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Proto-Danksharding (EIP-4844) Devnet v3 User Guide

Getting Devnet-3 ETH

You can request devnet ETH from the deployed Multifaucet:

Uploading Blobs

Blobs can be uploaded by sending blob transactions to geth. blob-utils is a handy script that makes it easy to send blob transactions:

blob-utils tx\
    -rpc-url <your_geth_rpc_url>\
    -blob-file <blob_file>\
    -to <to_address>\
    -value <value>\
    -chain-id 1331\
    -private-key <account_private_key>

Downloading Blobs

Blobs can be retrieved from the beacon chain network. blob-utils lets you do this easily:

blob-utils download\
    --beacon-p2p-addr <beacon_node_p2p_address>\
    --slot <beacon block slot>

Public Endpoints

Here are a couple endpoints you may use to interact with the devnet.

Execution RPC:

Beacon nodes:

  • /ip4/
  • /ip4/
  • /ip4/


If you're client dev, you'll need the following configs to peer with the devnet.

There isn't a bootnode for the devnet. But you can peer directly with the following nodes to join the network:

Execution bootstrap nodes


Network ID is 1331.

Beacon boostrap nodes




Try not to get your node banned :pray:


If you have issues running the devnet, please reach out in the #4844-testing channel of the Eth R&D discord.**