CDT Monthly Call May 11 2022
- Welcome and sign yourself in
John Dallaway
Jonah Graham
Jeff Johnston
Dominic Scharfe
Julien Dehaudt
William Riley
Torbjörn Svensson
- Actions from last meeting
- Action John/Torbjörn/Erik to try to resolve Bug 577263
- Action: Jonah to run the update to all license files in CDT with regards to this gitlab issue
- Action: Torbjörn submit gerrit that @Deprecated for_removal should be added to fields in relation to Bug 579669
- Action Erik to send some info about enablements in relation to disabling suspend button while target is loading
- CDT 10.6.2
- CDT 10.7.0
- CDT 11.0
- Java 17 as BREE in 2022-09 for CDT?
- GitHub migration
- custom source highlight from C/C++ Editor
- Any other business?
Connection Details
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 545 364 607
Passcode: 196590
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Actions from last meeting details
- John/Torbjörn/Erik to try to resolve Bug 577263
- Mostly done - just needs admin work to close ticket + N&N Action (John) to handle that.
- Jonah to run the update to all license files in CDT with regards to this gitlab issue
- Torbjörn submit gerrit that @Deprecated for_removal should be added to fields in relation to Bug 579669
- Erik to send some info about enablements in relation to disabling suspend button while target is loading
- Action (Erik) Carried forward to next meeting
Next Meeting
June 8 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)