--- tags: jupyter community call --- # Jupyter Community Call February 2023 **Date:** February 28, 2023, at 8am Pacific ([your timezone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/Los%20Angeles/2023-02-28/08:00/Jupyter%20Community%20Call)) **Video-conference link:** https://zoom.us/my/jovyan?pwd=c0JZTHlNdS9Sek9vdzR3aTJ4SzFTQT09 **Discourse:** https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/jupyter-community-calls/668 **Give feedback on the call:** https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwfYswVhafS9PVIoQYepIExq3f-FP7EmsAFULCiTIgc7mRSA/viewform **Please note:** - Community calls are recorded and posted to this [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUrHeD2K9Cmkoamm4NjLmvXC4Y6E1o8SP) - These notes will be recorded and posted [here](https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/community/community-call-notes/index.html) - Everyone present is held to the [Jupyter Code of Conduct](https://jupyter.org/conduct) **Welcome!** If you are joining the Jupyter Community Call, sign in below so we know who was here. | Name | Institution | GitHub Handle | |----------|---------------------------|-----------------------------------| | Rollin | NERSC | @rcthomas | | Rowan | Curvenote / ExecutableBooks | @rowanc1 | | Gabriela Vives |QuantStack |GabrielaVives | | Wayne Decatur | Upstate Medical Univ. | @fomightez | | Isabela Presedo-Floyd | Quansight Labs | @isabela-pf | Plus 1 more. ## Purpose Think of it as a monthly, virtual JupyterCon. It’s a place to announce and share fun things happening in the Jupyter community. For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread [here](https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/reviving-the-all-jupyter-team-meetings/423). ## Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs This is a place to make short announcements (without a need for discussion). * **Name** This is an example of short report formatting. * **Isabela** Many thanks to the Security project team for being flexible and helping community call have this time on the calendar! * Security calls are now 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month * Community call is last Tuesday * No collisions anymore, can move community call to more friendly time! :) * **Isabela** Governance update: Software Steering Council is in the process of getting office hours on the calendar and resuming all other duties. ## Agenda Items Add agenda items here before the meeting. We may reorganize the agenda so that it fits in the 60 minute meeting slot. * **Name** This is an example of agenda item formatting. * @rowanc1 @agoose77 - `jupyterlab-myst` overview and demo https://github.com/executablebooks/jupyterlab-myst * MyST: Markup language incubated in executable books project, spun out last week * 10% of Python documentation is written MyST and increasing * Moving toward Javascript world => better integration with JupyterLab * See myst-tools.org, new website for the project * MyST: Support for scientific documents and publications, export to various high-quality PDF formats * Also rendered static versions of Jupyter notebooks * What metadata and front-matter needs to be added * How to bring computational thinkin into publishing * JupyterLab MyST extension * Rich metadata as data at the top of document (YAML) * Executing the metadata cells yields a nice top block for a notebook * Nicer than custom HTML, parseable, better to edit and view * Callout blocks: * Bracketed directives like ":::{important}" * Also class information like dropdown * Cross-references * Inline execution in markdown cells * Syntax subject to change * Roles and directives e.g. "{eval}`1+1`" * Embed Jupyter widgets directly in markdown, figures, sparklines * Better weaving of documentation and code * Ongoing nbformat workshop and MyST * Discussing the challenges of developing the extension * In particular, embedding computation in documentation, wasn't originally envisioned * Input types may need to expand * Static publishing, see also https://thebe.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ * Write documents with interactivity * Publishing mechanisms * Help promote interactivity and computation experience to the end sharing of documents * Mixing HTML and MyST and accessibility? * Keeping these issues in mind during development * Gets more difficult with widgets * Efforts to use the same technology pieces as Jupyter * => as Jupyter improves things upstream in widgets space it propagates here * Archivability, semantic HTML, paying attention to accessibility scores * https://myst-tools.org/docs/mystjs/accessibility-and-performance * Ongoing nbformat workshop discussion @isabela-pf * We don't have a type of Markdown we specify in notebooks * This has created some difficulty during user testing * Would be nice to at least know what kind of Markdown specification we're following * There are web accessibility guidelines, not clear always how they correlate * Greater clarity would help because accommodations get hooked in at the HTML level * At the workshop @rowanc1: * Split into 3 groups * Text-based format in addition to standard format (e.g. jupytext) * Cell types workflow * Markdown formats inside cells * The wild west of notebook, cell metadata, how do people use it? * Noteable example * Front-end interfaces that don't go through Jupyter/JupyterLab * Visualization state stored in cell metadata * Namespaced in noteable * Are there changes in terms of cell metadata being considered PR/discourse wise? * Discourse: ??? * Maybe [Jupyter Discourse: Notebook Metadata UX](https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/notebook-metadata-ux/17507_) * Simplest use case (kinda) marking cell metadata for special treatment or processing ## Other Links Shared This is a space to store links shared during community call discussions related to or separate from the agenda items.