Hey my name is joohhnnn. Here is my update on EPF4 Week 4.
Testing API with Bundler
Test the current codebase (geth) without opening conditionalRpc~~
Test the current codebase (geth) with opening conditionalRpc~~
2.1. Test with knownAccounts(already implemented by Bundler)—— test fail.
This error throw by supportsRpcMethod
2.2. Add other options to bundler and test them.
I test the condition with only Geth, will try to help 6450 next step
Try to help issues 6450
It's really strange. At the beginning, I added the following flags to the configuration:
and then successfully deployed it. However, when I was doing POC (I'm not sure whether it was –dev or –allow-insecure-unlock that made it successful), the deployment failed again, and it was all due to insufficient balance. But when I checked the balance of 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, both l1 and l2 had enough balance.
There's another issue, it seems that the latest commit's devnet cannot be run directly with make devnet-up anymore, and it keeps telling me that the ./devnet addresses.json file is missing. For testing, I used git reset 7168db67c5b421975fef2a090aa6e6ee4e3ff298 –hard to do it.
Continue to try to solve issue 6450 and explore the architecture of Cost counts optimization