The Indy DID method specification conforms to the requirements in the DID specification currently published by the W3C Credentials Community Group. For more information about DIDs and DID method specifications, please see the DID Primer and DID Spec.
Indy is a public ledger designed specifically and only for privacy-preserving self-sovereign identity. A Hyperledger Indy ledger is designed specifically to enable the use of verifiable credentials, allowing credential issuers to publish data necessary for issuing verifiable credentials and constructing presentations from those verifiable credentials. This specification covers how DIDs on an Indy ledger are managed and the operations for creating, reading, updating, and deleting DIDs.
Instances of Hyperledger Indy networks persist different kind of (internal) data objects in the ledger. The following section describes those objects.
A NYM (short for "Verinym") is associated with the Legal Identity of an Identity Owner and is a Hyperledger Indy specific term for a data object, which holds DID data of one concrete identity returned during DID resolution. While a NYM can be read from a Hyplerledger Indy Node by any client, a NYM can only be written to a Hyperledger Indy network as long as the writing entity possess the proper permissions.
A NYM object itself does not conform to the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) Core specification scheme but rather includes all DID related data of a single identity and therefore its resolution into a DID document does. Therefore writting a NYM to a Hyperledger Indy instance basically results in writting a DID to the ledger. The author of a NYM write transaction is then the owner of the NYM respectively its embedded DID.
When reading NYM transaction from the ledger, clients transform / extract the NYM data into a DID document. Often the terms "NYM" and "DID" are used synonymously, although a "NYM" is "just" Hyperledger Indy's specific way of storing DIDs into the ledger.
TODO: finalize
A Hyperledger Indy ATTRIB (short for "attribute") object extends a specific DID (respectively the NYM) of its owner with further information (attributes) and can be read from a Hyplerledger Indy Node by any client. An ATTRIB object can only be written to a Hyperledger Indy network by an owner of the DID on that network.
TODO: finalize
A SCHEMA object is a template that defines a set of attribute(names) which are going to be used by issuers for issuance of Verifiable Credentials within a Hyperledger Indy network. SCHEMAs have a name, version and can be written to the ledger by any entity with proper permissions. Schemas can be readfrom a Hyplerledger Indy Node by any client.
SCHEMAs define the list of attribute(names) of issued credentials based on a CLAIM_DEF (see below).
TODO: finalize
A CLAIM_DEF (short for "claim definition") object contains data required for credential issuance as well as credential validation and can be read by any Hyperledger Indy client. A CLAIM_DEF object references a SCHEMA, references a DID of the issuer and can be written by any issuer who intends to issue credentials based on that specific SCHEMA to the ledger and has the proper permissions in doing so. A public key of the issuer is included within the CLAIM_DEF which allows validation of the credentials signed by the issuer's private key. When credentials are issued by using the issuers CLAIM_DEF, the attribute(names) of the SCHEMA have to be used.
Revokable Verifiable Credentials require CLAIM_DEFs which also reference a REV_REG_DEF (see below).
TODO: finalize
A REV_REG_DEF object (short for "revocation registry definition") contains information required for verifiers in order to enable them to verify whether a (revokable) verifiable credential has been revoked by the issuer since issuance.
REV_REG_DEFs are only needed for revokable verifiable credentials and are most commonly written to the ledger by the owner of a CLAIM_DEF immediatly after the CLAIM_DEF has been written. They can be read from a Hyplerledger Indy Node by any client and are updated in case of the revocation of a credential, which is based on the used CLAIM_DEF.
Further details about Hyperledger Indy's revocation process can be found here.
A REV_REG_ENTRY object (short for "revocation registry entry") marks the current status of one or more revokable verifiable credentials ("revoked" or "not revoked") in the ledger in a privacy preserving manner. A REV_REG_ENTRY is written by the owner of a REV_REG_DEF respectively the issuer of the credential(s) based on a CLAIM_DEF and its REV_REG_DEF.
Any REV_REG_ENTRY condensed with further required information can be read by any Hyperledger Indy client.
Further details about Hyperledger Indy's revocation process can be found here.
