Multiplayer Todo


  • Voice

    • Local player voice sends to other remote players
    • Mouth moves on the avatar on all clients
  • Chat

    • Opens up "CharacterHup" (src/CharacterHups.jsx) showing player who is speaking chat
    • Chat is spoken with voice
    • Mouth of Hups character moves with voice
    • Hups show properly for all remote players
    • Hups disappear after a few seconds
    • Player's voice and voicepack change when player sets in settings (as well as set default when player joins)
  • Changing avatars in character select

  • "Use" / "activate" animation

Not Working

  • Chat

    • Character is out of frame in the CharacterHups for remote players
    • Character hups are clearing too quickly when players chatting with each other
  • Player Tags

    • Player tags from players already in scene lose their background (probably instancing issue in metaverse_modules/nameplate)

Note: not working for clients already in scene on the nameplates of new players joining

  • Movement
    • Characters are in ground on join until they move (because they only update when lastMatrix != currentMatrix)
    • Make sure that players and apps are sending minimal necessary transform updates (i.e. only to initialize and when their pose changes)
    • Smooth player character movement (we can test this with a capsule or test cube)
    • Verify that interpolants.js is bug-free and working well, maybe some test of the interpolation so we understand it
    • Smooth avatar animation (animation is entirely velocity dependent in avatars)

Note: This may have changed in latest updates

  • Wearing and unwearing items
    • Wearing avatars in the scene
    • Wearing and swinging sword and bow

    App is getting attached but not reflected in other side

Phase 2

  • Refactor vehicle and character relationships for more advanced vehicle physics (spaceships, helicopters, gunner seats, etc)

  • Migrate to redis?

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