# TWAP web interface The project task is creating a web interface with time-weighted average prices of the specified crypto tokens. ## Problem Sometimes operations with crypto tokens require time-weighted average price, or TWAP. These numbers usually aren't available off-the-shelf on open APIs, so the custom scripts & calculations are required. Another part of the problem is, the TWAP has to be available & sharable for cross-checks by many different parties. ## Proposed solution The proposed solution is the web service providing the TWAP data. The raw price data may be acquired on the open sources (coingecko.com API or any other exchange, for instance). The page displaying the data should be sharable by the link. The TWAP params are: 1. Token or tokens. 2. The time period: 1. 7-days, 14-days, 30-days. 2. 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, starting with exact date. 3. Custom period. 3. Price denomination in: 4. USD. 5. BTC. 6. ETH. Technical decisions are up to the team. Howether, the basic understanding of web service architecture patterns & best practices is expected. ## Project flow The team & shareholder are expected to go through the following steps: 1. Define the requirements & plan with shareholders. 2. Prepare spec for: 1) user flows; 2) technical implementation; 3) UI design in Figma or any other design tool. 3. Develop the project. 4. Prepare deployment plan + manual. 5. Deploy the service. ## Org The project development is to be performed in two-week sprints. Every sprint concludes with a demo call, where the progress, blockers and questions are discussed and the plan & items for delivery on the next demo are defined. Once the project reaches the MVP stage (i.e. there's some user-facing functionality implemented) the team & shareholder are to deploy it to cloud service of the choice. ## Stakeholder Victor Suzdalev (telegram [@kadmil](https://t.me/kadmil)) Please, reach out with any questions!