--- tags: meeting, infrastructure project: infrastructure --- <!-- markdownlint-disable MD026--> # YYYY-MM-DD [:movie_camera: Zoom Meeting Room](https://zoom.us/j/92454301214?pwd=aEVoUi9EanpaakN3L1ZxRlpDQk5Ddz09) [:calendar: Shared Calendar](https://jenkins.io/event-calendar/) [:speech_balloon: Chat Room #jenkins-infra](https://matrix.to/#/#jenkins-infra:matrix.org) [:email: Google Group (mailing list) jenkins-infra](https://groups.google.com/g/jenkins-infra) [🧠 Previous Meeting Notes](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/documentation/blob/main/meetings/XXXX-XX-XX.md) ## Attendees 👥 <!-- Handles are community.jenkins.io handles --> <!-- * @dduportal (Damien Duportal) * @hlemeur (Hervé Le Meur) * @MarkEWaite (Mark Waite) * @smerle33 (Stéphane Merle) * @poddingue (Bruno Verachten) * @kmartens27 (Kevin Martens) --> ## Announcements :loudspeaker: 1. Weekly 2. Announcement ## Upcoming Calendar 📆 * Next Weekly: * Next LTS: * Next Security Release as per [jenkinsci-advisories](https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-advisories): * Next major event: ## Notes :book: * Done (Milestone [ID](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/helpdesk/milestone/[ID]?closed=1)) * note1 * note2 * New items: * note3 * note4 * Work in Progress (Milestone [ID](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/helpdesk/milestone/[ID])) * note5 * note6 * Backlog (Milestone [infra-team-sync-next](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/helpdesk/milestone/10)) * note5 * note6 * ToDo (next milestone) (https://github.com/jenkins-infra/helpdesk/milestone/[ID+1]) ## Action Points :muscle: <!-- How To: https://github.com/jenkins-infra/runbooks/tree/main/meetings --> * [ ] Publish this meeting note on [jenkins-infra/documentation](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/documentation) * [ ] Publish this meeting record on Youtube * [ ] Publish a topic in community.jenkin.io with the tag `meeting` Next meeting note - [YYYY-MM-DD](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/documentation/blob/main/meetings/YYYY-MM-DD.md)