Early instances of Indy Networks used the did:sov
DID Method. The following summarizes the differences between that did:sov
and did:indy
DID includes a namespace component that enables resolving a DID to a specific instance of an Indy network (e.g. Sovrin, IDUnion, etc.).did:indy
DIDs MUST be self-certifying, and that restriction MUST be enforced by the ledger.The did:indy
DID method applies to all DIDs which are anchored to a Hyperledger Indy Ledger and which comply with these specific conventions.
We are anticipating that there will be at most on the order of "low hundreds" of Indy network instances, with the potential for several (usually 3) subnamespaces per network instance for production, test (staging), and development deployments. This assumption is based on the likelihood of their being some (likely small) number of global Indy instances, and some number of national Indy instances. Assuming at most one per country, we would have around 200-300 total, leading to the anticipated maximum of "low hundreds" of Indy network instances.
Including a network-specific identifier within an Indy DID identifier enables a "network of networks" capability where an Indy DID can be uniquely resolved to a specific DIDDoc stored on a specific Indy network using a common resolver software component. Given a did:indy
DID, the network-specific identifier embedded in the DID can be extracted to determine where to send the request to resolve the DID Doc. This enables several useful properties:
The DID Indy method specification formalizes the transformation of an Indy ledger object (a NYM) into a DIDDoc as defined in the DID Core specification from W3C, ensuring that identifiers written to and read from Indy ledgers are W3C standard DIDs.
Previous approaches to resolving Indy ledger objects into DIDDocs required the client read one or more ledger objects (notably, NYMs and ATTRIBs) before assembly. This is at best "challenging" for the client, and at worst, extremely slow without specialized ledger support, particularly when a non-current version of the DID is being resolved. A preferred approach is to enable the resolution of a DID via a single read transaction that returns a single object off the ledger, including a state proof for that object.
The NYM controller of all objects on an Indy ledger MUST reside on the same Indy ledger as the object. Thus, the DID (e.g. the Indy NYM) of the Issuer of a verifiable credential type must reside on the same ledger as the CLAIM_DEF, REV_REG_DEF and REV_REG_ENTRY objects for that type of verifiable credential.
Note that the constraint above does not apply to a SCHEMA referenced by a CLAIM_DEF, since a CLAIM_DEF may use a SCHEMA written by another NYM. As such, a CLAIM_DEF may reference a SCHEMA on a different Indy ledger.
The did:indy Method DID identifier has four components that are concatonated to make a DID specification conformant identifier. The components are:
to indicate the identifier is a DIDindy:
indicating that the identifier uses this DID Method specification.:
. The namespace string may optionally have a secondary ledger name prefixed by a :
following the primary name. If there is no secondary ledger element, the DID resides on the primary ledger, else it resides on the secondary ledger. By convention, the primary is a production ledger while the secondary ledgers are non-production ledgers (e.g. staging, test, development) associated with the primary ledger. Examples include, sovrin
, sovrin:staging
and idunion
.The components are assembled as follows:
did:indy:<namespace>:<namespace identifier>
Some examples of did:indy
DID Method identifiers are:
Indy ledgers may hold object types other than DIDs, and each of the other object types must also be resolvable to a specific Indy network instance. The identifiers for these objects are used in data structures that are exchanged by Indy clients (e.g. Aries Agents)–verifiable credentials, presentation requests, presentations and so on. Transitioning to the did:indy
DID Method requires transitioning Indy clients/resolvers to use the identifiers defined in this section.
The structure of identifiers for all non-DID Indy ledger objects is the following DID URL structure, based on the DID of the object's DID controller:
The components of the DID URL are:
the did:indy
DID of the object-owning controller<object-type>
one of SCHEMA
an object type unique identifier defined by Indy by object type.The data returned from resolving such DID URLs is the ledger object and relevant state proof; the same data returned from the Indy Node read object transactions, such as the GET_SCHEMA transaction, and dependent on the type of the object.
