# SUDE : Cours du 04 / 06
# Introduction to GreenHouse Gases (GHG) emission calculation
*What are the **main** green house gases?*
* Carbone Dioxyde
* Methane
* N2O
# Methodologies to compute GHG emissions
* GHG protocol (US methodology)
* ISO 14064-1
* Bilan Carbone (french methodology)
# Designing a carbon footprint
* Organizational boundaries
* In a **control approach** you account for all GHG emissions from facilities over which you have a financial or operational control
* In a **equality share approach** you would account for GHG emissions in proportion to the percentage ownership over the facility
* Base year
* have to set a **base year** so you can follow the emission trend
* Operational boundaries
* have to decide which emissions to report
* Direct emissions (*scope 1*) and energy indirect emissions (*scope 2*) are mandatory
* Reporting of other indirect emissions (*scope 3*) is not
## Emission scopes
* Scope 1 = Direct energy sources
* Any source activity from an asset controlled by the organization
* *Ex : electricity to light the office*
* Scope 2 = Indirect energy sources
* Any source activity not controlled by the organization that generates energy used by the organization
* *Ex : a car used by an employee*
* Scope 3 = Other indirect sources
* Any non-energy related sources not controlled by the organization that impacts the organization
## Monitoring Emissions
* Data collection
* Data processing
* Organisation
* project management
* people involved
* etc.
## Identify sources
* Activity that impacts organization's operation and results in the emission of greenhouse gases
* Examples
* Natural gas heating
* Water use
* Business travel
* Air conditionning
* Waste sent to municipal landfill...
## Collect data and define units to use
* Natural gas heating
* m3
* Gj
* ft3
* Ccf
* Electricity
* kWh
* Gj
## Emission factors
An **emission factor** is a ratio corresponding to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted as a result of a given unit of activity
### Example - Natural Gas
* GWP : a ration denoting the effect of a quantity of a greenhouse gas on climate change with an equal quantity of carbon dioxyde usually expressed over a 100 year period
* Carbon dioxyde always has a GWP of 1
* Result are expressed in Carbon Dioxyde equivalent (g/kg/t C02e)
| Natural Gas | Emission | GWP | t C02e |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| C02/m3 | ~27t | 1 | 27 |
| CH4/m3 | 0.0005t | 25 | 0.0125 |
| N20/m3 | 0.0005t | 298 | 0.149 |
## Implement strategies / actions to reduce
* Computing is necessary
* the **most** important being to understand what to reduce and which actions are needed
# GreenIt or Sustainable ICT
> We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them
> -- <cite> Albert Einstein</cite>
## General statemets - Shift Project 2018
* Digital consumption as forecast is not sustainable
* Energy intensity of digital industry is in continuous growth
* No digital impact foreseen on worldwide productivity nor growth
* It is still possible to move ot a more sober digital world
## Digital energy consumption
In France : Digital Energy Consumption represents $12\%$ of total energy consumption.
## GHG emissions : $2,5\%$ in 2013 to $4\%$ in 2020
### Example : Iphone