# PFEE GE Healthcare: Deep Learning Inpainting # How to get a volume ? * Turn around the patient * X ray acquisition in different angles # Artifacts Different types of artefact: * Motion artifact * Metal artifact * Ring artifacts (detector) # State of the art * Where * Correction applied on volumes # Inpainting * Fill selected image area * Requires having the mask of the missing parts # Methods ## Interpolation 2D Interpolation algorithm from skimage to create a basline: * Nearest neighbor * Linear ## U-NET 2D ![](https://i.imgur.com/TBfxv5y.png) # Improvements ? * Conv2D/3D do not consider the mask * Losses (MSE/MAE) do not consider the mask # Partial convolution * Presented by Nvidia in 2018 * Mask area is much less visible and overall results are improves ## Keras ? ![](https://i.imgur.com/ounf4JU.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/668yjMK.png) # Loss improvement * Using a train VGG * deep learning classifier * Layers used: 3rd, 6th and 10th # Data ![](https://i.imgur.com/4e1iHYJ.png) # Experiments ## Goal * 2D * Perfomance machine learning * Added value * 3D * Adding temporal gives best results * Can we be more memory efficient using patches ? # Evaluation method * Quantitative evaluation * MSE * MAE * SSIM * Structural similarity * PSNR * Peak To Signal Noise Ratio * More quantitative than qualitative * Quality eval * Eval by human eye # Results ![](https://i.imgur.com/Ajf6f9u.png) ## Qualitative 2D ![](https://i.imgur.com/mvqmHVf.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/JxxAUOR.png) ### Ribs reconstruction ![](https://i.imgur.com/5fbsShk.png) ## Qualitative 2D+T ![](https://i.imgur.com/N21dNdF.png) ## Analysis * Machine learning can be used for this task * PConv and VGG loss are the best improvements # Conclusion * Implementation of PConv2D and PConv3D * Promising resultls * Kickstarted GE exploration and gave them insights on their future work * Had fun with advance machine learning # Questions ## Guillaume Tochon Le papier a ete utilise sur des images de scan ? > Non sur des images naturelles Expliquer 'smoothing loss' > Dilatation verticale et horizontale des resultats ## Elodie Puybareau Generation des artefacts: probleme avec modele 2D+T, pourquoi blanc alors que modele 2D noir ? > Les modeles 2D sont aussi blanc sur les images ## Eleves Exemple d'applications concretes ? > Application de corrections permet d'avoir des images pouvant etre travaillees pour un medecin ![](https://i.imgur.com/zaTwI6a.png) Genration des artefacts aleatoires ? > Oui pour la position et rotation en 3D mais sinon non, pas de perte de temps a generer de la donnee Tester avec des formes differentes ? > Oui avec des coins et des aiguilles Generer un nombre infini de donnees, probleme de fit ? > Oui Interpolation lineaire plus simple ? > Oui mais beaucoup de stries et n'arrive pas a reconstruire certaines parties # Retour GE Healthcare Bonne organisation, bon avancement des projets mais baisse d'activite lors d'examens, groupe autonome