Try   HackMD

CDT Monthly Call September 8 2021

  1. Welcome and sign yourself in
    John Dallaway
    Torbjörn Svensson
    Anton Krug
    Jeff Johnston
    Promod Kumar
    Gerald Mitchell
  2. Actions from last meeting
  3. Any other business?

Connection Details

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 545 364 607
Passcode: 196590
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Actions from last meeting details

  • Torbjörn: make clean: little scope for supporting legacy and new solution - early decision appreciated by Torbjörn


  • Welcome Gerald Mitchell (IBM)
  • Anton: starter.exe delayed, schedule uncertain at present (bug 574131)
  • Anton: C++17 feature issue, template recursion -> indexer stuck (Action: Anton create bugzilla ticket)
  • Torbjörn: latest RCPTT nightly build OK
  • Promod: Global variable view, comments on ticket
  • John: Memory data init ordering issue (GDB Hardware Debug) (Action: John create bugzilla ticket and Cc Torbjörn)

Next Meeting

October 13 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)