I've started a challenge: to make games in a week. I select a successful, presumably simple, game and try to reimplement it as much as I can within a week. This is my first result. It was made in 6 days. It turned out to be a super hard task for me! The game is published on [Itch](https://jackboz.itch.io/pixel-crusher). # Reference and Decomposition For the first reference I took the game [Bucket Crusher](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AndreyGushchin.BucketCrusher&hl=en&gl=US). ## Level Scene ![Original](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1fPUNlth.jpg) I divided the scene into the following groups of game objects: * Manipulator * Building with conveyor * Recycler (Storage) * Figure of stones * Ground This is how it looks in Unity Editor: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hy9_vExFh.png) ## Game Architecture I use a GameManager script as an entry point for game initialization. All UI interactions are directed to LevelUIController and UpgradeUIController. I tried to keep these controllers lightweight. Therefore, game logic occurs in scripts on game objects and in the GameProgress script. I've put all the code on [GitHub](https://github.com/jackboz/PixelCrusherGame). ## Not implemented What I planned but didn't have time to implement * Use of 3d assets for a building, conveyor * Textures for the ground * Proper physics behavior for the manipulator * Power and recycler upgrades * Music theme, sounds for crusher movement, and cube recycling * Button icons * Better camera position # To be continued.. I'm going to pick the next game in a day or two and start again. Help keep me accountable! Follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/JackBoz3) or [Itch](https://jackboz.itch.io/). I'd be happy to receive any questions, comments, suggestions, or improvements on the code and the game itself, which will help me grow in game development. Thank you for reading and good luck in your projects.