- Welcome and sign yourself in
- Actions from last meeting
- CDT 11.3.0 status
- CDT LSP status
- C++ regression
- Any other business?
Connection Details
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Meeting ID: 545 364 607
Passcode: 196590
Dial by your location find your local number: https://eclipse.zoom.us/u/acMY3kyoJW
- John D
- Jonah
- Gesa
- Alexander F
- William
- Jeff
- Torbjorn
- Vinod
Actions from last meeting details
- 11.3.0 status
- CDT LSP Status
- In good shape - close to "1.0 release"
- CDT LSP same target platform as CDT (Action: Jonah to do this)
- Some issues with LSP4E
- Architecture of multiple language servers per workspace cause some issues. Singleton vs not can't be changed dynamically
- C++ regression
- Target platform
- slf4j update is not correct.
- Discussed Binary files children
- Consider the Debug Sources view may have useful input. See N&N entry or the source
Next Meeting
August 9 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)