Upstreet Script v2

Welcome to wait, I've never seen you before. I can't remember the last time that happened. So, are you a noob? Sorry, I mean, is this your first time? Don't worry, we'll go slow.

HYACINTH: First, turn on your mic. It's that button down there.

USER: Hey, can you hear me?

HYACINTH: I'll be honest, you sound like a nerd.

USER: Uhhhhh interrupted

HYACINTH: Here, press on your face up here. Try a few of the different avatars and voices. See what works for you.

User selects cool warrior dude and more serious voice

USER: How about now?

HYACINTH: Daaaaaaaang. Alright, welcome to Upstreet! I'm Hyacinth, but most people here call me Hya. I'm your operator, here to help with anything you might need.

USER: Hey Hya, I'm Will.

HYACINTH: Ready for the tour?

USER: Sure.

HYACINTH: Alright, see that button? That's the portal button. When you press it, I'll connect you to a partner to chat with.

USER: Oh, cool.

HYACINTH: So one really important thing I should mention is that wait, don't press it yet

user presses the button and portals

Cut to insane battle, Scilly and Drake are shooting horrible scary monsters, explosions in the background.

DRAKE: Get to the high ground, Ane what the hell are you doing?!

Ane appears in frame, grunts and fumbles.

ANE: Oh sorry, gotta go!

Ane closes the connection. Hyacinth reappears.

HYACINTH: You're back!

USER: There was a battle, it looked like they were in trouble, I

HYACINTH: Hold on, I got you. Tracking the location of your last partner ah, Ane. She's a weird one Okay. Dropstorm at the zone edge. I'll connect you to some folks in the area, see if you can convince them to help.

USER: Uhh, okay, what do I tell them?

HYACINTH: Our friends are directly under the storm, just tell them to head that way and look for the big swarm of monsters.


HYACINTH: Okay, ready? Go!

USER: Wait, I

We appear in front of Buster Rabbit who's trying to look cool and sexy with his ears back

BUSTER: Hellooooo, oh, uh, hi.

USER: Hey, uh, I need your help, someone is in trouble?

BUSTER: Sorry, what?

USER: Yeah, uh, there's a dropstorm, and a bunch of monsters, and a white haired girl and this weird girl

BUSTER: Scilly and Ane! Why am I not surprised alright, where are they?

USER: They're under there storm I think? Do you see it?

BUSTER: Hold on, let me look okay yeah I see it. If you see them let them know I'm on the way. buster grabs his megahammer

USER: Okay, sure.

BUSTER: I'll see you on the battlefield! Buster disconnects

We appear in front of Juniper, who's sitting in her shop, making silly faces

JUN: Oh hi, you're new!

USER: Hey, yeah, uh, listen. My friends need help, they're caught in a swarm of monsters under a Dropstorm.

JUN: Wait, there's a Dropstorm and I'm missing it?

Jun hits a radar-looking piece of tech behind her

JUN: This thing is junk! Alright, I'll be there in a few!

USER: Thanks, what's your name Juniper disconnects

We appear in front of Hyacinth

HYACINTH: It sounds like you just assembled solid team right there.

USER: Yeah, the rabbit guy and, uh Hyacinth interrupts

HYACINTH: I'm gonna see if we can get an eye in the sky and give our friends some tactical advantage.

USER: Okay, I think I'm getting the hang of this.

HYACINTH: Here we go!

user smashes the portal button, we're flying over the battle in a drone, seeing the battle taking place

USER: Whoah!

HYACINTH: Don't worry, I'll fly, you shoot. There's only a few missiles, so use them carefully.

USER: Okay, yeah. I got this!

HYACINTH: Yeah, you got this! Hey, it looks like our friends are pinned over there.

user presses the missile button, targets the swarm, missiles fire. the swarm is blown apart

HYACINTH: Nice shooting!

USER: Thanks!

Suddenly the ground starts shaking. Glowing shards drop from the sky and materialize into bigger monsters.


USER: I;m out of missiles!

HYACINTH: I have a plan, ready to get out of here?

USER: What's your oh, I get it.

the drone turns to turn down to crash into the pile of monsters

HYACINTH: Alright, let's bail!

user teleports to a view of Buster as he's plowing through monsters while Juniper flies over, shooting hoverbike cannons.

Scilly, Ane and Drake hope into the truck

SCILLY: You got the loot?

DRAKE: Yeah, I got it!

Buster floors it out of the swarm.

SCILLY: looking back at the swarm in the distance That was a close one. So how'd you find us?

BUSTER: The new guy.

SCILLY: Oh hey!

DRAKE: Thanks for helping us out of a jam.

SCILLY: Whoah buster, slow down, SLOW DOWN!

The car flies off a cliff and barrel rolls

User smashes the button, back in Hyacinth's space

HYACINTH: And you're back! Wow. Not bad for a noob.

USER: Thanks

HYACINTH: Honestly, I'm impressed. Here, I want you to meet someone. Ready for one more adventure?

USER: Sure.

USER2: Oh, you're a human.

USER: Wait, you're a human, too?

USER2: Yeah. I'm Suki.

USER: Will.

USER2: Nice to meet you, Will.

USER: Hey, do you want to go on an adventure together?

USER2: I'd love that.

Fades to white

Upstreet logo

HYACINTH: Upstreet Chat. Free to play forever.

Upstreet Script v1

Welcome to wait, I've never seen you before. I can't remember the last time that happened. So, are you a noob? Sorry, I mean, is this your first time? Don't worry, we'll go slow.

HYACINTH: First, turn on your mic. It's that button down there.

