# Bash Cheat Sheet 1. `ls` - List information about files (the current directory by default). Sort entries alphabetically. 2. `ls --help` get help for list 3. `ls -a` list all files, including hidden files (i.e. files starting with `.`) 4. `ls -l` use a long listing format 5. `pwd` print working directory, i.e. the current directory 6. `cp` copy files 7. `mv` move file (also used for renaming - move file from one name to another) 8. `mkdir` make directory 9. `cd` change to another directory 1. `cd ~` change to home directory 2. `cd ..` change to parent directory (i.e. one directory up from where you currently are) 3. `cd -` change to the previous directory that you were in 10.`rm` remove file, i.e. delete file 11. `rm -rf` force remove directory recursively 12. `head` type the first 10 lines of a file to screen 13. `head -n#` type `#` number of lines from the head of the file to the screen 14. `tail` type the last 10 lines of a file to screen 15. `tail -n#` type `#` number of lines from the bottom of the file to the screen 16. `man [command]` display the manual page for `[command]`. Will only display if man pages are installed. If not installed use Google to find man page. 17. `which [program_name]` gives you the full path of a command