CDT Monthly Call June 14 2023 === :::info - **Location:** [:computer: Zoom Meeting]( ([full details below](#Connection-Details)) - **Date:** April 12, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) ([Calendar/ICS]( - **Agenda** 1. Welcome and sign yourself in 3. Actions from last meeting 9. CDT 11.2.0 status (Release is morning of the meeting) 10. `.cproject` design issues - information for our partner project Eclipse CDT Cloud 11. Modernising CMake Support [Issue #419]( 12. CDT LSP status 13. CDT LSP run through ahead of [Eclipse IDE Webinar]( Thursday 15. Any other business? - **Contact:** <> - **Reference:** [Previous and future meetings]( ::: ## Connection Details Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 545 364 607 Passcode: 196590 Dial by your location find your local number: ## Present - Jonah - Alexander - Gesa - William - Torbjorn - John D - John M ## Actions from last meeting details ## Minutes #### `.cproject` design issues - information for our partner project Eclipse CDT Cloud At the last Eclipse CDT Cloud call the discussion of the use of `.cproject` was raised. At that meeting Jonah offered to send to [cdt-cloud-dev mailing list]( a summary of the main issues that affect users and ISVs with `.cproject` files. Here is the result of brainstorming this issue at the CDT monthly call: - Not stable content - Negatively affects usability, especially with source control - Contents of file can change unexpectedly without making any changes in the UI. - Sometimes the `.cproject` stores the ID, and sometimes stored string. The problem is that clicking apply can sometimes flip from one to another - Too much detail in the file - The `.cproject` file contains som presentation info and not just the setting - IDs in the `.cproject` - The file contains seemingly random numbers added to IDs which makes it harder to edit and understand file contents for users. e.g. the numbers at the end of `<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.exe.release.891378864"[...]` - Mismatch between data container and something else - Default values are stored in the `.cproject` file sometimes. - This means that if a default value is changed in a new version of CDT (or ISV product) that change won't take effect on the user's project. - This happens inconsistently. - How it handles resource specific configurations #### Modernising CMake Support [Issue #419]( - The now deprecated CDT generator not used in CDT - Using Makefiles (not Ninja) at Renesas - [Esspressif]( are using CMake too with core build - Renesas are discussing internally how to improve CMake support and contribute those back. #### CDT LSP Current status is: - Closer and closer to presentable plug-in - Current work on preferences - 1 workspace per workspace vs 1 workspace per project. Needed to support forked versions of clangd - CI builds available, see - Jonah did a rehearsal fo the CDT LSP demo ahead of the webinar on [June 15th]( There will be a recording of the Webinar published. ### Next Meeting [July 12 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)](