--- title: 洛桑協議全文 image: https://i.imgur.com/SjSUT5c.jpg --- 洛桑協議全文 ========== License: CC0 Public Domain -------------------------------------------------------- 07 JUI '97 14:52 CERO•CEO•MUSEE•OLYMPIQUE•CIO P.4/9 AGREEMENT --------- between the INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, Lausanne and the CHINESE TAIPEI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, Taipei. ------------ Agreement has been reached on this twenty-third day of March Nineteen Hundred and Eighty One (1981) between the International Olympic Committee (hereinafter called the IOC) and the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (hereinafter called the CTOC or the NOC as the case may be) that both parties (hereinafter collectively called "the parties") agree to settle their differences on the following understandings terms and conditions: WHEREAS ------- Understandings by the parties ----------------------------- a) All rules, by-laws, instructions and other regulations governing the Olympic Movement are contained in the Olympic Charter with the amendments approved by the 82nd IOC Session, as attached to this Agreement (exhibit 1). b) Rule 24 F. of the Olympic Charter reads as follows: "the flag and the emblem used by an NOC at the "Olympic Games shall be submitted to and approved "by the IOC Executivee Boards." c) Rule 30, 1st paragraph of the Olympic Charter reads as follows: "Since only NOCs recognised by the IOC may enter "competitors in the Olympic Games, a country without "an NOC must form such a Committee and have it "recognised by the IOC before it is permitted to take "part in the Olympic Games." d) Rule 3 of the Olympic Charter reads as follows: "The Olympic Games take place every four years. They "unite Olympic competitors of all counteries in fair "and equal competition. "The International Olympic Committee (IOC) shall "secure the widest possible audience for the Olympic "Games. "No discrimination in them is allowed against any "country or person on grounds of race, religion or "politics." NOW BOTH PARTIES HEREBY AGREE as follows: -1- The name of the NOC shall be CHINESE TAIPEI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, and is as such hereby approved by the IOC. -2- The CTOC hereby submits its flag and emblem as per attached specimens (exhibits 2 and 3) which are hereby approved by the IOC. -3- The IOC hereby confirms to the CTOC that the latter is entitled to participate in the future Olympic Games as well as other activities sponsored by the IOC like every recognised National Olympic Committee, with the same status and the same full rights, in compliance with the Olympic Charter. -4- The IOC will assist the CTOC in its application for and/or reinstatement of membership in the various international federations affiliated to the IOC. Signed in Lausanne, on March 23rd, 1981. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC CHINESE TAIEPI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE COMMITTEE *signature* *signature* ------------------------------------------------------- FLAG EMBLEM ------------------------------------------------------- COMITE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIQUE lausanne, le 23 mars 1981 PRESS RELEASE ------------- The International Olympic Committee and the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee announce that, based on the latest amended version of the Olympic Charter, thery are agreed on the name, flag and emblem of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee. According to this agreement the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee is entitled to participate in future Olympic Games, as well as other activities sponsored by the IOC, like every National Olympic Committee, with the same status and the same rights. ------------------------------------------------------ HYMNE DU CHINESE TAIPEI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE CHINESE TAIEPEI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE's ANTHEM ------------------------------------------ ```abc X:1 T:中華台北奧會會歌 M:4/4 C: K: |E2 (D>E) G2 G2|c2 (B>A) A2 G2 | A2 G2 G2 (E>C) | F F/2 E2 D4 | |E2 C/2 D/2 E2 G2 | c2 B/2 A/2 A2 G2| A2 G2 G2 (FE) | D E/2 D2 C4| ``` --------------------------------------------------------- WORDS OF THE CHINESE TAIPEI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE'S ANTHEM Olympic! Olympic! Regardless of religion and race To promote good followship and world peace Youths from the five continents gateher at the Olympic Games In fair competition, create new records Don't be proud when you win Don't be discouraged when you loss Strive to go forward Faster and further The glory of Olympic will last forever! Strive to go forward~ Higher and stronger The glory of Olympic will last forever! ------------------------------------------------------ 原圖片 ===== ![](https://i.imgur.com/SjSUT5c.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/y7hpmHL.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/4uOWwkH.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/9cSst1o.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/C6v3PNd.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/larEf73.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/J9QDJil.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/cpumFgB.jpg)