The following sections cover each ledger object type, providing:
identifier for each object, anddid:indy
identifier.DID URL: did:indy:sovrin:F72i3Y3Q4i466efjYJYCHM/SCHEMA/npdb/4.3.4
Response: Same as the Indy Node GET_SCHEMA Txn
Existing identifier: F72i3Y3Q4i466efjYJYCHM:2:npdb:4.3.4
is the enumerated object typenpdb
is the client-defined schema name4.3.4
is the client-defined tag for the SCHEMADID URL: did:indy:sovrin:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9/CLAIM_DEF/npdb
Response: Same as the Indy Node GET_CLAIM_DEF Txn
Existing identifier: did:indy:sovrin:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9:3:CL:56495:npdb
is the enumerated object typeCL
is the signature type for the claim def, which is CL
for all claim defs on all existing Indy ledgers56495
is the sequence number for the Schema object used by this Claim Defnpdb
is the client-defined claim def nameNote that the DID URL format adds a constraint on the client-defined claim def name from the did:sov
DID Method. Specifically, the same named claim def can no longer be associated with different SCHEMA objects.
DID URL: did:indy:sovrin:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9/REV_REG_DEF/npdb/TAG1
Response: Same as the Indy Node GET_REVOC_REG_DEF Txn
Existing Identifier: 5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9:4:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9:3:CL:56495:npdb:CL_ACCUM:TAG1
is the enumerated object type5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9:3:CL:56495:npdb
is the identifier of the associated Claim DefTAG1
is the client-defined rev reg nameDID URL: did:indy:sovrin:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9/REV_REG_ENTRY/npdb/TAG1
The DID URL resolution response depends on the query parameters used, as follows:
parameter is left off the current time is used for the to
timestamp.Existing Identifier: 5:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9:4:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9:3:CL:56495:npdb:CL_ACCUM:TAG1
is the enumerated object typeDID URL: did:indy:sovrin:5nDyJVP1NrcPAttP3xwMB9/ATTRIB/<raw>
, where <raw>
is the name of the JSON object that is the value of the raw
ATTRIB value. In the example linked at the start of this paragraph, the <raw>
value would be endpoint
Response: Same as the Indy Node GET_ATTRIB Txn. Only the raw
parameter form of the transaction is supported.
Existing Identifier: F72i3Y3Q4i466efjYJYCHM:1:b6bf...d9e
is the enumerated object typeb6bf...d9e
is an identifier for the ATTRIB, likely a hash of the contentTo connect and read or write from a Hyperledger Indy network instance, a client must have the configuration file (in Indy, called the "gensis" file) for the network. Given a did:indy
DID (e.g. did:indy:<namespace>:<namespace identifier>
), the Indy network instance on which the DID resides is known. However, there remains a challenge for the entity interested in resolving the DID—finding the genesis file for that network instance. The following documents two mechanisms resolvers can use to access required genesis files.
A client that will resolve Hyperledger Indy DIDs can be statically configured to "know" about a set of Indy networks by loading the files on startup. The files would be collected from the node operators in some way by those deploying the client software (e.g. an Aries Wallet).
When a static list of Indy networks is used, DIDs from other, organically discovered networks not on the list cannot be resolved by the client.
The Hyperledger Indy GitHub repo indy-did-networks
enables Indy DID network operators to publish their network genesis files in a standard way. Within the repo, the folder "networks" contains a folder per primary network. Within each network folder is the genesis file for the primary network, and folders (containing a corresponding genesis file) for each subspace network. The naming format for the genesis files is:
For example, the Sovrin MainNet, StagingNet and BuilderNet genesis files will be in the repo as:
The committers to the repo for each network SHOULD include in the folder at least a file with information about the network, plus any additional documents about the ledger instance, such as Governance Framework documents.
A client may retrieve selected network genesis files from the repo to use as their set of static files, as described in the previous section. The developers of the clients can monitor the repo for changes to the genesis files that they are using.
If a DID is obtained by the client that is from a network not already known by the client, the client MAY look for the unknown (to the client) network in the GitHub repo and decide to use (or not) the associated genesis file to connect to the network.
