New Life for Your Product - Mars === {%hackmd FGRWt1UuTFKk0wSbGgg-SA %} > 請從這裡開始 ## YouTube {%youtube 05ZLyvmFiT8 %} ## Slide {%speakerdeck marslin1220/new-life-for-your-product %} ### Annoying Hybird codebase * becuase powerful swift * Hybird with Objc, there are many feature couldn't use well #### Objc Virus * 寫大一堆 `@objc` 橋接關鍵字 * 會污染到整個 codebase * 用 Adapoter 處理 ![]( ## solution ### the `MVX` family - MVP - MVVM - VIPER - VIP - etc. ### The Clean Architecture * 實作由內而外 -> Core: Pure Swift -> 程式核心 -> Adapter : 橋接inputs , outputs -> MVX: Objc -> 利用架構產生外部接口 可參考PromiseKit的實作方式,他利用_AnyPromise層橋接Pure swift <-> Objc的部分 * 用 Coordinator Pattern 作為 Swift 跟 Obj-C 之間的 Adapter * UI Componet(view) = a MVC Child View Controller * How to handle "Intent" in view NotificationCenter # Summary ### If you want to create a `Swift-ObjC` hybrid project * Create major function in `Pure Swift` at first * Use `@objc Swift Adapter` for interface (reference PromiseKit) * 先實作一個可以給swift B用的pure swift A * 當objc C需要用到swift A時,再實作一個橋接的@objc Swift D * Use `Coordinator` pattern for UI flow ![]( # Reference ## Session * Nelson:漫談 iOS 架構:MVC / MVVM / VIPER 與 Redux * 黃惠勤:從 MVC 到 MVVM,再到 MVVMC 的開發經驗分享 * d_date: Integrate your app to modern world ## Coordinator * [The Coordinator]( * [How to use the coordinator pattern in iOS apps]( * [Advanced coordinators in iOS]( ## UI Component * droidcon NYC 2018 - Netflix's componentization architecture with RxJava + Kotlin * [part I]( * [part II]( * [sample code]( * [John Sundell - Building component driven UIs (Mobile Era 2016)]( * [Child View Controllers]( ## Clean Architecture * [Uncle Bob - The Clean Architecture]( * [Youtube Playlist - Clean iOS Architecture]( * Componentization Architecture ## Sample Code * [MVVMC-SplitViewController]( * [iOS-Clean-Architecture-Example]( ## Statistics * * ###### tags:`iPlayground2019`