:::info - **Location:** [:computer: Zoom Meeting](https://eclipse.zoom.us/j/545364607?pwd=L1d2eDQ4RWJmdkk3YXkvcW90RWJiQT09) ([full details below](#Connection-Details)) - **Date:** September 13, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) ([Calendar/ICS](https://eclipse.zoom.us/meeting/uJAodO-sqDstovAF50NQR9k2f8kNjAOvEg/ics?icsToken=98tyKuysqzgsHtKVt1z9c6ktOcH-b9_yln5Yi4UIzDHUMXlYMAWuPcxIE51pNd-B)) - **Agenda** 1. Welcome and sign yourself in 3. Actions from last meeting 9. CDT 11.3.0 status 12. CDT LSP status 13. Sign off CDT LSP 1.0.0 release today 14. C/C++ Project View future - https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt/issues/523 15. remove reexports - https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt/pull/547#discussion_r1324474789 16. Any other business? - **Contact:** <cdt-dev@eclipse.org> - **Reference:** [Previous and future meetings](https://hackmd.io/@jonahgraham/EclipseCDTCalls) ::: ## Connection Details Join Zoom Meeting https://eclipse.zoom.us/j/545364607 Meeting ID: 545 364 607 Passcode: 196590 Dial by your location find your local number: https://eclipse.zoom.us/u/acMY3kyoJW ## Present ## Actions from last meeting details ## Minutes - CDT 11.3.0 Status - CDT 11.3.0 is now released: https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt/releases/tag/CDT_11_3_0 - **Action (Jonah)**: Finish [release checklist](https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt/issues/420) items and setup repo for 11.4 developement - CDT LSP status + 1.0.0 release - The final PR to get integrated for 1.0.0 is the [preferences refactor](https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-lsp/pull/196) - Once above PR is merged the 1.0.0 release will be made - Future of C/C++ Project View - The [Issue 523](https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt/issues/523) will be converted to a deprecate and deletion of the C/C++ Project view. Initially marking the view as deprecated in the UI with a N&N entry, followed by an eventual deletion of the code following [deprecate and deletion policy](https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt/blob/main/POLICY.md#deprecating-and-deleting-api) - **Action (Jonah)**: Mark view as deprecated and do the paperwork (according to policy) so it can be removed in the future - remove reexports and handling of freemarker - See https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt/pull/547#discussion_r1324474789 for context - Decision in the meeting was to update freemarker to be package imports and remove the require bundle + reexport. That may lead to a some rare breakages for anyone that was relying on the reexport, but otherwise updating freemarker bundle is identified as API breakage anyway. This needs a N&N/API entry or similar. - AOB - John led a discusson on how to handle Source Code files under a Binary nodes in the Project Explorer. ### Next Meeting [October 11 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)](https://hackmd.io/@jonahgraham/EclipseCDTCalls)