# Verkle Trees - Another iteration of VKTs MSM
This document revisits potential Verkle Tree-related Multiscalar Multiplications (MSM) optimizations.
The main gist of this round is to focus on how Gottfried Herold's ideas in [Notes on MSMs with Precomputation](https://hackmd.io/WfIjm0icSmSoqy2cfqenhQ) could improve our current (Geth) performance (but the ideas apply to any other VKT crypto library).
## Refresher on Verkle Trees and MSM
Most non-proof-related cryptography in Verkle Trees involves an MSM with a fixed basis of length 256.
The fundamental work of the following EL tasks are a fixed-basis MSM calculation:
- Calculating the tree key for an account header or contract storage slot.
- Most of the state migration from MPT to VKT is since we have to migrate leaf nodes.
- State tree updating requires updating internal node commitments and calculating extension level commitments (e.g. C1 and C2).
As we can see, optimizing MSM calculation is relevant for many important tasks.
### How do we calculate MSMs today? (in Geth)
Today’s algorithm exploits the fact that the basis is fixed, compared to other kinds of MSM where the basis isn’t fixed and where a Pippenger-like algorithm is the usual choice.
We calculate precomputed tables from the basis points to speed up the scalar multiplications. Originally, we calculated windows of 8 bits, but last year, I had the idea of using a window size of 16 bits (i.e. 16 windows) for the first five points and 8 bits (i.e. 32 windows) for the rest.
Calculating tree keys and extension node updates only requires an MSM using the first five elements of the basis. Considering “five” is a small number, we can push the windows on these points further without exploding the table sizes. This gives a ~2x speedup on these cases, which are quite common and greatly impact overall client performance.
Sometime later, I implemented a suggested trick for halving the table sizes. Since elliptic curve negation is cheap, we can reduce the precomputed values of each window by 1 bit. This doesn't change performance but reduces memory usage and table generation times (i.e: startup time).
Regarding the theoretical performance of this algorithm, counting the number of elliptic curve operations we must do is straightforward. For the first five elements, each scalar multiplication requires 16 point additions (i.e: 16-bit window). For the rest, it takes 32 point additions (i.e: 8-bit window). As in, a **full 256-MSM in this algorithm takes: $5*16+251*32=8112$ point additions**. Calculating tree-keys for accounts and storage slots require fewer point additions since we only involve 2 or 4 basis points (the first scalar multiplication involves the version which is fixed now, so we can cache that result).
Regarding how big the precomputed table size is, it's also easy to calculate :
- $5 * 16 * 2^{15}$ points: the first 5 elements have 16 windows of 15 bits (since we do point negation trick)
- $251 * 32 * 2^7$ points: the rest have 8 windows of 7 bits (since we do point negation trick).
- We use "extended normalized points" for faster group law operations, which takes three (32 bytes) coordinates.
- Summing all up: 3649536 points * 3 * 32 = 334MiB.
**In summary, the current implementation has:**
- **8112 point additions for a 256 MSM (you can adjust the calculation for shorter MSMs).**
- **The presented benchmark numbers (in my CPU).**
- **A table configuration that uses 334MiB of memory.**
## Intuition of Gottfried’s idea (new algorithm)
I won’t explain the algorithm in detail, but I’ll try to give a good intuition here if you want to avoid reading his document.
Let’s look at the following image presented there:

The “x-axis” is the basis of the MSM. The “y-axis” are the 253 bits of each scalar corresponding to each point we want to calculate.
The algorithm has two main knobs you have to choose from:
- *t*: this indicates that we’ll consider bits every *t* rows to form the bits of the windows. In the image *t=5*, as you can see, every 5 rows, we color that bit with blue. Blue boxes are bits of the windows.
- *b*: this indicates that we group *b* blue-colored bits (from bottom to top and wrapping around) to form the windows.
In summary, we form the windows by grouping *b* bits that we select every *t* rows. We “wrap around” when we reach the top, continuing with the next P_i. A window can involve two different points, which is not the case in our current algorithm.
After we define *t* and *b*, this already defines the windows we have to precompute in the same style as our current algorithm. The idea is that we do a similar fashion of a “double-and-add” where we sum all the windows for some bits, then double them, then sum the windows for the next bits, then double them, etc (i.e: filling the gaps between blue boxes). The number of iterations is *t-1*. The "wrap around" situation makes things a bit more tricky.
Let’s say that we choose some *t* and *b*, build some intuition of what we gain/lose by increasing each knob:
- Increase *t* by one: This would reduce the number of windows and thus memory usage. The cost is one extra total doubling. We still have to do a similar-ish number of point additions, since now we have to do an extra round of window aggregation.
- Increase *b* by one: This will reduce the number of windows, but each window will have more bits thus it’s table will be bigger. The cost to pay is more memory.
The cool fact is that increasing *t* by 1 means only 1 extra doubling independently of the length of the MSM, which is very interesting. For example, if we switch from *t=2* to *t=4* with only two extra doublings, we reduce the table’s memory to half the size (again, independently of the length of the MSM).
Are two (or four, or 10, etc.) extra doublings relevant? It depends on the total number of point additions. If we have to do 1000 point additions and doublings for `t=2`, then doubling *t* to `t=4` would decrease the table size in half and only add **a total** of 2 extra operations (i.e., a total of 1002), which is a big win in terms of efficiency.
In reality, things are a bit harder since there’s some “efficiency loss” with this “wrap around” situation where some bits in the tables are “lost” depending how _t_ divides 253. I'll touch on this a bit more later.
## New algorithm implementation and benchmark
I wrote a [Go implementation](https://github.com/crate-crypto/go-ipa/blob/c3e4522c7200c707a7e2e388fb9dc7bcbe705514/banderwagon/precomp2.go) and [benchmark](https://github.com/crate-crypto/go-ipa/blob/c3e4522c7200c707a7e2e388fb9dc7bcbe705514/banderwagon/precomp_test.go#L107-L130). The benchmark is reproducible, so you can run it on your machine.
