CDT Monthly Call March 8 2023 === :::info - **Location:** [:computer: Zoom Meeting]( ([full details below](#Connection-Details)) - **Date:** March 8, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) ([Calendar/ICS]( - **Agenda** 1. Welcome and sign yourself in 3. Actions from last meeting 9. CDT 11.1.0 status 10. [Eclipse CDT LSP - LSP based C/C++ Editor]( 15. Any other business? - **Contact:** <> - **Reference:** [Previous and future meetings]( ::: ## Connection Details Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 545 364 607 Passcode: 196590 Dial by your location find your local number: ## Present Gesa, Jonah, John D, John M, Dominic, Jeff, William, Torbjörn ## Actions from last meeting details - None ## Minutes ### CDT 11.1.0 - Jonah gave a status update on CDT 11.1.0, summarized as all in hand for release next week ### CDT LSP - Gesa gave a demo of [Eclipse CDT LSP - LSP based C/C++ Editor]( - Discussion on how to migrate this into the Eclipse CDT project without affecting the development velocity. - Bringing Gesa and Christian on as CDT committers is required to fully migrate. This is similar to how Martin [became a committer]( when he contributed parts of cmake4eclipse to CDT. - **Action: Jonah** to work with Gesa on a plan and timeline - Discussion on making this accessible as early preview to non-Eclipse developers as the current code requires running from source. The early version is already quite - Likely this will happen as part of migrating the code into the Eclipse CDT project where it can be made available on as a p2 site. - **Action: Jonah** to help facilitate this, probably in alignment with migration plan - Roadmap of CDT for LSP discussed, including items such as: - AST support going forward, clangd provides some AST extensions, can this be exposed to front end in CDT? - Codan support, can Codan and clangd exist simultaneously? - CMake / clangd project natures - Smart importer - **Action: Jonah** to build on the [TODO section in the README]( to give visibility to interested parties what can and what will be done ### Next Meeting [April 12 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)](