CDT Monthly Call August 5 2020
- Welcome and sign yourself in
Jonah Graham
Alexander Fedorov
William Riley
Jeff Johnston
Phil Mason
John Dallaway
Alexander Kurtakov
- Actions from last meeting
- CDT 10.0 major release progress
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Meeting ID: 545 364 607
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Actions from last meeting details
- Reach out to Jonah if there is anything you are waiting on.
- Flatpak for CDT 10 - Jeff brought us up to speed on the exciting new support. Follow along in Bug 565142
- Alexander Kurtakov has been doing Aarch support for Eclipse Platform - lets see if we can do it for CDT using cross compiler for CDT 10.0. See Bug 565836
- There are still some non-blocking standalone debugger issues. We can ship standalone debugger, but it requires a separate build. See Bug 565207
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