The benchmark does a scan of three relevant dimensions:
- Parameter *t*
- Parameter *b*
- *msmLength*
The full benchmark output is quite long, so I put it in an appendix section at the end of the document. Next, I’ll explain how to interpret each line of the output.
Let’s take as an example the following line:
..../msmLength=4/t=32_b=10-16 35696 33594 ns/op 150.0 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
- This is the run for the `msmLength=4,t=32,b=10` configuration.
- It takes 31μs to calculate this MSM under this configuration.
- For this case, we did 150 point additions+doublings.
- This provides a more “neutral” metric to measure performance compared to time which depends on the CPU — this metric mainly depends on `(t, b)` but is also slightly influenced by the `msmLength` (this is a consequence of the “wrap around” of windows).
- If we want to be precise, doublings is slightly faster than addition but for simplicity we aggregate them.
- The precomputed table size for this `(t, b)` setup is 19.22MiB.
- Note that the table size only depends on `(t, b)`, so you’ll see that in other MSM lengths, for the same `(t, b)`, the table size should be the same (the table is always prepared for a 256-MSM).
- This may be an obvious clarification, but the precomputed table must only be computed once and can be reused in many MSM calculations of different lengths (up to 256).
A curious reader might wonder why I added `t=23` and `t=11` as configurations if the rest are powers of two. Those numbers are factors of 253, the bit length of the scalar field. The “wrap around” nature of skipping every `t` rows makes the algorithm have “top efficiency” when each window perfectly fits each column. You can find cases where the total Add+Doublings remains the same even between `t=16->t=23` configurations. Despite having to do 7 extra doublings, due to the higher efficiency of `t=23`, we also pack more meaningful bits in window additions, resulting in the same total number of operations!
### What is the benchmark saying?
The obvious question is: What is the best `(t, b)` we can use to beat the current algorithm? You might have realized that the answer depends.
Increasing *t* is nice since, e.g., if we double it, we reduce the table size by half. Reducing the table size isn’t only a “save memory” benefit, but leaves more space to push *b* further, which gives us speedup. The cost of increasing *t* by 1 is increasing the **total** number of doublings by 1, but how much impact that has depends on the length of the MSM! Let’s look at two examples to understand this better.
First example:
.../msmLength=1/t=1_b=8-16 151861 7689 ns/op 32.00 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
.../msmLength=1/t=2_b=8-16 148771 7827 ns/op 33.00 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
The first setup has `t=1` which means no doublings. The second setup has `t=2` which means 1 doubling. The table size difference between both is 1/2, which is massive, but only at the total cost of extra 1 doubling! Is this extra doubling a big or low overhead? We moved from 32 to 33 operations, which makes sense. Adding one extra operation in 32 is ~3% overhead. If we increase from `t=1` to `t=32`, we’d include 31 doublings, which is ~97% overhead. In summary, in this case, we need low *t* because, in relative terms, doublings can add overhead quite quickly.
Second example:
.../msmLength=256/t=1_b=12-16 646 1842674 ns/op 5398 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
.../msmLength=256/t=2_b=12-16 612 1888015 ns/op 5418 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
Here we add an extra doubling as before. You might wonder why we changed from 5398 to 5418 instead of 5399. The reason is the “wrap around,” which is losing some extra efficiency due to “lost bits”. In any case, the important point is that 1 extra doubling in 5398 operations is ~0.02%, and we reduced the table size by half (~1GiB!), and the performance is almost the same!
Note that if we change from `t=1` to `t=32`:
.../msmLength=256/t=32_b=12-16 666 1759856 ns/op 5500 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
That was a 5x table size reduction (1=2^0 → 32=2^5), and we only added 31 extra doublings which in relative terms to ~5400 operations is tiny (~0.57%).
**The longer the MSM length, the more aggressive we can increase *t* without significant overhead. This leads to smaller tables with roughly the same performance. Smaller tables give us more memory room to increase *b,* providing more performance.**
For a short MSM, we’d need a smaller *t* since each doubling, despite being constant, is significant relative to the total number of operations. For longer MSMs, increasing i*t* by a big amount can still be small relative to the rest of the operations, so we can push for a bigger *b*.
Regarding *b*, as you can see in the benchmark, we should increase it as much as possible since this directly improves performance at the cost of pushing for more memory usage. Note that each extra increase of *b* has less impact, and it doubles the table size, so there are diminishing returns of trying to push this knob too much.
The “unfortunate” conclusion is that the best setup might depend on at least some group of MSM length ranges.
## How to apply these lessons to Verkle Tree MSM?
As we’ve seen before, we need to analyze numbers more carefully since the new algorithm might be useful only in some cases.
A very important clarification worth doing now, is that when I said “a MSM of length X”, I mean having a 256-vector of scalars where only X scalars are non-zero. Since the number of non-zero scalars increases/decreases the total number of add+doubles we have to do, that’s what matters to know when adding more doublings starts to hurt performance too much.
These are the relevant MSMs that happen in VKT:
- MSMs that only have non-zero scalars for the first 5 elements of the basis:
- Tree key calculation for account header
- Tree key calculation for contract storage slot
- Extension level commitment updates.
- TL;DR: Very important and common cases!
- MSMs with non-zero scalars spread in all 256 elements of the basis:
- Internal node commitment updates (diff updating internal nodes)
- Contracts with few storage slot in a leaf node.
- State conversion from MPT to VKT, since we’re moving lots of data from contracts.
- EVM block executions that touch many storage slots in a group, or create new leaf nodes.
