Asset Cache Generation Task

Step 1

Write down a bunch of ideas for characters, with a name and visual description.

50 characters

Grimble Greenleef
little green gnome with a red hat, wearing a blue cloak, with a cute little white moustache

Put into a .json file as an array
[{name: "Grimble Greenleef", description: "little green gnome with a red hat, wearing a blue cloak, with a cute little white moustache" }]

Step 2

Write down a bunch of ideas for locations, with a name and visual description.

50 locations

Western Town
Old timey western town from red dead redemption

Put into a .json file as an array
[{name: "Western Town", "Old timey western town from red dead redemption"}]

Step 3

Write down a bunch of ideas for props, with a name and visual description.

50 props


Props are anything a character can interact with or talk about

Put into a .json file as an array
[{name: "Raygun ", "50s style raygun from the jetsons"}]

Step 4

Download 50 vroid characters

Create a list with character name, detailed description and vrm file

[{name: "Miku-chan", "Cute popstar in a white dress with blue hair, <more stuff here>", filename: "mikuchan.vrm"}]

Select a repo