{%hackmd theme-dark %} # Haru Notes ###### tags: `HRI` [TOC] --- ## [ToDo](https://hackmd.io/@jitesh/todo-haru) [Docs](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17Ud5RXh2ido0hXm_HY10VIrtKXWg_V8p) ## 1) Small talk ### 1.1) Usage :::spoiler ```shell= cd haru-smalltalk roslaunch haru_gazebo haru_simulator.launch roslaunch strawberry_ros_dialog strawberry_ros_dialog.launch roslaunch ./launch/backbone-advanced.launch roslaunch ./launch/test_bt.launch ``` ::: ```shell= roslaunch haru_unity unity_app_launcher.launch roscd haru_projector ./run.sh smalltalk cdhst roslaunch ./launch/backbone-advanced-noisefix.launch roslaunch haru_smalltalk_utils haru_asr_filter.launch roslaunch haru_nlp_ros ssml_service.launch roslaunch strawberry_ros_dialog strawberry_ros_dialog.launch roslaunch ./launch/test_bt_latest.launch ``` ### 1.2) Profiling #### 1.2.1) CPU - 19GB RAM #### 1.2.2) GPU | Process | Memory (MiB) | | ------- | ------------ | | Face | 3405 | | Kinect | 2463 | | Rviz | 1103 | --- ## 2) Storytelling ### 2.1) Installation #### For first time, setup the --- repo. ```bash git clone git@github.com:underspecified/hri_storytelling_server.git ``` #### Make virtual env, I choose miniconda for that, ```bash conda create --name ENV_NAME python=3.8 conda activate ENV_NAME ``` #### Install necessary packages ```shell conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch cd hri_storytelling_server pip install -r requirements.txt python insert_prompts.py ``` #### Download the model ```shell bash update_models.sh get unzip models.zip -d models # Optional bash update_models.sh put # Optional tar -xvf hri-writingprompts2-774M-pytorch.tar.gz # Change model-name in config.py # Either comment out the lines related to emotion-model or upgrade transformer to the latest version (preferably 4.15.0) ``` #### Optional - Change model-name in config.py - Either comment out the lines related to emotion-model or upgrade transformer to the latest version (preferably 4.15.0) - Put the config.rviz file somewhere on your computer and specify the path in line 5 of the testbed.launch - Unzip [both packages](https://strawberry-jp.slack.com/archives/D02TKFCM355/p1642574069000500) in your catkin folder, catkin_make and source the bash. - Softlink python path `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python` ### 2.2) Usage #### 2.2.1) Run Haru Robot ##### For Real Robot :::spoiler ```bash echo "<HARU_IP>    <HARU_ID>" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts ping HARU_IP ssh haru@HARU_IP # Optional ``` - Edit bashrc - Open .bashrc ```bash nano .bashrc ``` - Add/replace ROS_MASTER_HOSTNAME ```bash= export ROS_MASTER_HOSTNAME="haru-29" export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$ROS_MASTER_HOSTNAME:11311/ export MY_IP=$(ip route get | awk -F"src " 'NR==1{split($2,a," ");print a[1]}') export ROS_IP=$MY_IP export ROS_HOSTNAME=$ROS_IP ``` - Check the website ``` chrome http://$ROS_IP:7000 ``` ::: ##### For simulation ```shell roslaunch haru_gazebo haru_simulator.launch ``` #### 2.2.2) Run models ```shell python webserver.py roslaunch ~/haru/haru-storytelling/testbed.launch roslaunch ~/haru/haru-storytelling/bt.launch ``` * [Reference](https://strawberry-jp.slack.com/archives/D02TKFCM355/p1642483345004200) * [Download testbed.launch](https://strawberry-jp.slack.com/files/USWMHKANL/F02U7BKQSJ2/testbed.launch) ### 2.3) IST explanation - #### 2.3.1) Thinking routine | | Routine id | Routine name | Base Motion | Sound | | --- | ---------- | ------------- | ----------- | ----- | | 1 | 533 | thinking_0 | abs | no | | 2 | 908 | unsure | none | no | | 3 | 811 | look_around_c | abs | no | | 4 | 816 | saccades_d | abs | no | | 5 | 123 | idle3 | abs | no | | 6 | 10 | Tracking | none | no | - #### 2.3.2) [IST with Emotions](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N3Exd4qAOM6D3OyGahy4ftePmgK_NgghKMgF31LNDuU/edit?usp=sharing) - #### 2.3.3) [IST BT changes](https://hackmd.io/@jitesh/ist-bt-changes) ### 2.4) Profiling #### 2.4.1) CPU - 19GB RAM #### 2.4.2) GPU - Face: 3405MiB ``` namespace { std::vector<std::string> split_string(const std::string& s, char delimiter=';') { std::vector<std::string> splits; std::string split; std::string input = s; // Catch cases when input string doesn't end with a delimiter if (s.back() != delimiter) { input.push_back(delimiter); } std::istringstream ss(input); while (std::getline(ss, split, delimiter)) { splits.push_back(split); } return splits; } } ``` template <> struct AutomaticDeserialization<strawberry_ros_msgs::GetSSML::Request> { public: static BT::PortsList requiredPorts() { return { BT::InputPort<std::string>("criteria_name", "Method name to filter the emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("routines_anger", "String with routine ids separated by ';' as a delimiter for anger emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("routines_disgust", "String with routine ids separated by ';' as a delimiter for disgust emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("routines_fear", "String with routine ids separated by ';' as a delimiter for fear emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("routines_joy", "String with routine ids separated by ';' as a delimiter for joy emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("routines_neutral", "String with routine ids separated by ';' as a delimiter for neutral emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("routines_sadness", "String with routine ids separated by ';' as a delimiter for sadness emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("routines_surprise", "String with routine ids separated by ';' as a delimiter for surprise emotion"), BT::InputPort<std::string>("service", "ROS service name"), BT::OutputPort<std::string>("ssml_text", "ssml text including voice genre for tts"), BT::OutputPort<std::uint32_t>("routine", "routine id"), }; } strawberry_ros_msgs::GetSSML::Request buildMessage(const BT::ActionNodeBase &_tree_node) { strawberry_ros_msgs::GetSSML::Request _command{}; const auto &message_field_routines_anger = _tree_node.getInput<std::string>("routines_anger"); const auto &message_field_routines_disgust = _tree_node.getInput<std::string>("routines_disgust"); const auto &message_field_routines_fear = _tree_node.getInput<std::string>("routines_fear"); const auto &message_field_routines_joy = _tree_node.getInput<std::string>("routines_joy"); const auto &message_field_routines_neutral = _tree_node.getInput<std::string>("routines_neutral"); const auto &message_field_routines_sadness = _tree_node.getInput<std::string>("routines_sadness"); const auto &message_field_routines_surprise = _tree_node.getInput<std::string>("routines_surprise"); if (!message_field_routines_anger || !message_field_routines_disgust || !message_field_routines_fear || !message_field_routines_joy || !message_field_routines_neutral || !message_field_routines_sadness || !message_field_routines_surprise) throw BT::RuntimeError{_tree_node.name() + ": missing message input field."}; _command.routines_anger = message_field_routines_anger.value(); _command.routines_disgust = message_field_routines_disgust.value(); _command.routines_fear = message_field_routines_fear.value(); _command.routines_joy = message_field_routines_joy.value(); _command.routines_neutral = message_field_routines_neutral.value(); _command.routines_sadness = message_field_routines_sadness.value(); _command.routines_surprise = message_field_routines_surprise.value(); return _command; } }; ``` ![](https://i.imgur.com/KyzjkF6.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/Wu6LHqu.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/x6q06dI.jpg)