We’ll have to analyze each of these cases. The complexity of having to distinguish both cases comes from the current algorithm has different performance for MSMs of, for example, length 2 depending on whether these two scalars are in the first 5 or the rest of the elements—since recall for the first 5 we use 16-bit windows and for the rest 8-bit windows, so it gets complicated!
I wrote a benchmark that shows the current algorithm's performance in each scenario, so let’s analyze them separately. All the benchmarks shown below are reproducible also in [this development branch](https://github.com/crate-crypto/go-ipa/blob/c3e4522c7200c707a7e2e388fb9dc7bcbe705514/ipa/ipa_test.go#L328-L405).
### MSMs that only have non-zero scalars for the first 5 elements of the basis
Let’s look at the current algorithm performance in this case:
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=1-16 245980 4289 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=2-16 125569 9471 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=4-16 60856 19540 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
Notes about these numbers:
- 1 MSM (i.e: a scalar multiplication) takes ~4.2μs in my CPU.
- Remember, in this `basis[0:5]` range, we use 16-bit windows.
- This means a total of 16 total point additions.
- Considering the MSM length, the time duration is (should) linear.
It is very hard to beat these numbers since the current algorithm excels in this case. The tables are fully optimized for performance in this basis subset, and it would be very hard (or impossible?) to find another strategy that can beat this.
This is fine since using 16-bit windows was a conscious decision to put the feet on the gas for very important cases in Verkle. If you’re curious you could look at the *Appendix - New algorithm full benchmark output* section again and check that the scanned parameters can’t match this performance. For this case, we could try *t=1* and *b=16,* but we’d be pushing the new algorithm to try doing the same as we do today, without any point negation tricks or simply having a more inefficient implementation for this border case.
So, for this case, if we allow zero compromises on performance (which might be questionable, but let’s put that as a constraint), we still need to use the current algorithm. If losing 10% of performance is allowed for this case, then we can probably find a configuration in the new algorithm that is fast enough and probably uses less memory. For now, we stick to “0 performance compromises” to simplify the analysis.
### MSMs with non-zero scalars spread in all 256 elements of the basis
In this case, things start to get more interesting.
Let’s look at the performance of the current algorithm:
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=1-16 174397 7051 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=2-16 87318 13727 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=4-16 43476 27446 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=8-16 21643 54970 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=16-16 10816 110915 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=32-16 5148 228504 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=64-16 1940 540530 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=128-16 972 1189247 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMSMComparison/MSM_length_all_basis_(256)-16 484 2452469 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
This case concerns MSM of non-zero scalars spread over all 256 bases. This means the current algorithm will usually use 8-bit windows instead of 16-bit ones, which only exist for the first five elements. Looking at MSM lengths between 1 and 4, we can already see how those are slower than the previous case using 16-bit windows (although it surprised me a bit how it isn’t closer to a 2x slowdown, but it could be related to 8-bit tables causing more cache hits—or maybe my computer had some CPU spike adding noise). In the current algorithm, the expected number of point additions is `32 windows per point * MSM length`.
Here’s where we find two sub-cases in this kind of MSM:
- Short-ish MSMs, between 1 and 8 elements.
- Longer MSMs, between 9 and 256.
Looking again at the output in *Appendix - New algorithm full benchmark output* we can already identify these cases with a similar or better performance.
Let’s start with the MSM length range between 1 and 8:
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=1_b=10-16 180130 6439 ns/op 26.00 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=2_b=10-16 177812 6636 ns/op 27.00 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=1_b=10-16 91807 12717 ns/op 50.00 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=2_b=10-16 90750 12974 ns/op 52.00 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=4_b=10-16 89265 13311 ns/op 55.00 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=8_b=12-16 49772 23311 ns/op 95.00 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=11_b=12-16 49486 23932 ns/op 98.00 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=8_b=10-16 22918 52100 ns/op 215.0 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=11_b=10-16 22681 52482 ns/op 218.0 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=16_b=10-16 22360 53490 ns/op 223.0 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
The raw performance numbers are better than the current algorithm, but within this range is still hard to have a good tradeoff of memory usage. The underlying reason is not other than what we explained in previous sections. The new algorithm has a fixed cost of doublings that should amortize well in the total number of operations. Since these MSM lengths are still quite short, these costs aren’t amortized enough to make the new algorithm shine. Also note that ideally, we’d like a single *t* and *b* configuration to cover this range since having many configurations means adding the table sizes! So maybe using the current algorithm with 8-bit windows for these spread short MSM is still better.
Now let’s look at MSM ranges of 9 and 256 (quite a wide range):
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=11_b=12-16 13119 90151 ns/op 351.0 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=16_b=12-16 13003 90734 ns/op 364.0 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=23_b=12-16 13202 90793 ns/op 367.0 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=16_b=12-16 5389 187291 ns/op 703.0 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=23_b=12-16 6604 182876 ns/op 712.0 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=32_b=12-16 6602 181060 ns/op 734.0 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=32_b=12-16 2715 378143 ns/op 1406 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=64_b=12-16 2826 362490 ns/op 1463 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=128_b=12-16 2794 375601 ns/op 1534 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=64_b=12-16 1441 741780 ns/op 2815 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=128_b=12-16 1438 731027 ns/op 2932 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=256_b=12-16 1504 751304 ns/op 3037 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=64_b=12-16 692 1679191 ns/op 5564 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=128_b=12-16 702 1527611 ns/op 5629 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=256_b=12-16 788 1465889 ns/op 5810 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
This is where the new strategy starts to have serious performance improvements using table sizes that are quite small:
- For MSMs between 9 and 32, *t=16* and *b=12* are good choices. Note that if we try to push it a bit further, we’d probably affect shorter MSMs not shown in the benchmark between lengths 9 and 16.
- For MSM between 33 and 256, looks like a good choice is *t=128* and *b=12*.