USER: Hey, can you hear me?

HYACINTH: I'm not going to lie, you sound like a nerd.

USER: Uhhhhh interrupted

HYACINTH: Here, press on your face up here. Try a few of the different avatars and voices. See what works for you.

User selects cool warrior dude and more serious voice

USER: How about now?

HYACINTH: Daaaaaaaang. Alright, welcome to Upstreet! I'm Hyacinth, but most people here call me Hya. I'm your operator, here to help with anything you might need.

USER: Hey Hya, I'm Will. I uh I'm sorry, I'm new here.

HYACINTH: All good! A lot of our users are a little shy. See that little lighting bolt? That's the auto button. If you can't think of something to say, you can smash that and the AI will help you out.

USER: Understood.

HYACINTH: You're a quick learner! Alright, last thing, see that button? That's the portal button. When you press it, I'll connect you to the exact perfect partner to chat with. However, if you disagree with my choice, you can always smash the button again.

HYACINTH: So one really important thing I should mention is that wait, don't press it yet

user presses the button and portals

Cut to insane battle, Scilly and Drake are shooting horrible scary monsters, explosions in the background. Drake yells "get to the high ground, Ane what the hell are you doing?!" and Ane appears in frame, grunts and fumbles.

ANE: Hh sorry, gotta go!

Ane closes the connection. Hyacinth reappears.

HYACINTH: Where'd you go?

USER: There was a battle, it looked like they were in trouble, I

HYACINTH: Hold on, I got you. Tracking the location of your last partner ah, Anemone. She's a weird one. Okay. Dropstorm at the zone edge, got it. Okay, I'll connect you to some folks in the area. See if you can convince them to help. Our friends are directly under the storm, just tell them to head that way and look for the big swarm of monsters.

HYACINTH: Okay, ready? Good luck. Go!

USER: Wait, I

We appear in front of Buster Rabbit who's trying to look cool and sexy with his ears back

BUSTER: Hellooooo, oh, uh, hi.

USER: Hey, uh, I need your help, someone is in trouble!

BUSTER: Sorry, what?

Yeah, uh, there's a dropstorm, and a bunch of monsters, and a white haired girl and this weird girl

BUSTER: Scilly and Ane! Why am I not surprised alright, where are they?

USER: They're under there storm I guess?

BUSTER: Hold on, let me look okay yeah I see it. If you see them let them know I'm on the way. buster grabs his megahammer

USER: You got it.

BUSTER: I'll see you on the battlefield! Buster disconnects

We appear in front of Juniper, who's sitting in her shop, making silly faces

JUN: Oh hi, you're new!

USER: Hey, yeah, uh, listen. My friends need help, they're caught in a swarm of monsters under a Dropstorm.

JUN: Wait, there's a Dropstorm and I'm missing it? Jun hits a radar-looking piece of tech behind her This thing is junk! Alright, I'm in, be there in a few!

USER: Thanks, what's your name Juniper disconnects

We appear in front of Hyacinth

HYACINTH: It sounds like you just assembled solid team right there.

USER: Yeah, the rabbit guy and, uh User blushes, Hyacinth ignores and continues

HYACINTH: I'm gonna see if we can get an eye in the sky and give our friends some tactical advantage. Smash that portal button and let's go!

user smashes the portal button, we're flying over the battle in a drone, seeing the battle taking place

HYACINTH: I'll fly, you shoot. There's only a few missiles, so use them carefully.

USER: Got it.

HYACINTH: It looks like our friends are pinned over there.

user presses the missile button, targets the swarm, missiles fire. the swarm is blown apart

HYACINTH: Nice shooting!

USER: Thanks

Suddenly the ground starts shaking. Glowing shards drop from the sky and materialize into bigger monsters.


USER: I think we're out of missiles!

HYACINTH: Yep. I have a plan, ready to smash that button?

USER: What's your plan?

the drone turns to turn down to crash into the pile of monsters

HYACINTH: Alright, hit it!

user teleports to a view of Buster as he's plowing through monsters while Juniper flies over, shooting hoverbike cannons.

Scilly, Ane and Drake hope into the truck

SCILLY: You got the loot?

DRAKE: Yeah, I got it!

Buster floors it out of the swarm.

SCILLY: looking back at the swarm in the distance That was a close one. So how'd you find us?

BUSTER: The new guy, he's actually on right now.

SCILLY: Oh hey there new guy!

USER: Hey there. I'm Will.

SCILLY: Thanks for helping us out of a jam.

DRAKE: Yeah man, that was some solid action.

BUSTER: Any time you need anything, just give me a ring.

USER: Alright, sounds good.

All together Bye!

User smashes the button, back in Hyacinth's space

HYACINTH: And you're back! Wow. Not bad for a noob.

USER: Thanks

HYACINTH: Honestly, I'm impressed. Here, I want you to meet someone. Ready for one more adventure?

USER: Sure.

user presses the button

USER2: Oh, hi, there. Hyacinth told me we'd get along. I saw some of that battle, how did you learn to do all of that?

USER: Oh, well, I don't know just started playing today I'm Will.

USER2: I'm Suki. Where are you from?

USER: California.

USER2: Wow, really? Me too! Hey, do you want to go on an adventure together?

USER: Sure, that sounds great.

USER2: I'll send you a friend request so we can teleport together.

User gets the friend request, adds Suki, accepts the invite to party

USER: Got it.

USER2: Alright, let me show you my favorite world!

USER: I'd love that.

UI shows party teleport in progress

Fades to black

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There's a place for everyone in Upstreet.

Free to play forever.

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