CDT Monthly Call September 8 2021
- Welcome and sign yourself in
John Dallaway
Torbjörn Svensson
Anton Krug
Jeff Johnston
Promod Kumar
Gerald Mitchell
- Actions from last meeting
- Any other business?
Connection Details
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Meeting ID: 545 364 607
Passcode: 196590
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Actions from last meeting details
- Torbjörn: make clean: little scope for supporting legacy and new solution - early decision appreciated by Torbjörn
- Welcome Gerald Mitchell (IBM)
- Anton: starter.exe delayed, schedule uncertain at present (bug 574131)
- Anton: C++17 feature issue, template recursion -> indexer stuck (Action: Anton create bugzilla ticket)
- Torbjörn: latest RCPTT nightly build OK
- Promod: Global variable view, comments on ticket
- John: Memory data init ordering issue (GDB Hardware Debug) (Action: John create bugzilla ticket and Cc Torbjörn)
Next Meeting
October 13 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)