## Final Project Draft Plan ### Meeting Scheduler for Cross Continent Offices **Goal**: Create an interactive platform to help find the best time for a meeting or a conference across time zone :::info **Customer Journey:** 1. Enter Date, Month and Year 2. Enter Location (if possible auto-detect location of user) 3. Enter Additional Location 4. Click 'Show Best Time' Table 5. Suggest 'Best Time To Meet' to user according to input ::: **Limitations:** 1. Target to include 5 cities across multiple continents (minimum 3 cities) 2. Ability to add locations (minimum to 2 at a time) **Features to add (if time permits)** 1. Ability to change interval between time (default set to 1 hour intervals) 2. Additional info on different countries holidays, weekend dates and working hours (as it differs from country to country) 3. Additional info if needed (such as Day Light Savings, UK 1 hour ahead of UTC during summer)