(TODO: We need a derived version appropriate to send to cncf-maintainers list) # To CNFC Maintainers Sub: You're invited to the Kubernetes Contributor Celebration in one week! TL;DR we would love to have fellow cloud native contributors to join in the fun. Register now to be the first to join our Discord and we'll see you next week! https://forms.gle/51tqQgxuHxLaeU1P8 The Kubernetes community would normally celebrate this year by meeting in person, and that's not in the cards for us. So we decided to throw something fun online. With a change of venue, and with a lack of physical room limitations there’s no reason we can’t grow this to include all our friends and family! All we ask is that you register for logistical purposes. Here's the overview: - WHO: Everyone cloud native - WHAT: Games, competitions, and prizes! - WHEN: Friday, Dec 11th-Sunday Dec 13th* - WHERE: Discord (Register for an invitation) - WHY: Because it's nice to get to know each other out of code bases and Slack channels. \* We are opening up the Discord server Thursday night to get things started, so be sure to sign up before then. We have plenty of ad hoc space for all of you to group up and play games, or work, or do whatever you want. Friendly interproject rivalries are strongly encouraged. Hope to see you there. Key links: - Official URL: https://k8s.dev/celebration - Up-to-date schedule: https://k8s.dev/events/kcc2020/schedule/ - Direct link to sign-up: https://forms.gle/51tqQgxuHxLaeU1P8 Thanks, [HUMAN] # To K-Dev {Sent Dec 4, 2020} Sub: The Contributor Celebration is exactly one week away! TL;DR register now to be the first to join our Discord and we'll see you next week! https://forms.gle/51tqQgxuHxLaeU1P8 Alright everyone, as you put the finishing touches on 1.20 we want to send one final reminder to the list that our Contributor Celebration is next week! "Doors open" Dec 10th (Thursday) for some early social fun, with events officially starting Dec 11th (Friday) and going into the weekend for the 12th and 13th! The plan is to hop onto Discord and have a good time filled with games, quiz shows, emojis, and prizes. **Only those who register will have access to the Discord Server** to avoid spam. Key links: - Official URL: https://k8s.dev/celebration - Up-to-date schedule: https://k8s.dev/events/kcc2020/schedule/ - Direct link to sign-up: https://forms.gle/51tqQgxuHxLaeU1P8 You can find everything at the links above, but here are the four major items for you: # Contributor Celebration While most of the activities are designed to be optional, informal, and fun, we do would appreciate everyone joining the **Kubernetes Contributor Awards on Friday, Dec 11 at 12pm PT / 8pm UTC**: https://www.kubernetes.dev/events/kcc2020/activities/#kubernetes-contributor-awards/events/kcc2020/activities/#kubernetes-contributor-awards If you can only attend ONE thing or can only commit to a little bit of time, then we strongly recommend this event. These are direct nominations from our SIG Chairs and Tech Leads, and from seeing the list of nominations this year we promise you won't want to miss the things out community has accomplished this year. # Everyone in Cloud Native is invited! We're scaling up! Due to our (over)commitment to automation and lack of physical room limitations there's no reason we can't grow this event! We're opening invites up to other cloud native projects as well and friends and family! From Helm maintainers to Prometheus contributors to Rust library authors in our space, please extend the invitation to them. All we ask is for you to send them to the registration form for logistical purposes. Bring a friend! We have plenty of ad hoc space for all of you to group up and play games, or work, or do whatever you want. Friendly interproject rivalries are strongly encouraged. # The Most Excellent Kubernetes Challenge and the Great Cloud Native Bake Off We have two(2!) sessions of the DevOpsParty game, one on Friday and one on Saturday, graciously hosted by Jeremy Meiss and Ian Coldwater. We will be giving away tons of prizes to the audience so you will for sure want to come. If you are an expert of the arcane parts of K8s and want to help us come up with blisteringly difficult questions, let Jeremy, Ian, or myself know directy or raise your hand in the #contributor-summit Slack channel. There will also be a 3 hour bakeoff on Saturday inspired by Great British Bakeoff! And Sarah Novotny confirmed she's baking! Join in for the baked goods, smack talk, and fun competition. Reach out to Paul Czarkowski to join in. Details here # Other Fun Things We have games like Among Us, Destiny, Fall Guys, and a variety of web games to choose from, along with sessions like Jonas Rosland's Video Game preservation talk. Lots of you have come to us with talk ideas but don't want to commit quite yet, this is fine! But please consider talking to us to put a fun session on the schedule if you're interested. https://k8s.dev/celebration On behald of Contributor Celebration Events team