For these ranges above, the cost of doublings starts to become “negligible” compared to the total number of operations. This allows us to use less memory and a bigger *b*, which helps performance.
### Final strategy
The final strategy for our new MSM algorithm is the following:
- For MSMs that only touch the first 5 basis points, use the current algorithm (16-bits windows)
- For MSMs that only have between 1 and 8 non-zero scalars spread all over the basis, use the current algorithm (8-bits windows)
- For MSM that have between 9 and 32 non-zero scalars spread all over the basis, use the new algorithm with *t=16* and *b=12* (adding 128MiB of memory usage).
- For MSM that have between 33 and 256 non-zero scalars spread all over the basis, use the new algorithm with *t=128* and *b=12* (only adds 16MiB of memory usage).
So, in the most aggressive strategy, we would add 128+16MiB of memory usage and get a decent speedup, which we’ll see more clearly in the next section benchmarks. We could be more conservative and still use the current algorithm for the 9-32 range and save the extra 128MiB if we think it isn’t worth it.
## Final strategy implementation and benchmark
So, this final strategy is a hybrid algorithm implementation in their best performance for each case.
Here’s a final benchmark that compares our current strategy with the new proposed one in [AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT](https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Ryzen-3800XT-16-Threads-Processor/dp/B089WCXZJC):
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=1-16 4.29µs ± 1% 4.22µs ± 1% -1.71% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=2-16 9.50µs ± 0% 9.37µs ± 0% -1.36% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=4-16 19.4µs ± 1% 19.1µs ± 0% -1.49% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=1-16 6.85µs ± 0% 6.79µs ± 0% -0.89% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=2-16 13.7µs ± 0% 13.6µs ± 0% -1.04% (p=0.000 n=8+8)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=4-16 27.5µs ± 0% 27.1µs ± 0% -1.25% (p=0.000 n=8+8)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=8-16 55.1µs ± 0% 54.3µs ± 0% -1.40% (p=0.000 n=9+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=16-16 111µs ± 0% 88µs ± 1% -20.73% (p=0.000 n=9+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=32-16 229µs ± 1% 181µs ± 1% -21.13% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=64-16 533µs ± 0% 370µs ± 0% -30.61% (p=0.000 n=8+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=128-16 1.19ms ± 0% 0.69ms ± 1% -41.60% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_length_all_basis_(256)-16 2.45ms ± 0% 1.37ms ± 1% -44.12% (p=0.000 n=9+8)
For MSMs of 16 non-zero scalars up to 256, we got a speedup between 20% and 44%, which is very good, using only 144MiB more memory. This has 0 compromises in any other case (which was one of the constraints of this exploration).
Let's look at the above benchmark comparisons in a [Rock5B](https://ameridroid.com/products/rock5-model-b) (very low-hardware setup, maybe already discarded already for an Ethereum node post-4844):
name old time/op new time/op delta
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=1-8 27.1µs ± 2% 27.4µs ± 3% ~ (p=0.247 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=2-8 54.1µs ± 1% 54.6µs ± 2% ~ (p=0.315 n=8+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=4-8 111µs ± 2% 111µs ± 2% -0.59% (p=0.040 n=9+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=1-8 37.1µs ± 2% 37.3µs ± 2% ~ (p=0.127 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=2-8 72.6µs ± 2% 74.0µs ± 1% +1.86% (p=0.001 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=4-8 147µs ± 2% 149µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.065 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=8-8 334µs ± 2% 333µs ± 3% ~ (p=0.739 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=16-8 783µs ± 2% 593µs ± 2% -24.21% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=32-8 1.68ms ± 3% 1.20ms ± 3% -28.18% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=64-8 3.39ms ± 2% 2.32ms ± 3% -31.54% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=128-8 7.00ms ± 1% 4.89ms ± 1% -30.09% (p=0.000 n=8+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_length_all_basis_(256)-8 13.6ms ± 1% 9.2ms ± 0% -32.13% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
If we think using 144MiB of extra memory is too much, then by only using 16MiB of extra memory we can get the following:
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=1-16 4.29µs ± 1% 4.21µs ± 0% -1.98% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=2-16 9.50µs ± 0% 9.38µs ± 0% -1.26% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[0:5]/msmLength=4-16 19.4µs ± 1% 19.2µs ± 0% -1.41% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=1-16 6.85µs ± 0% 6.81µs ± 0% -0.66% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=2-16 13.7µs ± 0% 13.6µs ± 0% -0.82% (p=0.000 n=8+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=4-16 27.5µs ± 0% 27.2µs ± 0% -0.97% (p=0.000 n=8+8)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=8-16 55.1µs ± 0% 54.4µs ± 0% -1.14% (p=0.000 n=9+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=16-16 111µs ± 0% 109µs ± 0% -1.40% (p=0.000 n=9+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=32-16 229µs ± 1% 213µs ± 0% -7.03% (p=0.000 n=10+9)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=64-16 533µs ± 0% 370µs ± 0% -30.51% (p=0.000 n=8+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_in_the_basis[5:256]/msmLength=128-16 1.19ms ± 0% 0.69ms ± 1% -41.46% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
MSMComparison/MSM_length_all_basis_(256)-16 2.45ms ± 0% 1.37ms ± 2% -44.08% (p=0.000 n=9+10)
Which is the same speedups as before, but not having gains in the 8 and 32 range.
I think 144MiB of extra RAM sounds reasonable for a decent speedup in a wide range of MSM lengths. But this might be up to each client's decision! In the worst case with extra 16MiB it will be getting quite a good bang for the buck anyway.
To finish, let’s explore some parallel questions regarding this new strategy.
### Why none of the implementations is parallelized?
The current and new strategies can be parallelized since aggregating windows is fully parallelizable. I kept all benchmarks single-threaded to make a fair comparison without any extra noise (i.e., comparing a non-parallelized algorithm with a parallelized one) would be unfair.