The security policy of the client (and perhaps the user of the client) might give options about handling unknown networks, such as:
Each contributing network instance operator maintains copies of their genesis files and supporting documents in the GitHub repo by submitting Pull Requests (PRs) to the repo. The community selected repo maintainers are expected to merge PRs with limited review based on their knowledge of the network operators. Their focus is not to provide editorial oversight but only to:
The maintainers are authorized to submit PRs to remove "bad actor" network folders based on notifications from the community and followup verification.
Any disputes about the handling of PRs submitted to the repo should be escalated through the Indy Community (via the #indy channel on Hyperledger chat and/or at the Indy Contributors call or its successor). If the issue is not resolved at the Indy level, the issue should be escalated to Hyperledger leadership (the Executive Director or the Technical Steering Committee).
Creation of a did:indy
DID is performed by an authorized entity executing a NYM
ledger transaction on a given Indy network. An Indy NYM transaction includes an identifier (dest
), an ED25519 verification key (verkey
) and an optional JSON item (diddocContent
). The NYM is written to a specific Indy network with a given namespace
. The following validation MUST be performed prior to executing the transaction to create the DID:
Based on the configured authorization rules of the specific Indy ledger, the transaction may have to be signed by others, such as a Trustee or Endorser. If transaction is not authorized, the transaction MUST be rejected and an error returned to the client.
A did:indy
DID MUST be self-certifying by having the namespace identifier component of the DID (last element) derived from the initial public key of the DID, as follows:
The Indy ledger MUST verify the relationship between the namespace identifier component of the DID and the initial public key (verkey). If the relationship between the data elements fails verification, the transaction MUST be rejected and an error returned to the client.
The NYM transaction requires that the transaction to be written is signed by the DID controller. The ledger MUST verify the signature using the NYM verkey
. If the signature can not be validated, the transaction MUST be rejected and an error returned to the client.
The Indy ledger MUST check that the data in the NYM produces valid JSON and MUST do a limited DIDDoc validation check prior to writing the NYM object to the ledger. Details of the assembly and verification are below. If the DIDDoc validation fails, the transaction MUST be rejected and an error returned to the client.
Although the DIDDoc is returned from the DIDDoc assembly and verification process, the DIDDoc is not used further by the ledger.
Once the validation checks are completed, the NYM transaction is written to the Indy distributed ledger. If the NYM write operation fails, an error is returned to the client.
On successfully writing the transaction to the Indy distributed ledger a success status is returned to the client.
The DIDDoc returned when a did:indy
DID is resolved is not directly stored in an Indy ledger document. Instead, the DIDDoc must be assembled from data elements in the Indy NYM
object based on a series of steps. When a NYM is created or updated the ledger MUST assemble the DIDDoc (following the steps) and validate the DIDDoc. As well, an Indy DID resolver will receive from the ledger the NYM from the ledger and the non-validation steps must be followed to assemble the DIDDoc for the resolved DID.
Since the assembly validation may change between writing the DID and resolving it (notably, step 3.2), a client resolving a DID need SHOULD NOT perform the validation steps.
The following are the steps for assembling a DIDDoc from its inputs.
is null
the DID has been deactivated, and no DIDDoc is created. Assembly is complete; return a success status.
, the NYMdest
and the NYM verkey
items are merged into a text template to produce a base DIDDoc.
item in the NYM, assembly is complete; return the DIDDoc and a success status.diddocContent
item is included in the NYM is verified and merged into the DIDDoc.
item MUST NOT have an id
item. If found, exit the assembly process, returning an error.diddocContent
item contains a @context
item, the DIDDoc is assumed to be JSON-LD, and the @context
element MUST include the current DID Core JSON-LD context. If it does not, exit the assmebly process and return an error.diddocContent
item contains verificationMethod
and/or authentication
items, process them as follows.
values as those from the NYM-generated DIDDoc. If a matching id
is found, exit and return an error.diddocContent
to the DIDDoc.<to be determined>
validation process. If not a DIDDoc, exit and return an error.The remainder of this section goes through examples of base DIDDoc template (step 2, above) that is created prior to processing the optional diddocContent
item, and an example of processing a diddocContent
The base DIDDoc template is static text that forms a JSON structure. To transform a NYM to its minimal DIDDoc, the Indy network instance's namespace
, and the NYM values dest
and verkey
are inserted into the template as indicated below.
