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About the Project

Cojourney is about making strong connections that lead to high investment relationships. It's a powerful life coach and friend when you need it, but it also has the ability to connect you to people it thinks would be great for you.

Cojourney is powered by ChatGPT and a powerful autonomous social graph agent. The app is available on the web and on all native platforms, and for programmers you can even give it a try right from your console!

Tech Stack

React + Vite
Supabase + PostgreSQL
capacitor, electron and electron-vite
Cloudflare Workers
Github Actions
OpenAI GPT-3.5

Walkthrough video

A video that goes over the entire project and all of the tasks and resources is here:


Source code available here:



Project Tracking

Project Page is here:
Issues are here:
Milestone 1 is here:"Milestone+1"


My communication preference is Discord. My Discord ID is new.moon


These are the tasks that you will be doing. Tasks are prioritized in order of importance, although some tasks have some dependencies.

This is a 3 week project sprint. We will review tasks every day, and I will be available via voice and video streaming to assist and unblock with aything. I know all parts of the stack and can help with anything you get stuck on. When I run out of work on the AI stuff I will start helping with these tacks.

1. Migrate the agent runtime into CF worker - 1 days
- Move Agent runtime from packages/app to packages/worker
- Timer management for agent
- Security, RLS and service worker authentication for worker-level agents

2. Security - 1 day

  • Review RLS for all tables and ensure that they are secure, and that application is working in both terminal mode and application mode.
  • make sure new account flow is set up for accounts and accounts_private with automatic trigger to create both at same time
  • if row is deleted from accounts_private or accounts table, delete the other as well (fkey relationship)
  • Store the input and output response data for all CF worker queries in the table, with a log of which user made them

3. Monetization - 2 days
Goal is to implement a subscription system with a free, $2/week and $5/week tier. Subscription enables more connections per week as well as energy which is spent talking to the AI agent. Stripe is integrated into site which is based on this:
- Finish and test Stripe integration in packages/site
- Integrate Stripe into packages/app
- Add subscription management to profile in app
- Add docs for configuring and testing Stripe, along with switching to production

4. CI/CD - 1 days
Goal is to make the entire deployment and release system fully automated, so that tagging a new version on Github triggers new versions of everything to be deployed automatically.
- Prepare semantic release and automate release workflow for @cojourney/agent
- Set up release tagging and documentation on creating new releases for @cojourney/agent
- Publish new version of @cojourney/agent repo to npm, make sure shawticus is owner on that

5. Native Application and PWA Deployment - 3 days
Goal is to build native to all platforms so users can download the app and get it from the app stores. We are using Capacitor, which builds to mobile, wraps electron for desktop and can handle PWAs as well.
- Fix, test and prepare electron deployment
- Splash screen, menus, etc need to be adjusted
- Dimensions should mirror a mobile device when running on desktop
- Fix, test and prepare iOS and Android deployments with capacitor
- Mobile touch controls, splash screen etc need to be adjusted
- Set up CI/CD and connect to Application downloads for desktop to Github releases
- Prepare app as PWA for all platforms and integrate into app
- Add releases to lander home page