# You don't know How to use your Mac ## Keyboard Shortcuts `⌘ + H` **Hide** your current use app. `⌘ + Tab` then select target app and `H` **Hide** your selection app. `⌘ + F3` Jump to **Desktop**. `⌘ + ⌃ + D` *and* select wording Lookup wording in system **dictionary**. `⌘ + ⌥ + H` *then* click app on **Docker** Show only this app and hide all others app. `F5 or ⌥ + esc` Pop input words auto-suggestion for you. **Open Finder** *then* `⌘ + ⇧ + G` Open Finder's **Go to the folder**. `⌘ + [` / `⌘ + ]` Go previous / next page in both **Finder** and **Safari**. ## Cursor and Delete Action `⌃ + A` (Alphabet) Move cursor at the head of current line. `⌃ + E` (End) Move cursor at the end of current line. `⌃ + D` Delete right-side one character. `⌃ + K` Delete right-side all characters. `⌥ + ⌫` Delete left-side one word. ## Website ### Facebook / Twitter browsing `j`: go next tweet / facebook post `k`: go previous tweet or facebook post `l`: like the tweet / facebook post ## Mac App ### PixelSnap Mark any screen view #Design scale for my side project ### SnippestsLab Save some snippest code. ### Boop Do some raw text translation or formatting like XML, Json. - VSCode: No need to say about it. - CodeRunner: Run many programming languages that can help you do some test before you code. ### Paw HTTP request maker like Postman, but way better. ### DB Browser for SQLite SQLite database browser that can debug iOS / Android Apps. ### fzf - File instant-and-fuzzy search in **Terminal**. - Equal to **Alfred** command `open (target_file)`. - Installation: `$ brew install fzf`. #### Open target file directly ```bash= $ open $(fzf) # use current folder path as search range. $ (fuzzy_target_file_name) # may list all fuzzy search result # Finish: Select target and type `Enter`, it will open the target file. ``` ### Workflow tools - **Day One**: Best diary app to record your life. - **Workflowy** - **Alfred** - **CleanshotX**: Screenshot maker with many features. - **Obsidian**: Note app that using Github to sync, got 2-way note relation binding. - **Dozer**: Reorder and hide unused mac menu bar icons. - **1Password**: Password manager that not only help you remember passwords and also autofill in browser if you needed. - **CopyClip**: Save all pasteboard history and list it on menu bar. #### Get target path on Terminal ```bash= $ fzf # use current folder path as search range. $ (fuzzy_target_file_name) # may list all fuzzy search result # Finish: select your target and type `enter`, it will log the file path on Terminal and finish the search process. ``` ### iOS Developer only `RocketSim` Make Xcode simulator GIF Demo for PR. `LSUnusedResources` Help to clean-up unused resource like files and images in your Xcode project. `Dash` Look up Apple document quickly. (It will be great to use it with Alfred) `Developer` Apple WWDC player app. ## Others ### Special typing `⌥ + ⇧ + K` -> 