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CDT Monthly Call May 11 2022

  1. Welcome and sign yourself in
    John Dallaway
    Jonah Graham
    Jeff Johnston
    Dominic Scharfe
    Julien Dehaudt
    William Riley
    Torbjörn Svensson
  2. Actions from last meeting
  • Action John/Torbjörn/Erik to try to resolve Bug 577263
  • Action: Jonah to run the update to all license files in CDT with regards to this gitlab issue
  • Action: Torbjörn submit gerrit that @Deprecated for_removal should be added to fields in relation to Bug 579669
  • Action Erik to send some info about enablements in relation to disabling suspend button while target is loading
  1. CDT 10.6.2
  2. CDT 10.7.0
  3. CDT 11.0
  4. Java 17 as BREE in 2022-09 for CDT?
  5. GitHub migration
  6. custom source highlight from C/C++ Editor
  7. Any other business?

Connection Details

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Meeting ID: 545 364 607
Passcode: 196590
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Actions from last meeting details

  • John/Torbjörn/Erik to try to resolve Bug 577263
    • Mostly done - just needs admin work to close ticket + N&N Action (John) to handle that.
  • Jonah to run the update to all license files in CDT with regards to this gitlab issue
    • Done
  • Torbjörn submit gerrit that @Deprecated for_removal should be added to fields in relation to Bug 579669
    • Done
  • Erik to send some info about enablements in relation to disabling suspend button while target is loading
    • Action (Erik) Carried forward to next meeting


  • CDT 10.6.2

  • CDT 10.7.0

    • Not much to discuss. Reminder release date is June 15, with final RC1 on May 30, RC2 on June 6
  • Big changes

    • Adopting Java 17, doing major version bump to CDT 11 and moving to GitHub all on the table and proposal to do this all together will be published ahead of the next CDT call on June 8th for approval
    • Specific points raised during meeting:
      • SimRel allows Java 17 in BREE from 2022-09 release, see announcement on cross-project
      • These are all big changes, so having them all together makes sense
      • GitHub is better/easier for contributors - harder/worse for active maintainers (compared to Gerrit + Bugzilla)
      • Proposal should include a draft Contributing document with expected workflows for CDT. Hopefully this can be based on Eclipse Platform
      • Action (Jonah) to publish proposal and call for a vote among committers ahead of next meeting
  • Custom Code Highlighting in C/C++ Editor

    • Julien introduced their need for custom source highlight from C/C++ Editor
    • Dominic has a possible alternative to lock the non-editing part
    • Action (Julien) to send email to cdt-dev to give Dominic a chance to respond publicly
  • Multi-page editor integrating C/C++ Editor

    • Dominic introduced their need for MPE with a C/C++ Editor and how some features stop working in that case
    • Dominic is interested in providing the basis of such an MPE to CDT's source
    • Doing the above would allow better integration that having MPE contributed as a third-party
    • Having this work done in alignment with a CDT 11 release would provide the flexibility to reorganize code for the best solution without the same API constraints

Next Meeting

June 8 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)