# Kubernetes Atlanta Meetup: May 2023 - **Date:** 05.31.2023<!--date as MM.DD.YYYY--> - **Location:** - Virtual via Zoom - **Speakers:** - **Whitney Lee @ VMware & Viktor Farcic @Upbound** <!--presenter name @ company--> **Viktor Farcic** is a Developer Advocate at Upbound, a member of the Google Developer Experts, CDF Ambassadors, and GitHub Stars groups, and a published author. He is a host of the YouTube channel DevOps Toolkit and a co-host of DevOps Paradox. **Whitney** is a lovable goofball who enjoys understanding and using tools in the cloud native landscape. Creative and driven, Whitney recently pivoted from an art-related career to one in tech. She is active in the open source community, especially around CNCF projects focused on developer productivity. You can catch her lightboard streaming show ⚡️ Enlightning on Tanzu.TV. She also co-hosts the streaming show You Choose! - a 'Choose-Your-Own-Adventure'-style journey through the CNCF landscape. And not only does she rock at tech - she literally has toured playing in the band Mutual Benefit on keyboards and vocals. - **Choose Your Own Adventure: The Treacherous Trek to Development**<!--presentation title--> From the moment of their inception as source code on the developer’s laptop, our hero knows that they are destined for great things. They long to be a real, running application, living in production, serving end users! But the epic journey to production is an arduous one, filled with cascading choices—choices concerning container build strategy, image registries, application configuration, adding and managing a database, migrating database schema, and Kubernetes-native development, to name a few. And who knows what other unseen forces lurk in the shadows! One wrong step could be catastrophic. It is up to us, the audience, to guide our hero; and to help them grow from source code to container image, to the first pitstop on their journey- running in a development environment. In this ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’-style talk, Whitney and Viktor will present a linear view of all of the choices that an anthropomorphized application must make as they try to find their way to the fabled land of development. Throughout the presentation, the audience will use a voting app to choose which path our hero application will take. Can we navigate CNCF projects and avoid pitfalls and dead-ends to get our application to development before the session time elapses? - **Budhaditya Bhattacharya, Product Evangelist @ Tyk, Sedky Haider, Director Solutions Architecture @ Tyk** <!--presenter name @ company--> **Budha** is the product evangelist and developer advocate at Tyk. He is also the host of the All About APIs podcast, the API hangout, and the GraphQL hangout and endeavors to put technology in context and show how it can solve real-world problems. He is passionate about solving problems at scale and building a connected and sustainable world through technology. His areas of interest include APIs, K8s and Data science. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/budha-b/ **Sedky Haider** is a seasoned Director of Solutions Architecture at Tyk and a certified Kubernetes Application Developer with an in-depth background in software development and technology. He specializes in designing and implementing high-availability, scalable infrastructures, particularly in containerized environments. Sedky has contributed significantly to digitization and modernization efforts at companies like Canada Life, CDK Global, and 3M across Cloud and On-Prem environments. Additionally, Sedky leverages his extensive cloud services expertise to drive product development and solution design. His strong technical leadership, coupled with his passion for delivering high-quality customer experiences, makes him a valuable figure in the tech industry. - **Building, Deploying and Managing APIs in K8s**<!--presentation title--> Learning by doing is paramount in acquiring practical skills, particularly in the realm of API development. We'll explore building a simple Python/Node API and deploying it on Minkube/GKE and then adding security to it and exposing it. During this event, we will cover how to: - Create a node API - Dockerize it - Add an API definition for security/publishing - Package it with a helm - Deploy to Kubernetes - **Hosts:** - @alex.b - @phenixblue ## This Month in Kubernetes - v1.28 Release Cycle <!-- Link to latest release for the current K8s release cycle --> - - Next Deadline: <!-- Date and general description for the next release cycle deadline --> - Production Readiness Freeze, June 8th - Fix Releases <!-- List of latest fix releases for supported/maintained Kubernetes version --> - v1.27.1 - v1.26.4 - v1.25.9 - v1.24.13 - Promotions <!-- List of any interesting feature/API promotions --> - NA - Deprecations <!-- List of any interesting feature/API deprecations --> - NA - CVE's <!-- List of any Kubernetes related CVE's --> - NA - PR's of Note <!-- List of any interesting PR's to the Kubernetes project (use lwkd.io) --> - [Short names for ValidatingWebhookConfigurations/MutatingWebhookConfigurations](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117535) - Community News <!-- List of any interesting news from the Kubernetes community/ecosystem --> - [Timoni - Package Manager for Kubernetes](https://timoni.sh/) - [Github Repo](https://github.com/stefanprodan/timoni) - [Mink - K8s API + CRD + RDMS](https://github.com/acorn-io/mink) - [Darren Shepherd Tweet](https://twitter.com/ibuildthecloud/status/1653074076255109122?s=46&t=NMeWOdVebKojCFaAIJ077A) - [kui - hybrid CLI/UI Development Experience](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kui) ## Meetup Links - [Victor/Whitney's Demo Stuff](https://github.com/vfarcic/cncf-demo) - [Budha/Sedky - Demo APIGW Ingress](https://dev.tyk-demo.com/) - [Budha/Sedky - Demo Repo](https://github.com/sedkis/tyk-cicd-demo) - [Budga/Sedky - Demo Node.js Starter](https://github.com/web-starter-templates/firebase-node-ts-backend) ## Meetup Slides ## Meetup Recordings ## Meetup Notes ### Who's Hiring <!--Company Name: Positions hiring for (link to hiring page), Contact Name/email/etc--> ###### tags: `meetup` <!--Add additional tags for `year`, `month` and anything else pertinent-->