# 徵求有興趣參與的開源社群踴躍投稿!【COSCUP- Call for Open Source Community Submission 】 馬上 +1 投稿去!(English Below) # 關於 COSCUP 開源人年會 COSCUP 開源人年會為台灣 open source 愛好者交流與分享的大型開放原始碼研討會。自 2006 年開始,至今已經舉辦 15 年,每年都吸引全亞洲甚至世界各地的工程師前來參與。每一年 COSCUP 不限主題與內容,擁抱所有願意分享 Open Source 的人,吸引各界開源人爭相投稿。 無論您是開放原始碼的開發者、推廣者、使用者、還是想了解軟體的新手,都歡迎您來參加為開放原始碼開發者、使用者和推廣者舉辦的「開源人年會」。 **時間:2021年 7 月 31 日至 8 月 1 日 地點:台灣科技大學** COSCUP 2021 的社群議程即日起開始接受申請,並將於 **5 月 3 日**截止申請,請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會!申請請[按此](https://blog.coscup.org/2018/03/2018-community-room-application.html)。 # COSCUP社群議程特色 COSCUP 社群議程提供場地與行政協助,您可以在此舉辦一整天關於您有興趣的開源社群議程。 * 自訂議程時長:各社群可以自己決定每段議程的時間,無論 15 分鐘、30 分鐘、45 分鐘,甚至直接開設數個小時的工作坊都可以。(原則上必須各個社群須負責一軌,時數理想上需達到-全天:6 小時,如果不行填滿6個小時可以跟COSCUP說,我們可以幫你想辦法) * 自訂休息時間:各社群可以決定是否有休息時間,或是連番上陣。 * 議程形式:關於特定開源議題的討論、座談、工作坊等。 * 各社群推派負責人:申請社群需有兩名協調人聯名申請。 # 今年的社群議程招重要日期茲列如下 * 05/03 社群議程截止申請 * 05/10於 COSCUP Blog 公布通過的社群議程 * 05/17 通過的社群議程提供各議程軌的徵稿資訊,由 COSCUP 統一發佈並徵稿 * 06/01 社群提供所配發時段內的完整議程表 * 總議程表預定於七月初發佈 * 7 月 31 日至 8 月 1 日 COSCUP 2021! ##### 其他規則及申請書見此,快與社群夥伴討論一下,[[立馬申請吧]!](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8Oij5AD24tj99VxsFsak5wucbKyvLh_umfRtwQbFKeEC3jw/closedform) # # 【CALL OUT FOR 2021 COSCUP COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS】 # **About COSCUP** Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters (COSCUP; Chinese: 開源人年會) is an annual conference held by Taiwanese Open source community participants since 2006. It's a major force of Free software movement advocacy in Taiwan. The event is often held in two days, with talks, sponsor and communities booths, and Birds of a feather (computing). In addition to international speakers, many Taiwanese local Open Source contributors often give their talks here. The chief organizer, other staffs, and speakers are all volunteers. **CALL OUT FOR 2021 COSCUP COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS** We are delighted to announce that we are currently inviting submissions for Community Room, it is for those who are interested in organizing open source related tracks at COSCUP 2021. After we review your applications, you and your community will get assigned one room which we call, Community Room, inside the Community Room, you will be hosting for one or more track(s) based on the open source theme(s) you proposed. **About Community Rooms** There are assigned community rooms for self-organizing communities to work, share, and discuss issues around an open-source-related topic. The application should be submitted before May 3th. * You can decide the content and format in your Community Room. * You can decide the duration of each section and the whole schedule in your Community Room.(15 mins, 30 mins, 45mins per talk, or even hours long workshops). * Ideally, each community should host each track for at least 6 hours long per day. * Each community should assign 2 coordinators to COSCUP as the main contacts for communication purpose. **Key dates**: * May 3th: Deadline for Community Room application * May 10th: Accepted Community Room announced on blog.coscup.org * May 17th: Community Room coordinators provide information of Call for Proposal * June 1th: Community Room coordinators provide the complete run down for the track(s). * Early July: Full schedule published on COSCUP.org (TBC) * July 31th/Aug 1s at Taipei: COSCUP 2021