# Installing OpenShift in a disconnected network, step-by-step Making an offline installation bundle for OpenShift requires [mirroring/downloading the container images](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/installing/disconnected_install/installing-mirroring-disconnected.html) and then [hosting those container images in a container registry](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/installing/disconnected_install/installing-mirroring-creating-registry.html) that is accessible by the cluster nodes. The download process can put the container images into the local filesystem or upload them directly into the container registry. (a USB stick, a directory that will be burnt to a DVD, or a folder that will be uploaded into S3 or similar storage) :::info A minimal download of OpenShift 4.12 requires ~15GB of space A minimal download of OpenShift Platform Plus requires ~50GB of space If you're using mounted storage, consider setting `--quayRoot` to a subdirectory of the mountpoint. Uninstalling the mirror registry will fail otherwise. ::: Lots of good information in this blog - [Mirroring OpenShift Registries: The Easy Way by Ben Schmaus and Daniel Messer (August 23, 2022)](https://cloud.redhat.com/blog/mirroring-openshift-registries-the-easy-way). ## Local DNS with `dnsmasq` (optional) `/etc/dnsmasq.d/disconnected.conf`: ```= interface=eth1 bind-interfaces # server= # Use an upstream DNS server after ours dhcp-range=, dhcp-option=option:router, dhcp-option=option:ntp-server, auth-zone=airgap.local host-record=api.cluster.airgap.local, host-record=api-int.cluster.airgap.local, host-record=ingress.cluster.airgap.local, cname=*.apps.cluster.airgap.local,ingress.cluster.airgap.local # dhcp-host=00:de:ad:be:ef:01,,bastion # if using static leases ``` ## Install `mirror-registry` (aka mini Quay) ``` df -h /data sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:rwx /data wget https://developers.redhat.com/content-gateway/rest/mirror/pub/openshift-v4/clients/mirror-registry/latest/mirror-registry.tar.gz ### wget "https://developers.redhat.com/content-gateway/rest/mirror/pub/openshift-v4/clients/mirror-registry/latest/mirror-registry.tar.gz" tar xvzf mirror-registry.tar.gz ./mirror-registry install --help ### password must be at least 8 characters and contain no whitespace ./mirror-registry install --quayRoot /data/mirror-registry --initUser admin --initPassword redhat123 sudo cp -v /data/mirror-registry/quay-rootCA/rootCA.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ sudo update-ca-trust podman login -u admin -p redhat123 $(hostname -f):8443 firewall-cmd --add-port 8443/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload ``` ### Starting and stopping the `mirror-registry` Running the `./mirror-registry install ...` results in several `systemd` services being created. You can see which services were created like this: ``` systemctl -a | grep quay quay-app.service loaded active running Quay Container quay-pod.service loaded active exited Infra Container for Quay quay-postgres.service loaded active running PostgreSQL Podman Container for Quay quay-redis.service loaded active running Redis Podman Container for Quay ``` These services will automatically start when the system is rebooted. The `quay-redis`, `quay-db`, and `quay-app` services depend on the `quay-pod` service. You can restart everything with one command: ``` systemctl restart quay-pod ``` ### Alternative to `mirror-registry`: Use docker registry First thing we need to do is create some directories for our container registry we will be setting up and changing the owner to our current user ``` sudo mkdir -p /opt/registry/{auth,certs,data} sudo chown -R $USER /opt/registry ``` Next we will create a certificate for our registry to use ``` cd /opt/registry/certs openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -x509 -days 365 \ -keyout domain.key -out domain.crt \ -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:registry.airgap.local" Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US State or Province Name (full name) []: North Carolina Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Raleigh Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:Red Hat Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:registry.airgap.local Email Address []:<your-email-address>test@example.com ``` The common name is the one that matters the rest of these can be pretty much any value but the common name must be the correct name for your machine in order for the certificate to properly resolve Next we will add simple password authentication on our registry we will just use the username openshift and the password redhat for demonstration purposes ``` htpasswd -bBc /opt/registry/auth/htpasswd openshift redhat ``` Now we can setup our resgistry to run, use the password and certificate we created and automaticatlly start in case the vm ever restarts ``` podman run -d --name mirror-registry \ -p 5000:5000 --restart=always \ -v /opt/registry/data:/var/lib/registry:z \ -v /opt/registry/auth:/auth:z \ -e "REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd" \ -e "REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_REALM=Registry Realm" \ -e "REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_PATH=/auth/htpasswd" \ -v /opt/registry/certs:/certs:z \ -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/domain.crt \ -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/domain.key \ docker.io/library/registry:2 ``` Update system trust store ``` sudo cp /opt/registry/certs/domain.