"id": "did:indy:<namespace>:<dest>",
"verificationMethod": [{
"id": "did:indy:<namespace>:<dest>#verkey",
"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
"publicKeyBase58": "<verkey>",
"controller": "did:indy:<namespace>:<dest>"
"authentication": [
Assuming values sovrin
for the namespace
, 123456
for dest
and 789abc
for the verkey
the resulting JSON DIDDoc would be:
"id": "did:indy:sovrin:123456",
"verificationMethod": [{
"id": "did:indy:sovrin:123456#verkey",
"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
"publicKeyBase58": "789abc",
"controller": "did:indy:sovrin:123456"
"authentication": [
An example of a NYM's extended DIDDoc handling is provided below. In the example below, the diddocContent
item adds a DIDcomm Messaging service endpoint to the resolved DIDDoc. Note that in the example, an @context
item is included in the diddocContent
, which causes the result DIDDoc to be a JSON-LD document, rather than plain JSON.
"diddocContent" : {
"@context" : [
"serviceEndpoint": [
"id": "did:indy:sovrin:123456#didcomm",
"type": "didcomm-messaging",
"serviceEndpoint": "",
"recipientKeys": [ "#verkey" ],
"routingKeys": [ ]
Applying the DIDDoc assembly rules to the example above produces the following assembled, valid JSON-LD DIDDoc:
"@context": [
"id": "did:indy:sovrin:123456",
"verificationMethod": [{
"id": "did:indy:sovrin:123456#verkey",
"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
"publicKeyBase58": "789abc",
"controller": "did:indy:sovrin:123456"
"authentication": [
"serviceEndpoint": [
"id": "did:indy:sovrin:123456#didcomm",
"type": "didcomm-messaging",
"serviceEndpoint": "",
"recipientKeys": [ "#verkey" ],
"routingKeys": []
By default there is no key agreement section in an assembled DIDDoc. If the DID Controller wants a key agreement key in the DIDDoc, they must explicitly add it by including it in the diddocContent
. For an ED25519 verification key, an X25519 key agreement key could be derived from the verkey (by the client), or a new key agreement key can be generated and used.
Prior to the definition of this DID Method, a convention on Indy ledgers to associate an endpoint to a NYM involved adding an ATTRIB ledger object with a raw
value of contain the JSON for a name-value pair of endpoint
and a URL endpoint, often an IP address.
We recommend that anyone that is using that format prior to the availability of the did:indy
DID Method update their NYM on the ledger to use the diddocContent
item as soon as possible.
If a client retrieves a NYM that has a diddocContent
data element, the client should assume that the DID Controller has made the ATTRIB (if any) obsolete and the client SHOULD NOT retrieve the ATTRIB associated with the DID.
If clients want to continue to retrieve and use the endpoint
ATTRIB transaction associated with a NYM, we recommend that the endpoint value (along with namespace
and dest
) be used as if the following was the diddocContent
item in the NYM.
"diddocContent" : {
"@context" : [ "" ],
"serviceEndpoint": [
"id": "did:indy:<namespace>:<dest>#didcomm",
"type": "didcomm-messaging",
"serviceEndpoint": "<ENDPOINT>",
"recipientKeys": [ "#verkey" ]
"routingKeys": [ ]
The DIDDoc produced by the NYM and "endpoint" ATTRIB would be created using the DIDDoc Assembly Rules and using the diddocContent
from the ATTRIB instead of the NYM item.
Updating a DID using the Indy DID Method occurs when a NYM
transaction is performed by the NYM's controller (the "owner" of the NYM) using the same identifier (dest
). The Indy ledger MUST validate the NYM transaction prior to writing the NYM to the ledger.
When a NYM is updated, the identifier (dest
) for the NYM does not change, but other values, including the verkey
and diddocContent
, may be changed. This means that (as expected) the DID itself does not change, but the DIDDoc returned by the DID may change.
