# Obul ## Why Urbit? * Urbit is our home and we want native access to the Rtoken protocol * Our expertise is in Hoon not Solidity * We believe Urbit is a crypto OS that will eventually gain wide spread use ## What is Obul? * Obul is the Rtoken protocol implemented in Hoon running on Ubar * Uqbar is the native blockchain of Urbit which just launched a testnet * Uqbar allows us to write smart contracts in Hoon * It is our goal that Obul be isomorphic with the Rtoken protocol on Ethereum ## What kinds of tokens do we want to build? We have two tokens in mind for Obul. ### SOUL The first token we want to create is called SOUL, which is a basket of Urbit address space. Because address space in non-fungible we plan to wrap Galaxies, Stars, and Planets into fungible tokens that can be placed into the basket. Furthermore we may additionally consider tokens that represent collective ownership in things such as Galaxies and Stars. SOUL is meant to provide broad exposure to Urbit address space for the purposes of speculation or bulk address purchase across different classes of Urbit address space. We believe there is an unmet market desire for such a product, and if SOUL is successful it will create a more efficient market for Urbit address space. ### OSTRA The second token we would like to create is called OSTRA. Nevin recently spoke at Assembly, the annual Urbit conference, and he gave a simple challenge to the community. How are you going to prevent malicious monetization of attention? He briefly reviewed a few technical tools that could help, but ultimately concluded that whatever solution was devised would boil down to a strong social commitment to discourage attention hijacking. One possible path forward he presented was euphemistically called the "happy dollar". This proposed currency could be used to buy goods and services on Urbit, but only if the proprietor committed to not monetizing attention. We intend to implement this idea and we are calling this currency OSTRA. OSTRA will use Obul to create an Rtoken compliant basket of interest bearing USD derivative assets like cUSDC. If this token becomes popular as a medium of exchange, then it will signal a clear commitment to what we call Calm Computing. While we still have work to do to refine this idea further, but we want the governance of OSTRA to be a DAO within Urbit. This DAO would have all the tools necessary to coordinate and effectively manage OSTRA. Including ownership of its own data, computation, communications, and crypto assets. Token holders in the DAO will be delegate core operations to small specialized groups, as well as vote on important issues directly. In exchange for this effort they will be rewarded using the revenue generated by the underlying collateral that backs OSTRA. Currently we imagine governance to be composed of a few basic components. * Economic board to make decision regarding collateral * Certificate Issuance that represents a commitment to calm computing * Paid professionals monitoring certificate holders for violations * Three strikes your out policy * private communication citing evidence of bad behavior * public document calling out the behavior and ways to redress it * public trial where if the accused is found guilty the loose their certificate [link](https://youtube.com) TODO: conclusion ### Other possible tokens * Exposure to Ubrit based companies and projects * Exposure to Urbit DAOs * Inflation protected store of value