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ sudo update-ca-trust curl -u openshift:redhat https://registry.airgap.local:5000/v2/_catalog ``` ## Install the `oc-mirror` plugin ``` wget https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/x86_64/clients/ocp/stable/oc-mirror.tar.gz mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin tar xvzf ./oc-mirror.tar.gz -C $HOME/.local/bin chmod a+x $HOME/.local/bin/oc-mirror oc plugin list oc mirror --help ``` ## Add mirror-registry credentials to pull-secret Download your "pull secret" from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager at https://console.redhat.com/openshift/install/pull-secret. ``` jq . pull-secret.txt mkdir -p $HOME/.docker mv -v pull-secret.txt $HOME/.docker/config.json podman login -u openshift -p redhat --authfile $HOME/.docker/config.json $(hostname -f):8443 # OPTIONAL - remove the Insights & Telemetry connection # https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/support/remote_health_monitoring/opting-out-of-remote-health-reporting.html podman logout --authfile $HOME/.docker/config.json cloud.openshift.com # Confirm contents and create a backup jq . $HOME/.docker/config.json cp -v $HOME/.docker/config.json ~/pull-secret.json ``` ``` $ oc-mirror list releases $ oc-mirror list releases --version 4.12 --channels $ oc-mirror list operators $ oc-mirror list operators --version 4.12 --catalogs $ oc-mirror list operators --version 4.12 \ --catalog registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12 \ --package odf-operator \ --channel stable-4.12 Catalog -> "redhat", "certified", "marketplace", or "community" Package -> "3scale-operator" | "advanced-cluster-management" ... "web-terminal" Channel -> "stable-4.10 | stable-4.11" Version -> "4.11.0 | 4.11.1 | 4.11.2" $ oc-mirror init | tee imageset-config.yaml $ vi imageset-config.yaml ``` EXAMPLE IMAGESETCONFIG https://gist.github.com/johnsimcall/27a7bb96a76ee8021c13bc4e2c4ad9fa - NVIDIA https://gist.github.com/johnsimcall/e27549db5da5cd26206fd0e4fd6b1a61 - OCP-Virt and ODF ## Add `imageContentSources:` to install-config.yaml oc-mirror, from what I can tell, assumes that you already have a cluster installed because it outputs `ImageContentSourcePolicy` YAML, but unlike `oc adm release mirror` it does not output anything that can be added directly to the `install-config.yaml`. You can copy-paste from the YAML files. You may have multiple YAML sections, one for `release-0`, another for `operator-0`, and one for `generic-0`. Installation *requires* the `release-0` section, which when added to my `install-config.yaml` looks like this... ```= apiVersion: v1 baseDomain: example.redhat.com ... additionalTrustBundlePolicy: Always additionalTrustBundle: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MII...lots of text... -----END CERTIFICATE----- imageContentSources: - mirrors: - jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/openshift/release source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev - mirrors: - jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/openshift/release-images source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release ``` ## Create the installation files (agent-based) I'll describe using the new agent-based installer here ### Sample agent-config.yaml ```yaml= apiVersion: v1alpha1 kind: AgentConfig metadata: name: cluster rendezvousIP: hosts: - hostname: master-0 interfaces: - name: eno1 macAddress: 00:50:56:82:8c:dc rootDeviceHints: deviceName: /dev/sda - hostname: master-1 interfaces: - name: eno1 macAddress: 00:50:56:82:8c:dd rootDeviceHints: deviceName: /dev/sda - hostname: master-2 interfaces: - name: eno1 macAddress: 00:50:56:82:8c:de - name: eno2 macAddress: 00:50:56:82:8c:df networkConfig: interfaces: - name: eno2 type: ethernet state: down mac-address: 00:50:56:82:8c:df ipv4: enabled: false ``` ### Make the agent-based ISO image and boot ``` mkdir ocp-airgap/ cp install-config.yaml.backup ocp-airgap/install-config.yaml openshift-install agent create agent-config-template # cp agent-config.yaml.backup ocp-airgap/agent-config.yaml openshift-install --dir=ocp-airgap agent create image cd ocp-airgap/ ln -s agent.x86_64.iso ocp-airgap-agent.iso cd .. openshift-install --dir=ocp-airgap agent wait-for bootstrap-complete --log-level=debug openshift-install --dir=ocp-airgap agent wait-for install-complete --log-level=debug ``` ## Day 2 Operations ### Disable the default OperatorHub Catalog Sources ``` oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type merge \ --patch '{"spec":{"disableAllDefaultSources":true}}' ``` ### Create a new disconnected Operator Catalog ``` oc get catalogsource --all-namespaces No resources found oc create -f oc-mirror-workspace/results-1676565189/catalogSource-redhat-operator-index.yaml catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/redhat-operator-index created # oc create -f - <<< $(sed 's/name: redhat-operator-index/name: disconnected-redhat-operators/' oc-mirror-workspace/results-1676565189/catalogSource-redhat-operator-index.yaml) # catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/disconnected-redhat-operators created oc get catalogsource --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME DISPLAY TYPE PUBLISHER AGE openshift-marketplace redhat-operator-index grpc 4s oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE marketplace-operator-645774fdc7-hnjgk 1/1 Running 0 20m redhat-operator-index-sj6q7 1/1 Running 0 44s oc logs -n openshift-marketplace redhat-operator-index-sj6q7 time="2023-02-16T17:10:14Z" level=info msg="serving registry" configs=/configs port=50051 ``` ### Disable Automatic Boot Sources for OpenShift Virtualization (if installed) ```bash $ oc patch hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv --type json \ -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureGates/enableCommonBootImageImport", "value": false}]' ``` ### Update Content: Run the mirror process (to a filesystem) I had trouble mirroring the kubevirt-operator because of a missing `virtio-win` container image. I also had to specify both the "stable" and "stable-1.1" channels of `redhat-oadp-operator` because the dependecy resolution wouldn't proceed with only "stable". ```= --- kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2 storageConfig: local: path: /data/oc-mirror-imageset-openshift-platform-plus-smaller mirror: platform: channels: - name: stable-4.12 type: ocp additionalImages: - name: registry.redhat.io/ubi8/ubi:latest helm: {} operators: - catalog: registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12 packages: - name: advanced-cluster-management channels: - name: release-2.7 - name: cincinnati-operator - name: cluster-logging channels: - name: stable - name: compliance-operator channels: - name: release-0.1 - name: devworkspace-operator channels: - name: fast - name: mta-operator - name: mtc-operator - name: mtr-operator - name: odf-operator channels: - name: stable-4.12 - name: quay-bridge-operator channels: - name: stable-3.8 - name: quay-operator channels: - name: stable-3.8 - name: redhat-oadp-operator channels: - name: stable - name: stable-1.1 - name: rhacs-operator channels: - name: latest - name: web-terminal ``` ``` $ grep path imageset-config-openshift-platform-plus-smaller.yaml path: /data/oc-mirror-imageset-openshift-platform-plus-smaller $ time oc mirror file:///data/oc-mirror-imageset-openshift-platform-plus-smaller \ --config=imageset-config-openshift-platform-plus-smaller.yaml 2>&1 \ | tee -a imageset-config-openshift-platform-plus-smaller.logs $ time oc mirror file:///data/oc-mirror-imageset-openshift-platform-plus/ \ --config=imageset-config.yaml.all-operators 2>&1 \ | tee -a imageset-config.yaml.all-operators.filepath.logs ``` ## Run the mirror process (into a Container Registry) ``` $ time oc mirror docker://$(hostname -f):8443 \ --config=imageset-config.yaml.all-operators 2>&1 \ | tee -a imageset-config.yaml.all-operators.filepath.logs ``` ## Podman tips and tricks ### Manually explore an Operator Catalog (e.g. Red Hat, Community, Certified) ``` # podman run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/sh registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12 ## it's better to "image mount" because "run" the image doesn't provide `jq` or `yq` podman pull registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12 podman unshare cd $(podman image mount registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12) ls configs ``` ``` for i in $(jq --raw-output '. | select( .schema | contains("olm.package")) | .name' configs/*/catalog.json); do echo " - name: $i" | tee -a ~/imageset-config.yaml.all-operators; done ``` ``` jq .name configs/*/catalog.json # list available operators # oc mirror list operators --version 4.12 --catalog registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12 # the `oc mirror` command takes 60 seconds to run ls configs/ # browse the metadata of an Operator jq . configs/advanced-cluster-management/catalog.json | less -i # report the available channels # oc mirror list operators --version 4.12 --catalog registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12 --package odf-operator --channel stable-4.12 jq '.schema, .name' configs/advanced-cluster-management/catalog.json "olm.package" "advanced-cluster-management" "olm.channel" "release-2.6" "olm.channel" "release-2.7" ``` ## Poking the Quay API I wanted to find a way to delete all of the Quay images and start over, without changing my CA certificate, or doing `./mirror-registry uninstall ...` I found that I could create a Quay "super user" token and use that on the command line. [Apparently tokens are deprecated](https://docs.quay.io/glossary/access-token.html), but I couldn't figure out how to make a Robot Account work for me. First create a new Organization. I called mine "adminorg", then [follow the instructions to create a token](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_quay/3/html/red_hat_quay_api_guide/using_the_red_hat_quay_api#create_oauth_access_token). ``` # my TOKEN is 40 characters - a robot account's password/"token" is 64 characters export TOKEN="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCD" # sad that this query doesn't list repos as "org/repo" curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 'https://jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/api/v1/repository?public=true' | jq --raw-output '.repositories[].name' # must delete "org/repo" instead of "repo" curl -s -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 'https://jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/api/v1/repository/advanced-cluster-security/rhacs-operator-bundle' # list all of the organizations, except the "adminorg" which holds my $TOKEN curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 'https://jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/api/v1/superuser/organizations/' | jq --raw-output '.organizations[].name' | grep -v adminorg # deleting the org removes all repos curl -s -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "https://jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/api/v1/superuser/organizations/advanced-cluster-security" # delete all of the orgs -- DANGER!!! for ORG in $(curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 'https://jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/api/v1/superuser/organizations/' | jq --raw-output '.organizations[].name' | grep -v adminorg ); do echo "Deleting \"$ORG\" organization..." curl -s -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "https://jcall-testing.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/api/v1/superuser/organizations/$ORG" done ``` ### Extracting openshift-install from the mirrored content ```bash oc adm release extract -a /run/user/1000/containers/auth.json --command=openshift-install airgap-bastion.dota-lab.iad.redhat.com:8443/openshift/release-images:4.12.51-x86_64 ```