The following validation steps are performed prior to the update being written to the ledger:
Based on the configured authorization rules of the specific Indy ledger, the transaction may have to be signed by others, such as a Trustee or Endorser. If transaction is not authorized, the transaction MUST be rejected and an error returned to the client.
The NYM transaction requires that the transaction to be written is signed by the DID controller using the existing verkey
and, if a new verkey
is being provided, the new verkey
. The ledger MUST verify the signature(s). If the signature(s) cannot be validated, the transaction MUST be rejected and an error returned to the client.
The Indy ledger MUST check that the data in the NYM produces valid JSON and MUST do a limited DIDDoc validation check prior to writing the NYM object to the ledger. Details of the assembly and verification are below. If the DIDDoc validation fails, the transaction MUST be rejected and an error returned to the client.
Although the DIDDoc is returned from the DIDDoc assembly and verification process, the DIDDoc is not used further by the ledger.
Once the validation checks are completed, the NYM update transaction is written to the Indy distributed ledger. If the NYM write operation fails, an error MUST be returned to the client.
On successfully writing the update transaction to the Indy distributed ledger a success status is returned to the client.
Reading (resolving) a did:indy
DID requires finding and connecting to the Indy ledger instance holding the DID, retrieving the NYM associated with the DID, verifying the state proof for the returned NYM, and then assembling the DIDDoc. A client/resolver must perform the following steps to complete the process.
DID, extract the <namespace>
component of the DID.GET_NYM
Indy request is used, passing in the <namespace identifer>
component, the NYM data items dest
, verkey
, and (optional) diddocContent
to assemble the DIDDoc using the DIDDoc assembly process defined earlier in this document.
is null) return a "Not Found" result, otherwise, return the DIDDoc.In resolving a did:indy
DID, the DID resolution query parameters versionId
and versionTime
may be used. When used, process to retrieve the NYM from the ledger (step 3 above) is different.
If the parameter versionId
is used, the value must be an Indy ledger seqno
for the requested NYM on the queried Indy ledger. Instead of using the GET_NYM
call, the Indy GET_TXN
call is used, passing in the seqno
. The result is checked that it is the NYM matching the DID namespace identifier. If so the call is considered to have failed. Either way, the process continues at Step 4.
If the parameter versionTime
is used, the GET_NYM
transaction is called with the versionTime
timestamp as an additional parameter. The Indy ledger code tries to find the instance of the requested NYM that was active at that time (using ledger transaction timestamps) and returns it (if found) or the call fails. Either way, the process continues at Step 4.
Deactivtion of a did:indy
DID is done by setting the NYM verkey to null. Once done, the DIDDoc is not found (per the DIDDoc Assembly Rules) and the NYM cannot be updated again.
DID Component SyntaxThe following sections provide the syntax and ABNF for the two variable components of a did:indy
DID, the namespace and namespace identifier.
DID Namespace SyntaxThe did:indy
DID Namespace component MUST include a primary, human-friendly name of the Indy network instance, MAY include an optional ":" separator and subspace, human-friendly name, and MUST include a trailing ":" separator. The subspace name is used to identify an Indy instance related to the primary instance, such as the primary network's test or development instance. The ABNF for the namespace component is:
namespace = namestring (":" namestring) ":"
namestring = ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_" / "-")
The namespace is set by the operator of the network. Although that could lead to namespace collisions, our assumption about the expected number of Indy instances (low 100s at the most) eliminates that as a concern.
DID Namespace Identifier SyntaxThe namespace identifer is an identifier within the namespace of a Hyperledger Indy network that is unique for that namespace.
The namespace identifier (NSID) is defined by the following ABNF:
NSIDstring = 21*22(base58char)
base58char = "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9" / "A" / "B" / "C"
/ "D" / "E" / "F" / "G" / "H" / "J" / "K" / "L" / "M" / "N" / "P" / "Q"
/ "R" / "S" / "T" / "U" / "V" / "W" / "X" / "Y" / "Z" / "a" / "b" / "c"
/ "d" / "e" / "f" / "g" / "h" / "i" / "j" / "k" / "m" / "n" / "o" / "p"
/ "q" / "r" / "s" / "t" / "u" / "v" / "w" / "x" / "y" / "z"
The NSIDString
is base58 encoded using the Bitcoin/IPFS alphabets of a 16-byte uuid. The encoding uses most alphas and digits, omitting 0 / O / I / l to avoid readability problems. This gives a NSID length of either 21 or 22 characters, and it means that identifiers are case-sensitive and may not be case-normalized, even though the prefix is always lower-case.
