# 100m Dash: SushiSwap / Uniswap Forking Opportunity ![](https://i.imgur.com/U2K8djq.png) ## Introduction 100m Dash challenge is part of Web3 World Championship event. By participating in the event you get an opportunity to win awesome prizes by leveraging technology that you already might be familiar with: Ethereum smart-contract development tools and NFTs. ## Task description In this task your goal is to deploy SushiSwap or Uniswap project to Godwoken Testnet v1 Ethereum compatible rollup. Both contracts and frontend should be deployed and working. You can start by deploying SushiSwap contracts using Hardhat: https://github.com/sushiswap/sushiswap. Then you can port frontend: https://github.com/sushiswap/sushiswap-interface. You can create your own frontend if you don't want to use existing repository. You might need to modify dependency packages in SushiSwap UI to add contract addresses deployed on Godwoken Testnet. Porting SushiSwap to Godwoken Testnet has been internally tested by Nervos team and the effort required should be about 2 or 3 days. Please note that the following requirements should be met: 1. The application has to be deployed on Godwoken Testnet v1. 2. Adding liquidity to pool has to be working. 3. Swap has to be working. 4. Your should provide a way to obtain test ERC20 tokens if they are required for testing your deployed application. 5. The frontend has to be working (including adding liquidity and swap functionalities). ## Submission Please include the following in your submission: 1. A link to publicly deployed frontend 2. Smart contract address or addresses of your deployment on Godwoken Testnet v1 3. A link to open-source GitHub repository with your ported application contracts and frontend (can be multiple separate repositories) 4. A link to the video showcasing your application working Submission has to be original. You can't copy other person's submission and submit it as your own work. ## Judging criteria First 10 people who successfully port the application win prize. The application has to be working. It will be tested using frontend URL provided in your submission. ## Helpful links * [Godwoken documentation](https://nervos.gitbook.io/layer-2-evm/) * [Start With Nervos - Launch on Godwoken documentation](https://startwithnervos.com/godwoken) * [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/AqGTUE9)