Furthermore, it’s easy to lose the view of the big picture when doing benchmarks deep in the stack. In the Verkle Trees EIPs, the use of these MSM comes from:
- Calculating tree keys, which clients can parallelize if they do the EVM execution in flat-db storage, collecting all changes, and dumping everything at the end of the tree to calculate the new root. This means that all tree accesses can be paralellized at this level, thus it’s not necessary to add extra parallelization overhead at the cryptography layer. This hasn’t been done yet in Geth since it’s a big-ish change that can cause rebase pains in the medium term, but it will be done eventually.
- Updating tree nodes, which clients can “commit” in a single go by parallelizing work “per level”, means that MSMs should already take advantage of all cores but “higher in the stack”.
- The state conversion work from MPT to VKT happens on every block. In this case, we’re doing many tree key calculations and new *LeafNode* insertions, which require these MSMs. We’ve already parallelized this work at the geth level, so there’s no need to parallelize the MSMs.
- Clients could easily parallelize this algorithm but make it optional at runtime if some cases don’t fall into the above categories.
### What happened to the clever trick of the new algorithm to reduce the precomputed table sizes?
As mentioned in the *How do we calculate MSMs today? (in Geth)* **section, today we do some point negation tricks to save 50% of table sizes by a known “point negation” trick where we can save 1-bit length in the windows.
As Gottfried mentioned in his document, the new algorithm includes a similar (but a bit more convoluted) trick that we can use to save 50% of pre-computation and, thus, memory usage.
The trick is very clever, where instead of aggregating window values from the identity element you start from a precomputed point that already adds “half” of the potential contribution of each scalar-bit in the windows. This allows you to represent the scalar bits with 1 and -1, which contribute the remaining “half” or cancel the existing one to have the correct contribution if the original bit was 0 or 1. Due to the sign symmetry of 1 and -1, we could do a similar “negation trick” to save 1 bit from the windows.
As mentioned in the original document, this trick creates a challenging situation if we have many scalars that are zero. The original point that we’re starting from to do the aggregation already assumes a contribution from each window, which should be zero in the case of zero scalars. We still have to add these zero-scalars, which hurts performance. Also as mentioned in the original doc, if we can predict which scalars might be zero, we could precompute some “cancelation points” such that a single point addition deals with the situation, but I don’t think this is quite possible since we’re using the new strategy for cases that aren’t very predictable.
I haven’t chatted with Gottfried about this situation to pick his brain, but my intuition said that all this probably isn’t worth it, considering our tables for the new strategy are already quite small for a lot of the complexity (and potential performance hurt) trying to do this trick would imply.
### How does the new MSM strategy affect table initialization times?
The original strategy required the following times of table precomputation at startup time:
- My CPU: ~402ms
- Rock5B: ~3.32s
The new strategy requires:
- My CPU: ~528ms
- Rock5B: 3.96s
## Conclusion and next steps
All the presented numbers are synthetic benchmarks that show the raw performance of MSMs. The speedups are quite significant, so this will be a good strategy to have from now on.
After preparing a more polished branch with this strategy to be used in `go-verkle` and geth, we could run other existing “higher level benchmarks” and a chain-replay run checking if we notice a `mgasps` throughput improvement or potential bump in the number of key-values we can migrate (MPT→VKT) per block.
Of course, any decision that considers performance should always consider slowest client implementation, so there won’t be an immediate decision regarding speeding up the migration. However, this this work and strategy could be applied to other libraries so more clients could benefit from it.
## Appendix - New algorithm full benchmark output
Below is the full benchmark output for the new algorithm (scroll horizontally to see all the columns):
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/crate-crypto/go-ipa/banderwagon
cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT 8-Core Processor
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=1_b=8-16 151861 7689 ns/op 32.00 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=2_b=8-16 148771 7827 ns/op 33.00 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=4_b=8-16 146248 8114 ns/op 34.00 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=8_b=8-16 134646 8785 ns/op 39.00 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=11_b=8-16 124125 9662 ns/op 42.00 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=16_b=8-16 116090 10303 ns/op 47.00 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=23_b=8-16 86211 13759 ns/op 67.00 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=32_b=8-16 89760 13242 ns/op 62.00 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=64_b=8-16 49566 24208 ns/op 124.0 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=128_b=8-16 27991 42901 ns/op 228.0 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=256_b=8-16 16648 72012 ns/op 383.0 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=1_b=10-16 180130 6439 ns/op 26.00 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=2_b=10-16 177812 6636 ns/op 27.00 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=4_b=10-16 162784 7271 ns/op 31.00 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=8_b=10-16 143562 8275 ns/op 36.00 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=11_b=10-16 128248 9240 ns/op 43.00 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=16_b=10-16 115963 10248 ns/op 47.00 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=23_b=10-16 100366 11942 ns/op 54.00 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=32_b=10-16 91568 13067 ns/op 63.00 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=64_b=10-16 49497 24243 ns/op 122.0 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=128_b=10-16 27986 42894 ns/op 216.0 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=256_b=10-16 16545 71987 ns/op 381.0 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=1_b=12-16 181618 5834 ns/op 21.00 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=2_b=12-16 183403 5838 ns/op 23.00 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=4_b=12-16 171466 6472 ns/op 27.00 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=8_b=12-16 158220 7254 ns/op 31.00 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=11_b=12-16 161642 7312 ns/op 32.00 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=16_b=12-16 119091 9995 ns/op 45.00 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=23_b=12-16 124302 9587 ns/op 45.00 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=32_b=12-16 89646 13059 ns/op 63.00 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=64_b=12-16 48892 24307 ns/op 120.0 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=128_b=12-16 27898 42910 ns/op 221.0 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=1/t=256_b=12-16 16663 72082 ns/op 387.