The namespace identifier MUST be derived from the initial verkey
for the DID, as outlined in the Creation section of this document.
The choice of whether a DID resolves to a JSON or JSON-LD document is up to the DID Controller. If the NYM object on the ledger for the DID has a diddocContent
data item, and that data item contains an @context
item, the DIDDoc will be JSON-LD. Otherwise, the resolved DIDDoc will be JSON.
The Indy ledger does not validate the JSON-LD on writing a NYM object to the ledger. It is the responsibility of the DID Controller to ensure that a JSON-LD DIDDoc is valid JSON-LD.
To Do: Add a brief summary of Indy (public permissioned, consensus) and the assumptions on which the security considerations are documented – notably that the DID Controller protect their private key(s).
Secure communication to the Indy Ledger uses CurveZMQ to mitigate attacks like eavesdropping, replay, message insertion, deletion, modification, impersonation, and man-in-the-middle. Any vulnerabilities in that protocol will apply to Indy.
The following sections decribe how the did:indy
DID Method adheres to the security considerations outlined in the DID Core 1.0 specification.
To Do: Review and ensure documentation is written to spec.
To Do: Document each attack mitigations; add others that might be relevant.
To Do: Identify residual attacks and mitigations
To Do: Brief review of the write operations – DID Controller must sign operation, as needed others may need to sign it. Risk of loss of control if private key for the DID Controller is lost.
To Do: Expand
To Do: Expand
To Do: Expand
To Do: Expand
To Do: Expand
To Do: Document the signature scheme used to authorize writes to the ledger.
To Do: Document this for Indy
To Do: Confirm not applicable.
Given that Indy is a publicly readable, immutable ledger, no personally identifiable information, including DIDs where a person is the DID Subject, should be placed on the network.
The requirements for all DID method specifications when authoring the Privacy Considerations section are:
To Do: Need responses to each section
While not part of this version of the Indy DID Method specification, the group defining the specification recommends that the Indy NYM
be extended to support multiple signature scenarios, where the NYM can be updated to include multiple verification keys, and ledger rules defined for authentication of update transactions, such as M signatures of N total signatures are required. Such a change would be reflected in the verificationMethod
and authentication
items in the generated DIDDoc.
While not part of this version of the Indy DID Method specification, the group defining the specification recommends that the Indy NYM
be extended to support a recovery mechanism, such as defined in KERI. To summarize, a recovery mechanism involves the controller creating not only a verification key pair, but also a recovery public/private key pair during create and update operations. The recovery key is added in some form to (in the case of Indy) the NYM. With a recovery mechanism in place, if only the active key becomes compromised, only the controller can rotate to the recovery key. Assuming the recovery private key is maintained in an even more secure location than the active private key, recovery should always be possible. Without a recovery mechanism, a compromised active key can be used to rotate the verification key and take control of the NYM (and DID) from the controller.
Some consideration was given in designing the initial version of the did:indy
DID method to including support for supporting KERI identifiers as part of the DID method. At the time of completing the initial version of the spec there was not a clear definition of what "support" would mean, and the concept was moved to this section of the specification.
Some consideration was given to the idea of allowing network discovery by registering network configuration data (such as Indy genesis files) for a ledger on other ledgers. With such a capability with Indy, connecting to one ledger would allow the discovery of all other Indy ledgers registered on that ledger. The idea was partially explored in this document, but the design was not completed in time for inclusion.
Indy implicitly uses the ED25519 Signature scheme for the verkey
. We recommend that the NYMs be evolved to explcitly state the signature scheme so that other signature key schemes can be used on Indy networks.