# Kubernetes Atlanta Meetup: February 2024<!--Month Year--> - **Date:** <!--date as MM.DD.YYYY--> - **Location:** - GA Tech ATDC, 3rd Floor Hodges Room - **Speakers:** - **Christian Posta, Global Field CTO @ Solo.io** <!--presenter name @ company--> Christian Posta (@christianposta) is VP, Global Field CTO at Solo.io. He is the author of "Istio in Action" as well as many other books on cloud-native architecture and is well known in the cloud-native community for being a speaker, blogger (https://blog.christianposta.com) and contributor to various open-source projects in the service mesh and cloud-native ecosystem (Istio, Kubernetes, et. al.). Christian has spent time at government, commercial enterprises as well as web-scale companies and now helps organizations create and deploy large-scale, cloud-native, resilient, distributed architectures. He enjoys mentoring, training and leading teams to be successful with distributed systems concepts, microservices, DevOps, and cloud-native application design. - **Cilium and Istio: better together with CAKE**<!--presentation title--> Modern application architectures based on microservices, containers, and APIs need a modern approach to networking. Cilium and Istio both provide compelling solutions for different layers in the network but also have some overlap. At KubeCon NA 23 we introduced the concept of the “CAKES stack” -- a modern application networking stack based on best of breed components for networking: Cilium, Ambient mesh (Istio), Kubernetes, Envoy, and SPIFFE/SPIRE. In this talk, we understand how these technologies complement each other to solve challenges around zero trust, observability, traffic policy enforcement, API management and global failover. **Hosts:** - Alex Barnes (@alex.b) - Calendly - Joe Searcy (@phenixblue) - Intel - Nate Lee - Speedscale **Sponsors** - Calendly - Speedscale - GA Tech ATDC - Solo.io ## This Month in Kubernetes - [v1.30 Release Cycle](https://groups.google.com/a/kubernetes.io/g/dev/c/50QpY6-S5-A) <!-- Link to latest release for the current K8s release cycle --> - Next Deadline: <!-- Date and general description for the next release cycle deadline --> - Exception Requests Due, February 26th - [Currently Tracking 56 Enhancements](https://github.com/orgs/kubernetes/projects/175/views/1) - Fix Releases <!-- List of latest fix releases for supported/maintained Kubernetes version --> - v1.29.2 - v1.28.7 - v1.27.11 - v1.26.14 - Promotions <!-- List of any interesting feature/API promotions --> - NA - Deprecations <!-- List of any interesting feature/API deprecations --> - NA - CVE's <!-- List of any Kubernetes related CVE's --> - [Leaky Vessels - CVE-2024-21626](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-21626) - https://openssf.org/blog/2024/02/06/time-is-of-the-essence-to-mitigate-vulnerabilities-like-leaky-vessels/ - PR's of Note <!-- List of any interesting PR's to the Kubernetes project (use lwkd.io) --> - [kubectl explain shows enum values](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/123023) - KEP's of Note - [MutatingAdmissionPolicies](https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-api-machinery/3962-mutating-admission-policies) - Community News <!-- List of any interesting news from the Kubernetes community/ecosystem --> - [Kubernetes Network Interface: KNI](https://dougbtv.com/nfvpe/2024/01/12/kni-demo/) - [KNI: Kubernetes Networking Reimagined](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1n-JrQ07gXPrF37jawDunqZlLJFziCZse-aVzFYPLYTQ/edit#slide=id.p) - [Relationship-Based Access Control: OpenFGA](https://openfga.dev) - [Google Zanzibar Whitepaper](https://research.google/pubs/zanzibar-googles-consistent-global-authorization-system/) - [Gatekeeper Policy Manager](https://github.com/sighupio/gatekeeper-policy-manager) - [KubeShark - API Traffic Analyzer for K8s](https://www.kubeshark.co) - [K8s Network Mapper](https://github.com/otterize/network-mapper) - ## Meetup Links - [Meetup Survey](https://surveys.delighted.com/c/u/V27XQni8) ## Meetup Slides ## Meetup Recordings ## Meetup Notes ### Who's Hiring - ushopwell2@gmail.com - kevin b <!--Company Name: Positions hiring for (link to hiring page), Contact Name/email/etc--> ###### tags: `meetup` <!--Add additional tags for `year`, `month` and anything else pertinent-->