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=1_b=8-16 77416 15288 ns/op 63.00 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=2_b=8-16 76774 15449 ns/op 65.00 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=4_b=8-16 75930 15633 ns/op 67.00 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=8_b=8-16 73446 16331 ns/op 71.00 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=11_b=8-16 68893 17274 ns/op 76.00 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=16_b=8-16 67221 17823 ns/op 78.00 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=23_b=8-16 59991 19993 ns/op 91.00 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=32_b=8-16 57742 20759 ns/op 94.00 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=64_b=8-16 45346 26475 ns/op 127.0 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=128_b=8-16 24482 49048 ns/op 248.0 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=256_b=8-16 13826 85603 ns/op 443.0 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=1_b=10-16 91807 12717 ns/op 50.00 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=2_b=10-16 90750 12974 ns/op 52.00 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=4_b=10-16 89265 13311 ns/op 55.00 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=8_b=10-16 81553 14560 ns/op 63.00 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=11_b=10-16 79632 14963 ns/op 65.00 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=16_b=10-16 71277 16724 ns/op 74.00 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=23_b=10-16 63938 18686 ns/op 85.00 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=32_b=10-16 58324 20503 ns/op 94.00 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=64_b=10-16 45714 26107 ns/op 127.0 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=128_b=10-16 24495 49026 ns/op 247.0 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=256_b=10-16 13998 85530 ns/op 449.0 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=1_b=12-16 92851 11781 ns/op 43.00 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=2_b=12-16 95461 11251 ns/op 45.00 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=4_b=12-16 99507 11729 ns/op 47.00 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=8_b=12-16 90548 13054 ns/op 54.00 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=11_b=12-16 91420 12851 ns/op 54.00 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=16_b=12-16 81574 14508 ns/op 63.00 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=23_b=12-16 77467 15199 ns/op 68.00 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=32_b=12-16 59442 20041 ns/op 91.00 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=64_b=12-16 45746 26146 ns/op 127.0 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=128_b=12-16 24421 49029 ns/op 248.0 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=2/t=256_b=12-16 14001 85663 ns/op 441.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=1_b=8-16 39063 30568 ns/op 125.0 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=2_b=8-16 38768 30742 ns/op 128.0 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=4_b=8-16 38539 30859 ns/op 131.0 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=8_b=8-16 38257 31226 ns/op 135.0 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=11_b=8-16 36728 32580 ns/op 142.0 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=16_b=8-16 36700 32836 ns/op 143.0 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=23_b=8-16 33697 35616 ns/op 158.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=32_b=8-16 33844 35465 ns/op 159.0 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=64_b=8-16 29068 41211 ns/op 191.0 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=128_b=8-16 22591 53359 ns/op 255.0 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=256_b=8-16 12241 98071 ns/op 490.0 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=1_b=10-16 43082 25505 ns/op 102.0 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=2_b=10-16 46455 25346 ns/op 102.0 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=4_b=10-16 45505 25990 ns/op 107.0 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=8_b=10-16 44721 26632 ns/op 110.0 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=11_b=10-16 43125 27658 ns/op 115.0 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=16_b=10-16 40711 29338 ns/op 124.0 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=23_b=10-16 38950 30888 ns/op 136.0 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=32_b=10-16 35696 33594 ns/op 150.0 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=64_b=10-16 29358 40873 ns/op 190.0 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=128_b=10-16 22988 52219 ns/op 255.0 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=256_b=10-16 12260 97909 ns/op 492.0 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=1_b=12-16 45807 25910 ns/op 85.00 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=2_b=12-16 49081 23843 ns/op 87.00 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=4_b=12-16 48309 22795 ns/op 91.00 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=8_b=12-16 49772 23311 ns/op 95.00 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=11_b=12-16 49486 23932 ns/op 98.00 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=16_b=12-16 45255 26202 ns/op 110.0 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=23_b=12-16 44236 26659 ns/op 114.0 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=32_b=12-16 41250 28919 ns/op 126.0 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=64_b=12-16 29852 40291 ns/op 190.0 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=128_b=12-16 22729 52407 ns/op 254.0 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=4/t=256_b=12-16 12237 97996 ns/op 491.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=1_b=8-16 19588 60834 ns/op 251.0 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=2_b=8-16 19548 61047 ns/op 253.0 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=4_b=8-16 19482 61535 ns/op 259.0 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=8_b=8-16 19413 61899 ns/op 262.0 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=11_b=8-16 19525 61391 ns/op 263.0 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=16_b=8-16 18922 62906 ns/op 271.0 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=23_b=8-16 19004 63216 ns/op 271.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=32_b=8-16 18427 65199 ns/op 285.0 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=64_b=8-16 16959 70774 ns/op 318.0 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=128_b=8-16 14432 83266 ns/op 379.0 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=256_b=8-16 10000 105913 ns/op 507.0 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=1_b=10-16 20606 55457 ns/op 202.0 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=2_b=10-16 22636 50954 ns/op 205.0 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=4_b=10-16 23312 51249 ns/op 208.0 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=8_b=10-16 22918 52100 ns/op 215.0 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=11_b=10-16 22681 52482 ns/op 218.0 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=16_b=10-16 22360 53490 ns/op 223.0 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=23_b=10-16 22172 54045 ns/op 229.0 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=32_b=10-16 20392 58691 ns/op 252.0 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=64_b=10-16 17816 67258 ns/op 300.0 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=128_b=10-16 14644 81905 ns/op 379.0 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=256_b=10-16 10000 104371 ns/op 507.0 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=1_b=12-16 21512 54833 ns/op 169.0 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=2_b=12-16 22207 52010 ns/op 171.0 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=4_b=12-16 25186 46070 ns/op 175.0 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=8_b=12-16 24944 45746 ns/op 182.0 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=11_b=12-16 25906 46135 ns/op 185.0 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=16_b=12-16 25440 46817 ns/op 190.0 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=23_b=12-16 24231 49308 ns/op 203.0 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=32_b=12-16 22948 52219 ns/op 221.0 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=64_b=12-16 20563 58097 ns/op 254.0 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=128_b=12-16 14824 80845 ns/op 376.0 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=8/t=256_b=12-16 10000 104771 ns/op 507.