 1. Provide a target in your VPC route tables for internet traffic 2. Perform network address translations for intances that were assigned public PIv4 addresses To make a subnet public, you attach an internet gateway to your VPC and add a route entry to the route table. :::info Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway enables intances in a private subnet to connect to the public internet and prevent it from initation a connection. ![](https://i.imgur.com/haOGaoN.png) ::: To create a NAT Gateway: * Must specify the public subnet in which NAT gateway should live * Must specify an elastic IP address to associate with the NAT gateway After NAT gateway is created: * Update the private subnet route table Can use a NAT instance in a public subnet in your VPC ## VPC sharing :::info Enables customers to share subnets with other AWS accounts (participant) in the same organization. ![](https://i.imgur.com/NxITvy9.png) ::: ## VPC peering :::info Enables you to privately route traffic between 2 VPCs. ![](https://i.imgur.com/kzCYnwf.png) ::: You can connect VPCs in your own AWS account, between AWS accounts, or between AWS Regions Restrictions: * IP spaces cannot overlap * Transitive peering is not supported * You can only have one peering resource between the same 2 VPCs. ## AWS Site-to-Site VPN ![](https://i.imgur.com/QWjC04U.png) * By default, Amazon VPC cannot communicate with your own remote network * enable by * attaching a virtual private gateway to the VPC * creating a custom route table * updating security group rule * creating an AWS site-to-site VPN connection * configuring routing ## AWS Direct Connect ![](https://i.imgur.com/M1hg5US.png) :::warning Performance can be negatively affected if your data center is located far away from your AWS region ::: * AWS direct connect * dedicated private connection between your network and one of the direct connect locations * uses open standard 802.1q virtual local area networks ## VPC endpoints :::info A VPC endpoit is a virtual device that enable you to privately connect to Amazon regional services ![](https://i.imgur.com/RpTArF0.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/CyzEF9X.png) ::: **AWS PrivateLink**: * Requires VPC interface endpoint * Private connectivity between 2 VPCs, AWS services and on-premises app Two types of endpoints: * **Gateway** endpoints (Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB) * **Interface** endpoints (powered by AWS PrivateLink) ## AWS Transit Gateway :::info A transit gateway is a network transit hub that you use to interconnect your VPCs and on-premises network. ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/V7Pdyp7.png) # Section 4: VPC security ## Security groups :::info A security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls inboud and outbound traffic from your instance. ![](https://i.imgur.com/wimOiSl.png) ::: * Security groups have **rules** to manage instance traffic * Default security groups **are sealed shut** to inbound traffic. we need to define rules. * Security groups are **stateful**. The outbound traffic is always allowed. ![](https://i.imgur.com/5hQ6RES.png) ## Network access control lists (network ACLs) :::info Act at a subnet level. ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/79ohyY5.png) * One-to-one relationship with subnet * A network ACL has **separate inbound and outbound rules**, and each rule can either **allow or deny traffic**. * **Default** network ACLs **allow** all inbound and outbound IPv4 traffic * Network ACLs are **stateless** ![](https://i.imgur.com/4UPrnws.png) ## Security groups versus network ACLs |Attribute|Security Groups|Network ACLs| |-|-|-| |Scope|Instance level|Subnet level| |Supported Rules|Allow rules only|Allow and deny rules| |State|Stateful (return traffic is automatically allowed, regardless of rules)|Stateless (return traffic must be explicitly allowed by rules)| |Order of Rules|All rules are evaluated before decision to allow traffic|Rules are evaluated in number order before decision to allow traffic| # Section 5: Amazon Route 53 ## DNS resolution :::info It is the process of tranlsating an internal name to the corresponding IP address. ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/EtzMl2N.png) ## Route 53 * Is highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service * Is used to route end users to internet applications by transalting names into numeric IP addresses * Is fully compliant with IPv4 and IPv6 * Connects user requests to infrastructure running in AWS and also outside of AWS * Is used to check the health of your resources * Features traffic flow * enables you to register domain name ## Supported routing * Simple routing * Use in single-server environments * Weighted routing * Assign wights to resource record sets to specify the frequency * Latency routing * Help improve your global app * Geolocation routing * Route traffic based on location of your users * Geoproximity routing * Route traffic based on locations of your resources * Failover routing * Fail over to a backup site if your primary site becomes unreachable * Multivalue answer routing * Respond to DNS queries with up to eight healthy records selected at random ## Use case: Multi-region deployement ![](https://i.imgur.com/gjoo5oT.png) ## DNS failover Improve the availablity of your applications that run on AWS by: * Configuring backup and failover scenarios for your own app * Enabling highly available multi-region architectures on AWS * Creating health check ### DNS failover for a multi-tiered web app ![](https://i.imgur.com/CjVPnuo.png) # Section 6 Amazon CloudFront ## Content delivery and network latency :::danger Challenge of network communication: network performance. ::: :::warning Latency can happen depending on the geographical location of the user. ::: ## Amazon CloudFront * Fast, global and secure CDN service * Global, network of edge locations and Regional edge caches * Self-service model * Pay-as-you-go pricing ## Infrastructure When a customer makes a demand, CloudFront respond with the IP address of the edge location closest to the customer. CloudFront obtains the data and copies it to the edge location. * **Edge locations** * Network of data centers that Cloudfronts uses to serve popular content quickly to customer * **Regional edge cach** * CloudFront location that caches content that is not popular enough to stay at an edge location. It is located between the origin server and the global edge location * When data become stale, it is removed from the cache of the edge location # Wrap-up Which AWS networking service enables a company to create a virtual network within AWS? 1. AWS Config 2. Amazon Route 53 3. AWS Direct Connect 4. Amazon VPC :::spoiler Answer keyword: * AWS networking service * Create a virtual network Answer 4. :::