In the ninth week, I delved deeper into the concepts of Optimism's Opstack and Sequencer. This article aims to summarize these topics and provide practical code examples and explanations.
To gain a deeper understanding of these concepts, I organized some ideas and the current path into a series of manuscripts. I plan to compile the contents of these manuscripts into GitHub repositories later to help others understand the entire code flow more quickly. Currently, I have already created two GitHub repositories to host this content: Understanding Optimism Codebase and Understanding Optimism Codebase (CN).
Opstack is a core component of Optimism responsible for handling various operations on Layer 2. Specific specifications and details can be found in the Optimism official GitHub repository.
Sequencer is the component responsible for generating Layer 2 blocks.
By gaining an in-depth understanding of Opstack and Sequencer and organizing my thoughts into manuscripts, I have contributed not only to a deeper understanding of Optimism's internal workings but also to the creation of GitHub repositories to facilitate a quicker understanding of the entire code flow for others. Currently, I have created two GitHub repositories, one for the English version Understanding Optimism Codebase and another for the version in my native language, Understanding Optimism Codebase (CN).