In MEV-Boost's current design, block proposers who want to participate in MEV-Boost have to auction off the right to make the entire block in order to capture any MEV. The key reason for this is that MEV-Boost only allows full-block building in the MEV market. This limitation stems from the fact that, with the current architecture of MEV-Boost, block proposers can only attest to the block headers while selecting the highest bid.
Having MEV-Boost provision for only full-block building leads to a restriction on the set of features it can guarantee:
We propose an incremental upgrade on MEV-Boost that employs EigenLayer for increased decentralization in block production while using a broader set of slashing primitives to secure the system.
MEV-Boost, in its current format, features only full-block building. The reason behind having that restriction is that MEV-Boost piggybacks on slashing in ETH
However, this full-block building removes any power from the block proposers (a highly decentralized set) to express any opinion on the composition of the block. To remedy this situation, we propose partial block MEV-Boost using EigenLayer.
See Fig. 2 for an illustration. The primary steps involved in this upgrade are:
(we note again this will not be half of a block each time but due to 1559, this will be on an average half a block) and compute a merkle_root
of the transactions contained in this half. The builders then send these transactions along with the associated merkle_root
and bid
to the relay.merkle_root
, bid
) to the block proposer.B_alt
of their own. The block builder then sends an attestation to the winning bid's merkle root merkle_root
concatenated to a commitment commit_B_alt
(not the header, but perhaps the transaction root) to their own block B_alt
of the winning bid's merkle root to the block proposer. The block proposer then assembles a new block with the released transactions in the first half and fills the last half with whatever transactions proposer_part
they desire. If the relay does not release the underlying transactions, the block proposer proposes the alternative block B_alt
they assembled.Because the block proposer is not signing the block header in the above protocol description, a natural question that may arise is whether the proposer could steal the transactions released from the relay and assemble a new block that steals all the builder's MEV for themselves. This is a genuine concern as the block propser is not signing on the block header and hence the protocol can't piggyback on ETH builder_part
released to them by the relay (this can be proven on chain via proofs against a block's transactionRoot and the merkle_root
for builder_part
) or if they didn't propose the alternate block B_alt
they attested to in step [8] as shown in Fig. 2.
With EigenLayer, we can now impose a cryptoeconomic cost on the block propser for stealing the block builder's trasactions, thus, allowing block builders to feel comfortable. Just as before, builders can still extract MEV while following whatever regulations their jurisdictions require. More importantly, this system dissolves all economic and political tradeoffs mentioned in the introduction. Now, block proposers can still include MEV-extraction transactions from builders so they do not lose out on economic returns from MEV extraction and, since they can include the second half of their block with whatever transactions they desire, they can contribute to the censorship resistance of Ethereum.
We note that as a side-effect, the aforementioned system completely mitigates any liveness issues that arise from MEV-Boost: for example, a) the relay may sign an invalid block or b) the relay may not make the block available to the block proposer. This has been a well-documented concern ( This problem is completely solved with the proposed approach as the block proposer can just release the block B_alt
in either of the above situations.
Due to the use of alternative block B_alt
, our proposed upgrade requires the relay to serve only data availability for Builder_half
but doesn't require them to check the validity of transactions included in Builder_half
We finally note that a downside of the proposed approach (the inclusion of an alternative block) is that the block proposer may fraudulently try to take-over the MEV of the builder in the next block. While we think protecting Ethereum liveness is a better tradeoff, removing the alternative block is an option in this design as well.
Observe that, with MEV-Boost and by extension to all the proposed upgrade in this work, latency
Assume that the network latency is given by
Referring to Fig. 1, for MEV-Boost, latency
The numbers in [.] at the top of each term indicate the step number in Fig. 1.
Referring to Fig. 2, for MEV-Boost + EigenLayer, latency
The numbers in [.] at the top of each term indicate the step number in Fig. 2. Observe that the latency incurred in MEV-Boost + EigenLayer is same as that in MEV-Boost.
In above upgrade, the block builder cannot affect Ethereum's liveness by proposing invalid transactions. However, the block builder doesn't get penalized from attempting to do such malicious action.
Ideally, as a system designer, one would expect the block builder to get penalized for doing so. One way to accomplish that is by having following two additional modifications:
, then the block proposer can raise a fraudproof once it retrieves Builder_part
and get the block builder penalized.With these modifications one can achieve a completely cryptoeconomic block production without any surgery on the consensus. The only caveat with this approach is that having interactive challenge mechanism using fraudproofs lend to complexity.
We thank Dankrad Feist for suggesting the idea that the builder can build an arbitrary size of the block and the proposer can fill up the rest. This rests on the observation that 1559 ensures that builder will be unable to take up the whole block continually and there will be residual space for proposers.