# LCCWG 2021-08-30 meeting *Meeting started at 14:06 UTC.* ## 0. Attendance ### Not present * Patrick - CH * Charles - ZM * Rob - UK * Sophie - HOT * Naveen - IN * Anisa - IT * Jorge - PT ### Present * Jonathan - BE * Joost - BE * Besfort - XK * Eugene - PH * Geoffrey - UG * Maggie - US * Adam - UK * Naveen - IN (joined 14:10) ## 1. Administrative ### 1.1. Meeting chair * Eugene will chair this month's meeting ### 1.2. Approval of the 2021-07-25 meeting minutes * https://hackmd.io/@lccwg/rkqagB2Ru * approved ## 2. Main agenda ### 2.1. Support the development of Microcosms ([GL#7](https://gitlab.com/osmfoundation/lccwg/-/issues/7)) * No updates ### 2.2. Provide a tool for communities to welcome new mappers ([GL#8](https://gitlab.com/osmfoundation/lccwg/-/issues/8)) * Demo environment: <https://osm-welcome-tool.herokuapp.com/> * GitHub repository: <https://github.com/osmbe/osm-welcome-belgium/tree/2.x> * Where to host? * can be hosted by osmbe for now * if it turns out to be slow for people from far away, we will look into other options * When and how to communicate? * Add to Local Chapters Congress. * Don't use in production yet! Database might be purged ### 2.3. Develop/design local community website template/tool ([GL#13](https://gitlab.com/osmfoundation/lccwg/-/issues/13)) * No updates. ### 2.4. Update the OSM website to highlight Local Chapters ([GL#14](https://gitlab.com/osmfoundation/lccwg/-/issues/14)) * Adam has submitted a PR on the openstreetmap-website repo: https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/pull/3301 * Adam will share screenshots on the LCCWG Telegram group. * Might need help with translations. [Available in Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/openstreetmap/id-editor/community/). ### 2.5. Moderation subcommittee updates * There was a live public discussion last August 21 for the draft process for moderation. * <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Etiquette/Etiquette_Guidelines> * Public comments up until September 8 * General comment on the simplicity of language vs. better translations * Next discussion will be for the new Etiquette guidelines. * Hopefully the whole thing will be complete by the end of September. ### 2.6. Best practices around doing paid work for local chapters * Joost sent [a summary](https://hackmd.io/Fimtuh0oSlWPs2mjRXqJZw) to the working group. The document also includes the complete answers. * Eugene: One of the points for discussion is around doing paid **mapping** work. Some types of paid work is not really controversial, but paid mapping work might not sit well with some segments of the OSM community. ### 2.7. Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2021 ([GL#10](https://gitlab.com/osmfoundation/lccwg/-/issues/10)) * https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters/Local_Chapters_Congress/2021 * Request Jess to create logo/graphic * Add question to registration form for additional topics. * Schedule: * Sep 15: Set-up wiki page with TBD program * Sep 15: Open up registration * Sep 15: Blog post to announce + weeklyOSM * Oct 15: Reminder blog post + announcement * Oct 31: Finalize program * Nov 5: Close registration * We'll try Airmeet; OSM US can share the tutorial they used for Mapping US event * Discuss further over Telegram ## 3. Other business * None ## 4. Next meeting Next meeting is on September 27 starting at 14:00 UTC. --- *Meeting ended at 15:17 UTC.*