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=1_b=8-16 9540 125675 ns/op 504.0 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=2_b=8-16 9784 121522 ns/op 506.0 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=4_b=8-16 8254 123226 ns/op 511.0 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=8_b=8-16 8803 123347 ns/op 519.0 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=11_b=8-16 9166 121921 ns/op 514.0 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=16_b=8-16 9126 124311 ns/op 525.0 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=23_b=8-16 9172 124496 ns/op 526.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=32_b=8-16 9229 125511 ns/op 540.0 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=64_b=8-16 9100 130314 ns/op 574.0 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=128_b=8-16 8398 142566 ns/op 634.0 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=256_b=8-16 7230 165761 ns/op 759.0 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=1_b=10-16 8898 124725 ns/op 405.0 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=2_b=10-16 8974 113692 ns/op 408.0 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=4_b=10-16 11568 104227 ns/op 414.0 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=8_b=10-16 11625 102726 ns/op 419.0 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=11_b=10-16 11761 101660 ns/op 417.0 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=16_b=10-16 9756 104791 ns/op 430.0 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=23_b=10-16 10000 105418 ns/op 435.0 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=32_b=10-16 10000 106613 ns/op 447.0 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=64_b=10-16 9662 117825 ns/op 506.0 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=128_b=10-16 8672 134703 ns/op 604.0 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=256_b=10-16 7263 163517 ns/op 757.0 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=1_b=12-16 10000 111287 ns/op 338.0 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=2_b=12-16 10000 111692 ns/op 341.0 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=4_b=12-16 10000 105686 ns/op 347.0 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=8_b=12-16 12398 94808 ns/op 351.0 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=11_b=12-16 13119 90151 ns/op 351.0 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=16_b=12-16 13003 90734 ns/op 364.0 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=23_b=12-16 13202 90793 ns/op 367.0 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=32_b=12-16 12829 93492 ns/op 383.0 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=64_b=12-16 10000 104035 ns/op 443.0 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=128_b=12-16 9612 116959 ns/op 508.0 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=16/t=256_b=12-16 7191 162424 ns/op 744.0 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=1_b=8-16 3716 288264 ns/op 1010 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=2_b=8-16 4825 245827 ns/op 1012 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=4_b=8-16 4134 247371 ns/op 1019 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=8_b=8-16 4873 245557 ns/op 1029 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=11_b=8-16 4477 245161 ns/op 1017 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=16_b=8-16 4566 248149 ns/op 1032 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=23_b=8-16 4684 245373 ns/op 1030 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=32_b=8-16 4701 247517 ns/op 1052 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=64_b=8-16 4750 250902 ns/op 1083 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=128_b=8-16 4556 262074 ns/op 1147 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=256_b=8-16 4214 284126 ns/op 1262 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=1_b=10-16 4422 257006 ns/op 809.0 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=2_b=10-16 4478 251490 ns/op 814.0 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=4_b=10-16 4573 227108 ns/op 822.0 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=8_b=10-16 5800 204740 ns/op 827.0 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=11_b=10-16 5890 203860 ns/op 823.0 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=16_b=10-16 5836 205369 ns/op 842.0 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=23_b=10-16 5036 206072 ns/op 846.0 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=32_b=10-16 5236 208688 ns/op 863.0 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=64_b=10-16 5298 214153 ns/op 893.0 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=128_b=10-16 4983 235783 ns/op 1012 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=256_b=10-16 4402 270301 ns/op 1214 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=1_b=12-16 5252 224539 ns/op 675.0 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=2_b=12-16 5082 226956 ns/op 679.0 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=4_b=12-16 4938 221246 ns/op 687.0 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=8_b=12-16 5191 210796 ns/op 692.0 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=11_b=12-16 5265 202910 ns/op 689.0 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=16_b=12-16 5389 187291 ns/op 703.0 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=23_b=12-16 6604 182876 ns/op 712.0 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=32_b=12-16 6602 181060 ns/op 734.0 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=64_b=12-16 5552 187304 ns/op 767.0 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=128_b=12-16 5109 210059 ns/op 885.0 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=32/t=256_b=12-16 4741 234825 ns/op 1013 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=1_b=8-16 1838 621275 ns/op 2017 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=2_b=8-16 1910 562941 ns/op 2028 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=4_b=8-16 2030 511173 ns/op 2036 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=8_b=8-16 2204 495428 ns/op 2045 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=11_b=8-16 2224 485922 ns/op 2026 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=16_b=8-16 2299 494384 ns/op 2057 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=23_b=8-16 2330 487262 ns/op 2038 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=32_b=8-16 2358 492105 ns/op 2073 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=64_b=8-16 2400 495699 ns/op 2103 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=128_b=8-16 2101 503598 ns/op 2166 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=256_b=8-16 2290 522219 ns/op 2270 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=1_b=10-16 2245 524625 ns/op 1617 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=2_b=10-16 2204 532348 ns/op 1626 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=4_b=10-16 2251 503557 ns/op 1642 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=8_b=10-16 2346 446931 ns/op 1646 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=11_b=10-16 2407 421489 ns/op 1633 