<center> # AC-Market API Documentation This document details API routes for AC-Market, how to use them, what they return, etc. All routes on this category will be under `https://anticheat.market/api`. </center> ## Profiles This section will show API routes related to profiles. #### `POST` /profiles/(user_id) This route requires no authentication, and has a ratelimit of 100 requests/min. An example request would be `https://anticheat.market/api/profiles/0`, the (successful) response of that request would be: ```json { "status": "success", "username": "john", "uid": 0, "bio": "I'm an AC-Market user.", // not sanitized, use with caution "seller": true, "rank": "Default", // can be Default, Council, or Admin "created": "2021-02-25T10:51:01.440Z" // JavaScript date as a String } ``` If the request errors, the API will return the following, alongside an appropriate HTTP status code: ```json { "status": "error", "message": "Could not find a user by that UID." } ```` If the user requested is banned, the API will return the following : ```json { "status": "banned", "message": "The user you requested is currently banned.", "reason": "Violation of guidelines", // example "username": "john", "uid": 0, "bio": "I'm an AC-Market user.", // not sanitized, use with caution "seller": true, "rank": "Default", // can be Default, Council, or Admin "created": "2021-02-25T10:51:01.440Z" // JavaScript date as a String } ``` ## Resources This section will show API routes related to resources. #### `POST` /resources/(resource_id) This route requires no authentication, and has a ratelimit of 100 requests/min. An example request would be `https://anticheat.market/api/resources/719c2f5ddaca55228429742f`, the (successful) response of that request would be: ```json= { "status": "success", "name": "Example Anticheat", "customers": 1, "short": "Very powerful cheat detection", // not sanitized "body": "<p><h2>Example Anticheat</h2>World's greatest anticheat...</p>", // not sanitized "created": "2021-02-25T10:51:01.440Z" // JavaScript date as a String } ``` If the request errors, it will return the following, alongside an appropriate HTTP status code: ```json { "status": "error", "message": "Could not find a resource by that ID." } ```` ## Customer Verification