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=16_b=10-16 2919 412557 ns/op 1661 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=23_b=10-16 2499 408071 ns/op 1651 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=32_b=10-16 2508 408546 ns/op 1688 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=64_b=10-16 2716 418429 ns/op 1723 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=128_b=10-16 2734 428369 ns/op 1788 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=256_b=10-16 2511 470376 ns/op 2009 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=1_b=12-16 2619 450111 ns/op 1350 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=2_b=12-16 2467 461427 ns/op 1357 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=4_b=12-16 2626 448999 ns/op 1370 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=8_b=12-16 2552 446598 ns/op 1373 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=11_b=12-16 2626 431863 ns/op 1363 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=16_b=12-16 2654 419023 ns/op 1391 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=23_b=12-16 2672 398540 ns/op 1379 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=32_b=12-16 2715 378143 ns/op 1406 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=64_b=12-16 2826 362490 ns/op 1463 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=128_b=12-16 2794 375601 ns/op 1534 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=64/t=256_b=12-16 2750 421819 ns/op 1752 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=1_b=8-16 892 1286933 ns/op 4034 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=2_b=8-16 932 1247885 ns/op 4050 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=4_b=8-16 973 1167525 ns/op 4084 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=8_b=8-16 1089 998974 ns/op 4085 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=11_b=8-16 1120 977049 ns/op 4042 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=16_b=8-16 1122 985587 ns/op 4088 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=23_b=8-16 1186 973032 ns/op 4053 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=32_b=8-16 1173 982519 ns/op 4112 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=64_b=8-16 1233 985121 ns/op 4138 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=128_b=8-16 1201 993412 ns/op 4202 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=256_b=8-16 1191 1005081 ns/op 4291 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=1_b=10-16 1124 1058588 ns/op 3236 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=2_b=10-16 1090 1083896 ns/op 3251 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=4_b=10-16 1086 1052377 ns/op 3279 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=8_b=10-16 1138 999620 ns/op 3284 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=11_b=10-16 1177 962334 ns/op 3253 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=16_b=10-16 1239 889109 ns/op 3289 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=23_b=10-16 1245 842681 ns/op 3258 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=32_b=10-16 1216 823554 ns/op 3320 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=64_b=10-16 1315 824628 ns/op 3366 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=128_b=10-16 1389 837321 ns/op 3449 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=256_b=10-16 1381 854504 ns/op 3543 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=1_b=12-16 1252 912670 ns/op 2699 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=2_b=12-16 1246 929593 ns/op 2711 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=4_b=12-16 1314 918202 ns/op 2733 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=8_b=12-16 1285 920072 ns/op 2742 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=11_b=12-16 1327 897145 ns/op 2716 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=16_b=12-16 1317 889055 ns/op 2749 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=23_b=12-16 1308 865738 ns/op 2734 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=32_b=12-16 1305 836134 ns/op 2779 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=64_b=12-16 1441 741780 ns/op 2815 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=128_b=12-16 1438 731027 ns/op 2932 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=128/t=256_b=12-16 1504 751304 ns/op 3037 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=1_b=8-16 450 2632082 ns/op 8068 Add+Double 189.8 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=2_b=8-16 463 2566155 ns/op 8101 Add+Double 95.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=4_b=8-16 472 2500952 ns/op 8165 Add+Double 48.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=8_b=8-16 502 2309752 ns/op 8172 Add+Double 24.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=11_b=8-16 541 2129316 ns/op 8071 Add+Double 17.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=16_b=8-16 549 2032385 ns/op 8170 Add+Double 12.00 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=23_b=8-16 594 1948640 ns/op 8087 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=32_b=8-16 600 1963220 ns/op 8198 Add+Double 6.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=64_b=8-16 606 1968427 ns/op 8225 Add+Double 3.000 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=128_b=8-16 602 1979251 ns/op 8281 Add+Double 1.500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=256_b=8-16 602 1982254 ns/op 8323 Add+Double 0.7500 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=1_b=10-16 552 2160256 ns/op 6474 Add+Double 607.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=2_b=10-16 541 2188014 ns/op 6499 Add+Double 304.9 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=4_b=10-16 549 2157114 ns/op 6552 Add+Double 153.7 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=8_b=10-16 548 2120105 ns/op 6561 Add+Double 76.88 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=11_b=10-16 570 2056362 ns/op 6482 Add+Double 55.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=16_b=10-16 571 1984028 ns/op 6574 Add+Double 38.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=23_b=10-16 607 1907282 ns/op 6500 Add+Double 26.44 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=32_b=10-16 627 1789389 ns/op 6584 Add+Double 19.22 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=64_b=10-16 678 1669692 ns/op 6644 Add+Double 9.656 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=128_b=10-16 709 1653831 ns/op 6730 Add+Double 4.875 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=256_b=10-16 705 1673813 ns/op 6824 Add+Double 2.438 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=1_b=12-16 646 1842674 ns/op 5398 Add+Double 2024 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=2_b=12-16 612 1888015 ns/op 5418 Add+Double 1016 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=4_b=12-16 650 1838161 ns/op 5464 Add+Double 512.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=8_b=12-16 644 1835771 ns/op 5469 Add+Double 256.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=11_b=12-16 651 1814031 ns/op 5410 Add+Double 184.1 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=16_b=12-16 651 1813565 ns/op 5484 Add+Double 128.2 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=23_b=12-16 664 1778933 ns/op 5425 Add+Double 88.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=32_b=12-16 666 1759856 ns/op 5500 Add+Double 64.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=64_b=12-16 692 1679191 ns/op 5564 Add+Double 32.25 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=128_b=12-16 702 1527611 ns/op 5629 Add+Double 16.12 MiB(tablesize)
BenchmarkPrecompMSM/GottiPrecomputedTables/msmLength=256/t=256_b=12-16 788 1465889 ns/op 5810 Add+Double 8.250 MiB(tablesize)
ok github.com/crate-crypto/go-ipa/banderwagon 634.382s